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Foolish or Epic ... the motorcycle trip


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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We are now officially done with our Lake Superior Circle Tour and are in a little hotel in Sault St Marie, Ontario.

My fears of running out of gas along the way were unfounded. In fact I don't think we ever fell below 1/3rd of a tank before we refueled. I never used the extra fuel bladders that I purchased for this trip. They remain new/unused, but strapped to the motorcycle. We always checked at each point where we bought fuel and asked about the next available fuel point; that turned out to be a smart move as some fuel points were OFF the main road. Had we stayed on the main road we might have missed a few fuel points but asking for fueling points worked.

Pretty much missed most of Thunder Bay, but we did get to spend some time at the Terry Fox Memorial. WOW. As an American we know little to nothing of him. It was worth he stop. And it was hard to read all the things and not get a little weepy eyed.

As for lodging we have not slept in a tent since Grand Marias, MINN. It has been cold enough at night that we both appreciate the warmth of a motel. Not sure what the low was in Grand Marias, but I'm sure it was in the 40's and even with a couple shirts on and a mummy bag rated to +20 it was a bit chilly. Didn't help that it also rained during the night and the wind was blowing.

Overall we've had great weather. Daytime temps in the 60-70's every day. Got rained on for less than 5 minutes one day, I think that was actually just outside Chalevoix, Michigan, but I'm not sure if I'm correct on that location. We found an abandoned bank that had a covered drive-thru and parked under that until the rain stopped. Maybe a 30 minute delay and we were back on the road. Every other time it rained it has been during the night. So no rain issues while riding.

The bridge in Duluth, combined with the traffic, just sucked. It was a bit of an unnerving ride over that bridge. Probably shouldn't have been but we had an oversize load with us, a van that didn't see us and wanted our lane, and generally were a bit rattled after that experience.

People all over have been amazing. One motel, about 8 miles east of Terrace Bay, had no food. Some guy offered us his pick up truck to drive back to Terrace Bay if we wanted to go into town for dinner. Other people all over were similarly friendly. Of course we are staying in little places, 8 and 10 room motor court type motels built in the 40's, 50's and 60's and doing our best to interact with locals.

There was a fatal crash on the TransCanadian highway 40 miles east of our hotel and we were getting ready to leave. Hotel owner came out to us and told us to stay for a while because the road was closed. Road was actually closed for about 12 hours from what we could tell. We were among the first half dozen allowed through the accident site and it was horrific. Got to Marathon, which is only 4 or 5 miles east of the accident site and we were the first to get into the town from the west so we got bombarded with questions. Another 100 miles(?) down the road in Wawa we were recognized by other travelers who came through the accident and chatted with them for 30 minutes. They had met one of the victims.

Today we met a couple hikers. The husband was injured with a twisted ankle, both had big backpacks and were hiking the coast south. With our bikes packed we couldn't help but we talked with them for quite a while. They were about 15 miles from their destination at a roadside rest stop that was along the trail. 15 miles later we saw them at their car, one of the others who stopped in the rest stop while we were there drove them down to their car, despite the fact that they were actually going the opposite direction. Again, just friendly people everywhere.

Dozens more stories I could tell but I'll just drop a bunch of photos, not necessarily in chronological sequence.
















Lunch today:

Dinner tonight:

And we had an equipment failure. Kickstand on the lovely Mrs_Bob's bike broke.


Bottoms Up
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Looks like an awesome trip. Thanks for sharing.
Any saddle sores yet?


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Looks like an awesome trip. Thanks for sharing.
Any saddle sores yet?


We take breaks. Ride reasonably short distances per day.

So far so good.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Stopped at a small restaurant about 45 minutes east of Sault Ste Marie, Ontario on the TransCanadian Hwy. We needed to get some coffee and breakfast.

Someone drove their lawn tractor to the restaurant and parked between to pick-up trucks.



legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
I'd say so far it's been epic!
Thanks for sharing all the wonderful pictures and stories along the way.


