Raid 5 is your friend Spiffy.
Oh I forgot mention the ugly irony here

Actually, dumb move on top of dumb move on top of dumb move

I bought 4 drives intending to run a Raid 10, but decided it might be nice to have an OS drive and a data drive [I don't recall if the Adaptec I had on hand ran 10 anyway], so Raid 1 became the plan.
Well, the FIL had a bunch of video editing, so I thought short term, I'd go with Raid 0: size and speed: oh yeah......but for those who don't use Raid: NO REDUNDANCY [the "R" in RAID]. But I never got around to reconfiguring.
I did make a back up file of all important data to the opposing drives, so it's OK just will be more annoying than a simple swap. Oh, I also bought a 160G SATA [now a small Raptor for my OS drive in the first place would have been smart, and RAID 10 for everything else]and copied both drive arrays to that ocassionally, but [now we're talking really stupid], I partitioned that one so I had an indivual drive for backing up "C" and "D", not a bad thing, but "C" is the array with a bad drive.....OH boy I hate to even admit this, so when I was using that to try to fix my arrays, I did a freshi install of Windows on it.......and chewed up my entire back-up!!! [except what's copied onto D] and whatever I can pull from C when it's in a good enough mood to work in a slave mode [it's well beyond working as a boot, I replace the files, and they're chewed up before I even see the desktop].
Oh well if someone can at least

about my errors, so can I