Here’s one for ya.

Might be "real" but I don't think it will be operating for very long in actual snow on a trail. 4 inches in a parking lot ? Maybe.
2 questions: 1- how is it steered? no power to front axle and individual brakes on the rear axle w/o limited slip or locker rear axle?
2- What happens when the drive sprocket(s) gets all packed full of snow with no relief holes on the tracks?
I am suspicious of this picture...Having done some basic photoshop work....I am suspicious.

Look at the ground all around the truck.....the area looks like a gravel or dirt sand and gravel area.

There are zero signs that the rig moved over the area....either by its own power or otherwise.

The shadows under the truck are too perfect....

A concept virtual ride me thinks.

How do you adjust the tracks is another question as well....

I am pretty sure this is a Photoshop creation....


If there were bogie wheels and some indications that the vehicle had indeed moved across that surface it might be a tad more believable.

Cute though......

Here is a decal for the little nut shell crusher we named "Munchy"
This was created out of thin air.

The squirrel was a photo I found that gave me the angle I wanted WITH a nut in the squirrels paws.
The pile of crushed shells were a photo a created by piling up the material and shooting the pic.

The Squirrel in the original photo had his tail all chewed to rat crap....Did a RETAIL JOB....and made his tail much better and more worthy his stature.

The nuts in the foreground were added one nut at a time into the frame.

This is a very basic idea of what can be done.....I am by no means really handy with the PS tools...but it was fun to do.....

This day and age nearly anything is possible in the world of computer wizardry ....and some of it is really hard to discern as to its validity......

The cool little truck likely received its tracks from a piccy of a mini excavator...Tracks were removed from the frame.
The fancy spoke'd wheels were lifted from another frame and added in.

There are many subtle indications of a composite on this pic.

So much fun to be able to create things in the computer.
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