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Awesome pics. My first time in days having wifi so just updating myself.

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Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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We did the short trip of Lake Huron. Not going around it. We decided to go through it. Day 1 was along the northern shoreline then south, over a historic swing bridge, to Little Current, a town on the north end of Manitoulin Island. Day 2 we rode an hour to the south end of the island, loaded onto a ferry and a couple hours later we were unloading on a peninsula and riding to the southeastern end of Lake Huron. We are now in a tiny B&B.
Tomorrow we will get to Lake Ontario.




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Hey Bob. I figured you'd like to remember that trip across the bridge in Duluth. Duluth can be quite confusing with their roads and maze of off ramps etc. But I figured out why there was so much traffic heading to grand marrais. We encountered the same thing today. Bumper to bumper all the way. This weekend is a 3 day long street festival in grand marrais. They have all the side streets blocked for it. And not to mention that half of Duluth heads up to grand marrais area for the weekend in the summer.

The second picture is the concert you guys missed. That's skilet playing. They were awesome.

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Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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:laugh3: I hate that photo, it's going to trigger nightmares :laugh3:

BTW, we got on "Scenic 61" at the end of that damn bridge in Duluth and it was an awesome ride that (almost) made the bridge crossing worth the grief. One of the locals in Superior told us about it when we stopped and gave us the heads up that everyone misses Scenic 61. It's worth the slower speed limits to drive that way.

Last night's stay was a B&B on the south end of Lake Huron. We gave up on tent camping because some of the nights were so cold. I am now coughing and living on Vicks DayQuil tablets to quell my constant nasal drip and coughing.

Oh, and I'm supporting the local economy by buying Canadian Whisky too. Got a bottle of Wayne Gretzky's #99 Red Cask Whisky. Honestly not as much flavor as a good bourbon, but its pretty good. He finish ages it in red wine casks from his winery.


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Did you guys stop at split rock lighthouse? It's a worthwhile stop north of two harbors where the highway meets up again. We did it a few years ago.

Meanwhile, I seem to be following in your footsteps this week. I'm meeting up with a scout group that's over here for 10 days from the UK. It's a rainy day so I couldn't get a good shot of the giant. But here's Terry fox.
For those who aren't aware, he had cancer and lost his leg. He began a marathon to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research but had to stop a few miles from here as the cancer spread to his lungs. He ran 26 kms a day for over 140 days straight before stopping. He passed away the following year. To date his marathon has raised millions for cancer research around the world. He's a Canadian national hero.

The second picture is the sleeping giant. A landmark famous to thunder bay.

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Edit for the last post.

He ran for 143 days straight. Since he ran, people around the world have raised over 700 million in his name to go towards cancer research. His goal was to raise one dollar for every Canadian. He didn't realize how much of an impact he would have.

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Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Back on American soil.

Finished Lake Huron with a night at a rural B&B, then headed south toward (but avoided the city) Toronto & Lake Ontario. Followed the coast of Ontario eastward through several beautiful resort/harbor towns, keeping on roads as close to the water as possible and totally avoiding the highway system. This made travel slow, often 35-45mph. Ended up in Brighton, ON for the night at another B&B. Brighton is about the center point along the north coast line of the lake.

Next day was a fun day. East out of Brighton and onto an island where the only way off was a ferry ride. Then east again, all along the coastal roads to the start of the St Lawrence Seaway. Weather forecast is looking ugly with thunderstorms moving into the area Tuesday/Wed/Thurs so we altered our plans a bit and did not continue northeast up the Seaway. Instead we landed onto another ferry and crossed the seaway to an island. Rode across that island to another ferry point, again loaded up onto a 3rd ferry and crossed into US waters. Landed at Cape Vincent, NY which is very near the start of the St Lawrence Seaway on the northwestern tip of Lake Ontario. Lovely late-lunch at a brew-pub after chatting with the border agents about the rowdy Canadian couple behind us on their HD :rolleyes: Actually they were very nice, he's actually a Honda guy who just got a HD for a trip. They just started their trip into the US the same day and we were on 2 of the 3 ferry crossings with them.

