Finally a decent rain!

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Patron

Maybe things will grow here after all. 4 mornings of below freezing temps, and conditions were desert like at below 20% humidity. Burn bans here as well. But rain this AM with more predicted through the weekend. Best news this week!

May have to sneak out into the timber now and look for mushrooms....It has been too dry for them before now. My wild patch of asparagus hasn't peeked it's head out yet, hopefully this rain will do the trick.

Regards, Kirk
Hope it continues this way. We got a little bit mixed with the snow showers but the wind dried things right out again. Saturday and Sunday we should get some rain and hopefully end the fire danger. Pa. trout season starts tomorrow I believe and that is when we always had brush fires from campfire etc. Would be nice if we got an inch or so to help things sprout.