Hi, I'm a 1st time snow cat rescuer, it was on it's way to the scrap yard and when I finally brought it home and unloaded it off the scrapped trailer just by crancking the hoist up and releasing the hold down on the tilt bed it rolled or tracked down; not ever, an operator, I was a little scard of cranlking it up and driving it for the first time while it was riding up high on the trailer, but after refilling all fluids and new battery, oh ya and hot tanking the fuel cell it did start up strong and perd like a cugar and after sitting for 10 or 12 years. Lots to do to make up for idleness in terms of rust and paint; I'll try to live up to the forum, including learning to navagate around the tools of the site here. My appreciation for all I've seen in my short time on board...
BR200 w/300 Ford I-6 & 4 on the cowling manual, power steering, 328 hrs. scrap happend to be high at the time but eventhough a steel in my mind...