From Cape Vincent we did our best to follow the southern shore of Lake Ontario through the small towns. Turned south and pulled into the Del Lago Indian Casino/Resort for the night. We plan to stay for 2 nights. I thought my lovely wife was going weep when they handed her a glass of champaign upon checking into a king room. It has REAL American style A/C that actually is quiet AND gets the room cold. It was like heaven. This is where we will recharge our bodies a bit and, hopefully watch the storm pass? A luxury resort is a huge change over from tiny motorcourts, B&Bs and campsites. I think its a good change too!

We may try to make it to Niagara Falls tomorrow, but that is storm dependent. Not going to take the lovely Mrs_Bob on the roadways during heavy thunderstorms. These bikes are capable but that is just no fun for anyone. Best to sit it out and ride when there are breaks in the weather. We have had nearly perfect weather on this entire trip, no need to push ourselves during the last week when we are already road weary.

Foxmoore Farm B&B a bit south of Lake Huron

Brighton Inn B&B on the north central shore of Lake Ontario

And the many ferry crossings . . .




Del Lago


Super Moderator
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I just missed you Bob. :( I was in Western NY last weekend but returned yesterday.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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I just missed you Bob. :( I was in Western NY last weekend but returned yesterday.

Well we are still here. Went out for breakfast and to pick up some cough drops... I have been coughing since camping out in Grand Marias, MINN when we had a really cold night. Beautiful weather when we left the resort. Hit a RiteAid for supplies. Went to a local eatery. Walked outside right when the sky opened up and rode back in a downpour. Just as we were turning back into the resort the rain stopped.

Figures :smileywac

We have this room for tonight and we are only about 2+ hours from Niagara Falls. If the weather forecast cooperates we will leave here tomorrow and scoot into a little hotel that we have booked that overlooks the falls. If the weather does not cooperate we will stay here 1 more night and let the storm pass, then head along the coast roughly toward Erie, PA, more or less. Just depends upon the weather.


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When you hit Derby NY, consider taking Lake Shore Shore Rd from Delamater Rd to at least Sturgeon Point Rd. Nice old mansions, view of lake... I used to live in that area.

If you go past Sturgeon Point road, there's Wendt Beach park which might be a nice place to park and stretch (and it's free). If you go to the park, get back on Lake Shore heading south then take Dennis and Bennett roads to get you back to Rt 5.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Raining agin today. Rain is predicted on and off for the better part of the morning and into early afternoon. It should clear up for the later part of the day.

Hail and thunderstorms predicted for tomorrow. Then its all supposed to be over.

We are both sick with head colds.

We've decided to extend our stay at the del Lago Casino & Resort in NY for at least 1 more night. We are watching the weather closely. If the hail is predicted for late tomorrow then we will probably leave early Thursday and try to make at least one more leg of the trip. If the hail is predicted for mid-day then we will very likely just stay here until Friday when all the weather forecasts are clear all the way back home for the next week.

If we were real bikers we'd ride between the drops. Or wait for a window between the storm fronts and move to the next hotel. But we are pampered old people and sort of wimpy too.

The lovely Mrs_Bob is upstairs in bed. I'm sitting in the coffee bar enjoying some Lavazza coffee. Hard to find this brand but it is what I use at home so I'm feeling pretty good about this cup of coffee.

Odd thing is we are in a huge casino and neither of us gamble. So how do I join the high rollers club? Heck I don't even know how to play a slot machine, these machine don't have a coin slot. I think they take debit/credit cards???


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Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Back on the backroads again :clap:

We left the casino, having only lost $0.95 in the slot machines. Played a buck. Could have left with $0.05 but donated that to the NY Humane Society. Odd that the slot machines don't accept coins anymore. Credit, Debit or bills but no coins. Clearly I am not a gambler. Nor is the lovely Mrs_Bob.

