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Exclusive: New U.S. Commando Team Operating Near Iran


Active member
with a teleprompter.

:yum: Got to love that comment really. Since they where invented they have been used by every president except Bush. Reagan even used them along with his ad lib cards. :yum:

Do youn think it makes any difference if Newt uses a teleprompter...nah. Open marriage, yea that was it.

Why are you dragging other Presidents in here. You were the one degrading Bush and bragging about Obama. You typically do that you know. Since you were talking down about Bush not being able to speak I just wanted to remind you that Obama uses a teleprompter which makes it easy for any one to read. Hope that makes it more simple, Obama can't speak on his own as far as we know because he had never spoke without help. Sorry you thought it was funny but I really think I am the one laughing. But I see you do know that Bush was the only one to not use the teleprompter and yet you still bash his speaking abilities. :yum::yum::yum::yum::yum:

..and remembere GWB can speak spanish

Maybe you should explain this better as I don't understand what you are saying. If you are talking about me complaining about a teleprompter I don't talk about it much. You are painting again with a wide brush. Read the post, Joec bragged about Obama's speaking and Bush's lack of it. I was only assuring Joec it probably had a lot to do with the teleprompter. I don't understand why you would have a problem understanding that. If want to talk about consistency you have no idea on how predictable you are around here.:ermm::ermm: You really have a problem when people don't agree with you

Does this help you understand yet? I did not bring up teleprompter use but I did contrast it to ethics. Ouch.


Gone But Not Forgotten
There was more than one post above about the teleprompter thing. After your post I responded to the teleprompter meme mentioned above. I did not change the subject and it did not bother you someone else had, AEB you jumping on the band wagon. When I said something about family values and ethics being a bit more important for me in a president than teleprompter utilization during speechs you suddenly realize the thread is off topic and I did it. Funny, but...

First of all I think it was Joec that started the bullshit on who can speak and who can't. I questioned that. Shep responded. You tried changing it even more with the family values stuff.


Active member
:yum:Damn unpure thoughts.
First of all I think it was Joec that started the bullshit on who can speak and who can't. I questioned that. Shep responded. You tried changing it even more with the family values stuff.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
First of all I think it was Joec that started the bullshit on who can speak and who can't. I questioned that. Shep responded. You tried changing it even more with the family values stuff.

Actually you started it yourself thcri with the following:

Patriot Act? Didn't Obama Extend it? I think he did??? He is just as much of an idiot as Bush is then right?

Obama Extends Patriot Act

Followed by my response:

Well there is a bit of difference in that Bush got the Patriot Act on its own merit as a stand alone bill with nothing attached. Obama extended it as it was a McCain, Lieberman and Graham attachment to the military spending bill. So in essence he either signed it other wise funding cut off to the military. He did put out a signing statement that said he won't enforce it by using the provision it gave him the power to do. So perhaps he is an idiot like Bush at least he can read and speak unlike Bush the great decider.

Which you responded to with the brillent come back:

with a teleprompter.

Now I will share some of the blame partner however I won't take it all.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Probably right Joec but I think if we go back you did bash Bush about the Patriot Act. I just was clarifying that Obama had the right to stop it but he didn't. So I was just placing the two in the same category. I will take the blame right along with you. Which half do you want, the front or the back or would you like to take a third in the middle. I will take the two other thirds.:neutral:


Active member
The point is Joe, the thread can go off topic as far as they want, but if someone brings up something "they" dont approve of, it is suddenly important what the OP was. That way they dont have to think about those nasty thoughts that dont agree with the party line. Just means at least they realize the ethics thing is more important the the teleprompter meme, but it makes them too uncomfortable to think about. I guess that is a start.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
The point is Joe, the thread can go off topic as far as they want, but if someone brings up something "they" dont approve of, it is suddenly important what the OP was. That way they dont have to think about those nasty thoughts that dont agree with the party line. Just means at least they realize the ethics thing is more important the the teleprompter meme, but it makes them too uncomfortable to think about. I guess that is a start.

Oh I understand the point and agree with you on the attitude show here to opposing views.


New member
oh for fucks sakes.......

you know, there were quite a few disagreements and debates here while you were gone mak, and none contained the name calling or the typical "snarkiness" you post.
We agreed to disagree and moved on.

it's pretty fucking old and tired.


Like a bad penny...
GOLD Site Supporter
Nah that is Bush's tactics. You know like raising the treat level before winning his second term. :whistling:

I think you're confused. It was Clinton who sent cruise missiles into, and obliterated, an aspirin factory!


Active member
Bullshit. I dont take this personal, you (the collective) have ran every single person out of here that has any unpure thoughts. It is really not an arguable point. THEY AINT HERE. I find it pretty amusing around here and I think joe is a saint. other than that no one else bothers to deal with the steel trap (closed) minds. This is only a discussion forum as long as you say the right thing. This thread is a perfect example in black and white why there are no dissenting thought around here. FFS, it isnt the superior intellect. :smile:

oh for fucks sakes.......

you know, there were quite a few disagreements and debates here while you were gone mak, and none contained the name calling or the typical "snarkiness" you post.
We agreed to disagree and moved on.

it's pretty fucking old and tired.


New member
"you (the collective) have ran every single person out of here that has any unpure thoughts"
if you don't like it, hit the fucking road- if not, debate like an adult. Most were banned because they couldn't debate like an adult and they resulted to insults and rude behavior. Nice try at some spin.

