Well,,,, its been a good day in some ways .
Looks like Abilio, my caretakers son will go fill out paperwork on Monday to start a after school work program with the Smithsonian Inst . He is very excited and my wife Karen said the meeting went very well .Because of a really lousy head cold , I stayed home . The director was very excited to see that Abilio wanted to work there . Its now up to him and I told the family that they must encourage him to do his best . "Billy", as I have called him for 10 years has always wanted the work with sea life , animals and plants . I cannot think of a better place to find out if this is to be his chosen profession .
We have lost 5 of our new laying chicks . I rigged up a heat lamp to help them stay warmer . 90 degrees and they need a heat lamp ??? Go figure ... They seem to be happy now . I guess I am now their "Uncle Big Al" .