Currently on the shore of Lake Erie just outside of Dunkirk, NY.

Tomorrow we should be outside of Cleveland, OH.

Lovely hills and roads in western NY for riding. All 2 lanes through small towns. Stopped in a little cafe for a late breakfast. Got off the bikes a few times to walk around in some of the towns. Nothing much to really see, most are cute towns but clearly decaying and losing population. A few are bucking that trend.


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Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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We are now in Defiance, Ohio. Almost exactly 200 miles from home. We are south and west of the western edge of Lake Erie. Checked ourselves into a Hampton Inn and are enjoying the A/C after a hot ride today.

We rode the Eastern coast of Lake Michigan, the full circle around Lake Superior, the Northern coast of Lake Huron, 80% of the northern coast of Lake Ontario, crossed the St Lawrence Seaway, then rode 80% of the southern coast of Lake Ontario. Today we finished riding the southern coast of Lake Erie.

We are now on the inland trip home. 200 miles of rural roads to go. We will pass through Ft Wayne, but other than that city, everything else we will see will be a small town.

Of course the last 200 miles is not predicted to go smoothly. Thunderstorms, hail, tornadoes and strong winds are all predicted for Monday afternoon. Almost our entire route is 2 lane roads, likely a 5+ hour ride. We plan to leave early and hope to beat the rain & wind. If not, we will find some hotel somewhere along the way and hunker down for another night.


legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
Defiance??? Lol
Get out and look around.
The bridge is still out on Clinton, but it would be nice if you could get down to the fort on the library grounds and Pontiac Park.
Lots of history.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Defiance??? Lol
Get out and look around.
The bridge is still out on Clinton, but it would be nice if you could get down to the fort on the library grounds and Pontiac Park.
Lots of history.

Yup, we had to detour around that. Honestly I'm so damn tired I'm not even going to go out to eat dinner. Snacking on crackers, Clif Bars and other stuff we carry. I just want to go home.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Today's photos ... but for some reason I can't get some of yesterday's photos to show up!


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legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
You're right next to BWW and Jersey's is just down the road.
For eats.
You'd have loved Kissner's pub downtown.

It's been a long journey for you two.
Have a safe trip back home.
If I'd have known you were going to hit Defi, I would have said meet me outside for a selfie with Mrs. B.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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You're right next to BWW and Jersey's is just down the road.
For eats.
You'd have loved Kissner's pub downtown.

It's been a long journey for you two.
Have a safe trip back home.
If I'd have known you were going to hit Defi, I would have said meet me outside for a selfie with Mrs. B.

We didn’t even know we were coming this way until we mapped it out last night!


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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By the way, my butt is sore.


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legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
I don't know which way you're going to use or have used to leave Defiance.
Too bad you can't get on 424 and take the scenic route, then stop off at Independence Dam state park and see the eagles nest.

Avoid Domersville Road - heavy traffic because of the bridge construction.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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We left town on 18 heading westward.

We are home!

Wet and tired but we made it home early this afternoon.

Rain, hail and tornado force winds were predicted for home starting at 3pm. We are still waiting for those to start! But we caught some rain about 35 miles from home and hid out under a bank drive through canopy until it let up. Then it started again, hid in a car wash. Then rode the final way home in the drizzle.


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Glad you made it home. I've had to take cover like that. Not fun but beats getting nailed by rain and hail. Fighting a side wind is no fun on a bike. Especially when it gusts.

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Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Glad you made it home. I've had to take cover like that. Not fun but beats getting nailed by rain and hail. Fighting a side wind is no fun on a bike. Especially when it gusts.

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Refuge in a car wash, visit from a butterfly that rested on my license plate during a break.
Figured we did just over 4000 miles.
Slept in my own bed!


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Well-known member
Glad to see you had a safe trip!

There's something ironic about hiding in a car wash to get out of the rain.