I for one didn't miss you're bullshit one bit. And btw, get over yourself and you're self imposed martyrdom." This thread is a perfect example in black and white why there are no dissenting thought around here"
There were many different point of views expressed, and many disagreements when you were not here- yet none degraded to the childish crap you like to pull.
Grow up.


Active member

oh for fucks sakes.......

you know, there were quite a few disagreements and debates here while you were gone mak, and none contained the name calling or the typical "snarkiness" you post.
We agreed to disagree and moved on.

it's pretty fucking old and tired.

if you don't like it, hit the fucking road- if not, debate like an adult.

I for one didn't miss you're bullshit one bit. And btw, get over yourself and you're self imposed martyrdom. There were many different point of views expressed, and many disagreements when you were not here- yet none degraded to the childish crap you like to pull.
Grow up.


New member
Jack Ryan and John Clark wasn't involved on getting that info. (now we'll see if you read some of the same books I read)
lol..jack ryan

hey, maybe they got they're intel from Jack Bauer

better yet, maybe it was Sean Penn- he likes to pop up in odd places ( like in a boat after katrina)


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
Bullshit. I dont take this personal, you (the collective) have ran every single person out of here that has any unpure thoughts. It is really not an arguable point. THEY AINT HERE. I find it pretty amusing around here and I think joe is a saint. other than that no one else bothers to deal with the steel trap (closed) minds. This is only a discussion forum as long as you say the right thing. This thread is a perfect example in black and white why there are no dissenting thought around here. FFS, it isnt the superior intellect. :smile:

One more thought. I know you are a charter member here which I guess gives you a level of importance. I don't know. It was mentioned on another thread but I do not recall in what context.

At any rate, to the point, if you do not like it here there is always the option of leaving. I mean, I'm not saying you should, just saying if you don't like it, why.........?


Active member
As far as I know I have in no way said anything bad about you, if anything I think I recently metioned you seem more level headed then about any of them, but if you want to pile on too, :finger3 f
One more thought. I know you are a charter member here which I guess gives you a level of importance. I don't know. It was mentioned on another thread but I do not recall in what context.

At any rate, to the point, if you do not like it here there is always the option of leaving. I mean, I'm not saying you should, just saying if you don't like it, why.........?


Supported Ben Carson
GOLD Site Supporter
Hey, I like Joe.We can agree to disagree like adults- no insults, we debate the subject.

Yeah, joe's got a lot of heart. Like most liberals he's all f'd up but he holds his ground well and tries to defend his useless, baseless, and misinformed positions as best he can... But I say this with love in my heart... :flowers:


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
As far as I know I have in no way said anything bad about you, if anything I think I recently metioned you seem more level headed then about any of them, but if you want to pile on too, :finger3 f

Nah not even thinking about piling on you. You're not my type. Now as for giving me two two social fingers in your cute little icon, well all I can say is get in line young padawan. :biggrin:

Oh, me level headed? Thanx!! That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me today. :biggrin: I gotta go now before I start getting all goose bumpy.


Like a bad penny...
GOLD Site Supporter
better yet, maybe it was Sean Penn- he likes to pop up in odd places ( like in a boat after katrina)

As far as I'm concerned, Penn should be stripped of his citizenship and pop up at shooting ranges! He hates this country with a passion yet he finds liberal idiots still willing to pay this traitor millions. I'm waiting for someone with a camera who gets slapped by him to beat him into oblivion. Danny Bonaduci (sp?) got tired of SP disrespecting our country and challenged him to a "semi-celebrity" boxing match. Of course the traitor said that boxing isn't his thing. Typical, he's fine with throwing sucker punches at people, but he fears getting punched back!


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
As far as I'm concerned, Penn should be stripped of his citizenship and pop up at shooting ranges! He hates this country with a passion yet he finds liberal idiots still willing to pay this traitor millions. I'm waiting for someone with a camera who gets slapped by him to beat him into oblivion. Danny Bonaduci (sp?) got tired of SP disrespecting our country and challenged him to a "semi-celebrity" boxing match. Of course the traitor said that boxing isn't his thing. Typical, he's fine with throwing sucker punches at people, but he fears getting punched back!

Both sides of the aisle have their people that we all wished would simply just go away. Penn is just one of many on the extreme left but there are a number on the extreme right also.


Like a bad penny...
GOLD Site Supporter
As far as I know I have in no way said anything bad about you, if anything I think I recently metioned you seem more level headed then about any of them, but if you want to pile on too, :finger3 f

Cute response. People generally respond in kind to how they were treated. If that's your attitude towards people here, you demonstrate poor judgement by acting even remotely surprised if you receive posts lacking any respect towards you.


Like a bad penny...
GOLD Site Supporter
Both sides of the aisle have their people that we all wished would simply just go away. Penn is just one of many on the extreme left but there are a number on the extreme right also.

I'd say there are probably just as many on the far extreme right. I'm more than willing to have our tax dollars spent on one way boat rides for them to some lovely resort areas such as Somalia as well.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
I'd say there are probably just as many on the far extreme right. I'm more than willing to have our tax dollars spent on one way boat rides for them to some lovely resort areas such as Somalia as well.

I would have no problem with that at all. :wink: I find those on my side of the aisle and imbarrassment.


New member
I guess I didn't look at him as a lib (even though he is), just a self important hollywood type who thinks he has the answers.