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Have you ever.....

Ah, taint gunna be war. Just tugging some strings is all. Jan and I are both good cooks, she can sew and knit, carryon an intelligent conversion, etc, etc, etc. She just has trouble backing down a loaded truck. Come to think of it, her brother can't back down his short bed, single cab Dodge, with nothing hooked up! :eek:
And yes WW, sewing does count!!:thumb::tiphat::beer::beer:
Are you nuts or what? I'd have to explain it in every detail so she could understand that. Not to mention that she would still insist that I was telling here to turn the wheel the wrong way.:pat: :pat: :pat:
Out of necessity I got my wife to pull the boat trailer home once we've launched the boat (2 miles).
Our launching procedure goes something like this: I'll back the boat most of the way in the water. Then I get on the boat and she backs the remaining 5 to 10 ft. I have it set so she just backs straight without turning either direction. Then I start the boat, she backs me in a few more feet till I'm floating then off she goes taking the trailer home. She drove our full size van in the early ninties so she is used to large vehicles. Once home she doesn't have to back at all, just pull the trailer into the side yard. Then she hops on the ATV and meets me at the docks. Works for us, and gets us on the water sooner, rather than waiting on help to launch da boat. :D
Hey Doc......... Why are you such a cheap skate. Buy th lady a home on the water so she only has to walk out the back door and down to the dock to get on the boat..... Remember, you can't take it with you, so you might as well spend it now..... ;)
We did just that about 8 years ago. Problem is our dock is 3/4 mile from the house, at the other end of our 50 acres. :pat: This way she gets an ATV ride and a boat ride. What a lucky gal, huh?
Doc said:
Problem is our dock is 3/4 mile from the house, at the other end of our 50 acres.

A minute ago it was 2 miles.

Ahhh, why did you put your dock so far away? Is that where the garage is to park your cars as well?:eek: :yum:
bczoom said:

A minute ago it was 2 miles.

Ahhh, why did you put your dock so far away? Is that where the garage is to park your cars as well?:eek: :yum:

Ahhh, it is still 2 miles for the distance to the launch ramp, I drive to the ramp and we launch the boat, then she has to return to the house and meet me at the dock which is 3/4 miles over our trails and through the woods.

Our property in SE Ohio is much like WV in that it is very hilly. It's a big 50 acre rectangle 1100 feet wide x ???? long; but it is 3/4 of a crooked mile to the dock. We could not even walk from one end to the other when we bought it. The ravines and multiflora had taken over. We had a oil well road and deer trails to work with. Much to our dismay we had to settle and build closer to the road. The dock is 3/4 mile away because that is where the river is. We can look down a ravine and see the river from our back door this time of year. When the greenery comes it blocks that view.
Clear as mud????

edited to correct my misspoken lot size.
Doc said:
It's a big 50 acre rectangle 1100 feet wide x 3/4 mile long. We could not even walk from one end to the other when we bought it.

Clear as mud????
Yep, that's clear as mud.

Plug your dimensions into Excel

That's 100 acres.:o :yum: :yum: :yum:

No wonder you could not walk it... You only went 1/2 way.:pat: :StickOutT
My question would be, why do you take the truck and trailer back home? Cant you leave it at the ramp?:confused:
It's 50 acres and it is 1100 ft wide. The trail does not go as a bird flys, remember the hills / ravines. 3/4 mile is the distance on the odometer.

Not an option to leave the truck at the launch ramp. This is a private campground. We pay an annual fee to use the launch ramp. Besides at the end of the day we want to end up at the dock, and we have the ATV to take us home. I know it sounds confusing but we have it worked out purty slick.
HGM said:
So, what were we talking about,4wheelers??:smileywac
I had to go to the beginning of the thread myself to see what we we're supposed to be discussing.

It's backing up trailers.
humor_me said:
and women can't.:pat:
Careful... I do know some that can. Each of which could whip your butt or mine. Don't mess with the farm girls. :eek:
Some of us much maligned ladies can reverse a trailer quite adequately, some of us have even got HGV class 1's (licence to drive an articulated lorry - probably a 'semi' to some of you!! So stick that in your pipes and smoke it!!
Hey! I've seen men who couldn't figure that one out either. We watched a vintage tractor show on tv t'other day where one of the competitions was to back a trailer down a lane, and half the guys took out more than a few of the cones marking the sides of the track. Heaven help 'em if they'd had to turn the thing! :StickOutT
When we were younger we bought a pop up camper. When we got home from a week-end of camping, I kid you not, it used to take us at lest a half an hour to back the trailor up a 50ft driveway, and then make a 90 degree turn to tuck it in a parking slot.

He would drive, I would direct, then I would drive and he would direct. This only lasted one year. The following year we rented a permenent campsite and then never moved the darn thing. Moved up to a regualr full sized camper and when we changed campgrounds we had the new campground owner go pick up and move our camper. That was 20 years ago and neither one of us has ever pulled a trailor and driven again. If we needed to move something we rented trucks. Hey it is HARD to back up a trailor! :pat: