Wait for it.
Good deal glad to here at least one trip went decent for Ya Al , I,ll cross my fingers the next ones even better . Be safe drivingOH Man ????? Where the Hell am I >.????? I picked my brother up at 5AM and was sitting in Elk City 12 1/2 hours later with 750 miles recorded . Planned on staying a full day unloading and turning back this morning . As we are unloading 4 neighbors showed up and we emptyed the truck and trailer in about 30 minutes . My CRAZY BROTHER says to me " Lets save a day and head back for another load today, right now!" . 20 minutes later we are on the return trip . Thats the fastest I ever made that trip . Roads were perfect !!! I swear I saw myself going in the other dirrection somewhere out in the Nevada desert .
I'll probably load today and head out in a day or two again .