• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

FREE MANUALS: Tucker, Kristi, Snow Trac, Thiokol, LMC, Bombi, Raidtrac

Does anyone have an LMC 1800 manual? Cannot find them anywhere. I would love to buy one, pay to have one scanned... Anything! Please!


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Does any one have a manual for the B series Spryte yet ? I found the C series on goldcordmine website its close but not.
Does anyone have an LMC 1800 manual? Cannot find them anywhere. I would love to buy one, pay to have one scanned... Anything! Please!

….. good ol silverton….used to go to crested butte a lot... beautiful country...haven't been back since 12/87...heard its blown up..... I ll look in my library and see if I have one....
Does anyone have a wiring diagram for a Hagglunds BV206? V6 Petrol?

Its just the wiring diagram I need as I have the other manuals.

All the wires from the dashboard have been disconnected by the previous owner. I have got the engine running by putting in wires directly but want to put it all back as it should be.
Thanks for any help !
Try asking Snotrac Nome on this site. He used to service those machines.

Hi PJL thanks for answering so quickly. I tried to PM Snotrac Nome but the user name was not recognised.

Do you know if he has left the forum or if the username is spelt wrong?

He is still active.

He posted on my thread recently
The spelling is correct.

Go to the top bar in the forum page...click on community

Click on the S and then page 11
Scroll down to snowtrac Nome
Click on PM
Snowtrac Nome was helpful but unfortunately did not have the wiring diagram for the V6 Petrol version of the Hagglunds BV206.
Can anyone else help me with this ?
Does anyone have any leads on a Thiokol 601 manual? I've been searching the web off and on and have come up empty handed thus far. Would love to have some maintenance specifications for when I start tearing into mine.
I have several different threads posted here that say we give away free manuals for several different brands/models of snowcats. Each thread was dedicated to that specific model, and I would copy the manual requested onto a CD-Rom and mail it.

I am NOT going to do that anymore!!!

I will still give away FREE MANUALS for all the machines. . . All the manuals we have are now available here for free download >>> http://www.goldcordmine.com/manuals/

So for anyone who needs a manual, you can get ALL the manuals.

The manuals are on line and available for free download:

  • 1 manual: KRISTI SNOWCAT KT2/KT3 with member supplied suppliments & drawings
  • Several manuals SNOW TRAC, TRAC MASTER, SNOW MASTER. Included are both PARTS and OPERATORS manuals from 5 or 6 different years.
  • 1 manual: Aktiv Trac (same manufacturer as SNOW TRAC but different machine)
  • 1 manual: TUCKER 222 KITTEN
  • 1 manual: TUCKER 300-900 series pontoon models
  • 1 manual: TUCKER 400 series models
  • 1 manual: TUCKER 1300/1400/1500 series manual (model year 1975)
  • 1 manual: CUSHMAN Trackster
  • 1 manual: Thiokol 1404
Again, these manuals are free to any member who wants one, in exchange for a manual we at the Forums simply ask that you contribute to the Forums by posting your projects, photos, questions or whatever else you have. It should also be noted that we can only supply these manuals because people have shared them with us. If you have a manual (for any old brand) that you can lend us, we will digitize it and return it, or if you can send us a digital copy, then we will gladly add your manual to our list of manuals that we provide. You will notice we do not yet have any manuals for popular machines like the Thiokol IMP, Super IMP or Spryte. Nor we we have manuals for Bombardier Bombi or other models.

If you can help, please send me an email or a Private Message.
I would like to know if you have manuals for VMC RT 01 1999 model and a engine manual?
i dont have this scribd subscription so i can only see some pages none have the injection pump spec that i read i have seen on u tube automotive should be around .080 but like you said not sure if industrial engines are the same if i am wrong about automotive spec let me know thanks
Anyone have the 400 series PDF? The website is no longer active, tried using an archive site to go back but they don't host files.