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For all you Mac heads

DaveNay said:
My problem is that by the time I get a new one, the old one is physically broken. I am not really motivated by the upgrade cycle, and therefore my old laptop is worth $0 and not re-saleable.

I will tell you what.. buy a Mac laptop.. after you consider it "physically broken" and worth $0, I will pay you $50 for a $50 profit since it is worth $0 to you. I garantee you I can turn around and sell the pieces for over $500 when I get done parting it out. People on ebay know this.. That is why they will pay good money for a broken Mac. It is a deal for them.

Not so with broken PC laptops??

Here is a "broken" Powerbook 1.0 Ghz which sold for $550. 8 bids on it.

DaveNay said:
Basically, when I am odne with them they are worthless. If I spend $1200 on a new one, and reduce it to nothing, I have lost $1200. If I spend $2000 on an Apple, then reeduce it to $0, then I have lost $2000..
In that case, get the AppleCare option.. this garantees that the computer will NOT be broken over the course of 3 years. If anything breaks Apple will fix it. This garantees that you won't lose $2000. As year 3 is approaching, sell it on ebay before the AppleCare expires.

Judging from your previous computer experience above I would say 3 years is more then you had with the PC laptops.

What do you say to that one?

ps. even if you don't get the AppleCare option a broken Mac laptop is hardly worth nothing as I have shown. A broken PC laptop.. you probably have a case for the $0 argument.

Delll D600 motherboard. $19.99
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DaveNay said:
I say "Hmmmmmm....."

This is exactly why I am asking for opinions. :thumb:

yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can see the wheels a turning now.
send me pictures when you buy your new Mac laptop! You will LOVE it and soon people will be referring to YOU as a Mac head (see your thread subject line).


just be prepared with people calling you a stuck up freak with more dollars then sense. ha ha ... good one. Not sure who are the ones who have more dollars then cents however. As you can see from above, trying to save a few dollars up front only to lose more dollars later.
why don't you ebay off your broken PC laptop and apply the money towards the more expensive Mac laptop. Just rip out the HDDs if you are worried about people looking at your old data. Between all the broken PC laptops you are bound to make up a good portion of the difference in the cost of entry between a PC laptop and a Mac laptop.
OregonAlex said:
send me pictures when you buy your new Mac laptop!

I have one already!

This is exactly why the logo below is significant and understood by Mac heads. A picture is worth a thousand words. No one who has ever used a Mac for an extended period of time has to ask why Apple picked this logo. Yes.. that is strong statement and I stand behind it.


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