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FREE MANUALS: Tucker, Kristi, Snow Trac, Thiokol, LMC, Bombi, Raidtrac

By the way my brother has the track master that boggie had and he needs a manual for it just like I do for my tucker
Well I don't have a specific manual for a 542, but I have collected a few manuals that will actually apply to your Tucker. At least 3 of the manuals I've got will help you out. I no longer send out disks with the manuals on them, but you can download them free of charge by following this link, and we have to put in a big plug for "teledawg" for providing this service. He asked about posting them on his site, and I was very grateful that he could do that. Follow this link: http://www.goldcordmine.com/manuals/

Select the Tucker manual sub-menu, the pontoon manual, the 1342 and the 400 series manuals will all have some information that will help you.

Tell your brother to join here and I'll send him to the same link :bonk: there are about a dozen Snow Trac/Trac Master/Snow Master manuals at the same link!
Would you happen too have a manual on the Bombi BB Carrier?

Nope, sorry. We only have manuals for fairly common machines as well as Kristi Snowcats. The manuals we have are donated by our members and we publish them for free for anyone to use.
I have a 1983 Tucker 542A and would really be interested in a manual. Are the discs still available? Thank you. P.S. Still looking for some used rollers. Imagine that!
Could I get a copy of the free manuals, I just bought a snow- trac and I want to restore. I will keep my eyes out for other info for other groomers as well. I plan on posting my restoration here. The motor was complete overhauled and it was taken super car of in a heated garage for the past 20 years. It does need a paint job, I payed 5000, I think I did ok. Your thoughts?
What was the best place to get parts that you are aware of. Are there any repros of the SNOTRAC sticker for the side of the groomer?
thanks a ton Randy
Thank you to all involved with the free downloads of the manuals. They are a tremendous help to us all. P.S. The 500 series is the wide track. My 1983 542A has 28in. wide pontoons. If I just had a few used rollers, I could actually drive it! Thank you everyone!
Thanks all, sorry for the snot track spelling, guess you can see I was up way too late.

Just returned from Montreal where I picked up my new/old snow trac. Cool, started right up and it weathered the 3000+ miles with no issue and the driver hit 30 below not including the wind chill.

It does need a paint job though. Any suggestion on the best way to prep the aluminum. Etch, sand ect??? I would love to get it done in the next few weeks as I already have people that want me to give tours with it.

All your input is appreciated.. paint type suggestions???? I noticed that the larger trac wheels look like they were orange at one time??? Hmmmm whats that about???


:biggrin: Hi, I'm a 1st time snow cat rescuer, it was on it's way to the scrap yard and when I finally brought it home and unloaded it off the scrapped trailer just by crancking the hoist up and releasing the hold down on the tilt bed it rolled or tracked down; not ever, an operator, I was a little scard of cranlking it up and driving it for the first time while it was riding up high on the trailer, but after refilling all fluids and new battery, oh ya and hot tanking the fuel cell it did start up strong and perd like a cugar and after sitting for 10 or 12 years. Lots to do to make up for idleness in terms of rust and paint; I'll try to live up to the forum, including learning to navagate around the tools of the site here. My appreciation for all I've seen in my short time on board...
BR200 w/300 Ford I-6 & 4 on the cowling manual, power steering, 328 hrs. scrap happend to be high at the time but eventhough a steel in my mind...:whistling:


  • snow cat 08 037.jpg
    snow cat 08 037.jpg
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:biggrin: Hi, I'm a 1st time snow cat rescuer, it was on it's way to the scrap yard and when I finally brought it home and unloaded it off the scrapped trailer just by crancking the hoist up and releasing the hold down on the tilt bed it rolled or tracked down; not ever, an operator, I was a little scard of cranlking it up and driving it for the first time while it was riding up high on the trailer, but after refilling all fluids and new battery, oh ya and hot tanking the fuel cell it did start up strong and perd like a cugar and after sitting for 10 or 12 years. Lots to do to make up for idleness in terms of rust and paint; I'll try to live up to the forum, including learning to navagate around the tools of the site here. My appreciation for all I've seen in my short time on board...
BR200 w/300 Ford I-6 & 4 on the cowling manual, power steering, 328 hrs. scrap happend to be high at the time but eventhough a steel in my mind...:whistling:

If that is a BR200 it will have a very Unique rear differential. a self contained special rear-end that is hydrostatic. made in Europe only one of a dozen made. parts are not available. but could be switched to a different differential when it goes bad.
thanks for the info on the dif. haven't a clue but it does have a steering wheel which so far works real good; I wondered because the first time I fierd it up it was on the trailer and I had the control arm off the mount which moves the hydrolic acuator on the pump, had to replace the fuel pump, there is a electric pump, works off a toggle switch; anyway as I gave it gas in nutral the cat started moving, had no idea what condition it was in and to be safe rolled it off the trailer first before driving it. She goes...
We have manual's for this cat if it the one from the Nez Perce Res.and picked up under the US. Govt. reutilization surplus program. We serviced these machines years ago. They were built for Bonneville Power Admin. and beat us in our Tucker Bids for new equipment with their steering wheel steering that was mandatory in the bid specs.Very limited production. Boggie is right about very limited parts for the Diff. and steering .Most of them we have had ,had very low hours as they did not work very well but they were " Low Bid equipment" and they had to purchase . We have a comlpete Bombardier 200 for a parts cat for $1000. less tracks and misc. if you want to change over at some time. Located in Weiser Idaho 208-549-2501
Thanks snotrans
I am interestead in the manuals for the B200 and yes mine is the one that the Nez Perce Tribe had, I will call you, just one question, should I call during buisness hours or at home hours after dinner. the parts cat I'd like to take a look at, would sping after the loop road opens do? I could go around through Baker City before spring if your trying to sell it asap. Another question came to mind, has the parts cat been converted with the retro steering assembly from the one you've spotted on mine?


I"m currently restoring a 1963 440 AC and searching for the 400 series manuals. Are you still offering the DVD manuals?

Smithers, BC
Hi: I just bought an Ahtiv st-4b #1975. I would like to buy parts manuals, part prints, service manuals etc. Anything that is availiable for these machines. As I'm sure I will need them. Thank You Deerhunter
Hi: I just bought an Ahtiv st-4b #1975. I would like to buy parts manuals, part prints, service manuals etc. Anything that is availiable for these machines. As I'm sure I will need them. Thank You Deerhunter

I have embroidery of them in my ebay store :biggrin: I know, that doesn't help with the manuals :)

I have already sent you a PM regarding a dvd of free manuals. Thank you Gunny
We no longer send out the DVDs.

The manuals have been placed on line and you can simply download them free. :clap:

There are links in this thread, scroll back up the thread and you'll find the links so you can download what you need.