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Exclusive: New U.S. Commando Team Operating Near Iran


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
I have seen several articles the last few days about Irans threats and we are moving ships in closer to the area. Thats all fine and well other then IMO we should just blow the hell out of them from a safe distance, not saying its smart I'm just sick of their empty threats.

What I dont understand is WTF is this kind of information being reported, leaked or whatever, what ever happened to the eliment of surprise. :unsure:


Communication Specialist 2nd Class Ashley Myers
Tensions between the U.S. and Iran are at a high point, as the Islamic Republic threatens to close off a vital waterway and two U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups sit in the seas off the Iranian coast. But across the Persian Gulf, the U.S. has a previously unacknowledged weapon in reserve: a new special operations team.
Danger Room has confirmed with the U.S. Special Operations Command that a new elite commando team is operating in the region. The primary, day-to-day mission of the team, known as Joint Special Operations Task Force-Gulf Cooperation Council, is to mentor military units belonging to the U.S.’ oil-rich Arab allies, who collectively are known as the Gulf Cooperation Council. Those Arab states consider Iran to be their primary foreign threat.
The task force provides “highly trained personnel that excel in uncertain environments,” Maj. Rob Bockholt, a spokesman for special-operations forces in the Mideast, tells Danger Room, and “seeks to confront irregular threats.” The U.S. military has not previously acknowledged the existence of the team, known as JSOTF-GCC for short.
The unit began its existence in mid-2009 — around the time that the Iranian leadership rejected President Obama’s offer of a new diplomatic dialogue and underwent a serious internal challenge to its legitimacy from Green Movement protesters. But whatever the task force does about Iran — or might do in the future — is a sensitive subject with the military.
“It would be inappropriate to discuss operational plans regarding any particular nation,” Bockholt says about Iran.

There is no direct evidence that JSOTF-GCC has been involved in offensive action against Iran. It is unlikely, for instance, that JSOTF-GCC killed Iranian nuclear scientist Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan last week, an assassination the U.S. has firmly denied any role in and for which the Israelis, reports Eli Lake of Newsweek, are all but openly taking credit.
Some special-operations veterans — who did not wish to be identified or quoted — downplayed the significance of the new task force, expecting it to primarily advise Gulf nations on how to train their own forces, and speculated that its actual role against Iran was indirect at most. Col. Tim Nye, the chief spokesman for the U.S. Special Operations Command, says the task force is responsible “for coordinating all SOF [Special Operations Forces] engagements and training with Gulf Cooperation Council nations.”
The special operations forces of those nations have shown a notable improvement over the past year. Qatari commandos quietly traveled to Libya ahead of Moammar Gadhafi’s downfall to prepare Libyan rebels for the successful capture of Tripoli. The United Arab Emirates, another close U.S. ally, has also made its elite forces a priority, even hiring Blackwater’s founder to bolster their training.
Not many details are available about the task force. It’s built around Naval Special Warfare Unit Three, one of the elite Navy SEAL teams. But the “Joint” in the task force’s name signals that it draws from the special-operations forces in the Army, Air Force and Marines as well. Its commander is a Navy captain or equivalent in a different service.
Officials would not identify missions of the task force, its leadership or its headquarters, citing the safety of the personnel involved and the success of those missions.
Even if JSOTF-GCC is primarily a training team, it represents another military option for the U.S. in the region during at a time of escalating rhetoric with Iran. The Iranians are threatening to close off the Strait of Hormuz, the sea lane through which a fifth of the world’s oil travels, as two U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups float nearby. And when the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says the U.S. could reopen the waterway by force, there might be an elite commando team nearby to help do it.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Who knows cowboy, but perhaps it is like one of the Union general said about the press during the Civil War. So to paraphrase it, I would like to take them all out and shoot them tonight, problem is they would be back reporting from hell before breakfast.


Bronze Member
SUPER Site Supporter
I have seen several articles the last few days about Irans threats and we are moving ships in closer to the area. Thats all fine and well other then IMO we should just blow the hell out of them from a safe distance, not saying its smart I'm just sick of their empty threats.

What I dont understand is WTF is this kind of information being reported, leaked or whatever, what ever happened to the eliment of surprise. :unsure:
I doubt Barry has the balls to force an issue with IRAN, in fact i could easily see him backing down from any conflict especially just before an election,but who knows what is actually happening on the ground over there.i just hope the troops stay safe and accomplish what ever mission they are on.


Bottoms Up
Staff member
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Or .... (playing devils advocate) he could see a successful conflict with Iran as a way to win back some popularity and remain in office.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Or .... (playing devils advocate) he could see a successful conflict with Iran as a way to win back some popularity and remain in office.

Nah that is Bush's tactics. You know like raising the treat level before winning his second term. :whistling:


Gone But Not Forgotten
question is will he do anything with Iran like he did with Libya with out approval?


Mr. Congeniality
GOLD Site Supporter
Nah that is Bush's tactics. You know like raising the treat level before winning his second term. :whistling:
God knows Barry would never do anything like that. It's not "in his pay grade" and we all know he's too honest ans upright as well. That fucking Bush would do anything to win re-election, we all know that, even to the point of ignoring the constitution... the scumbag.:whistling:


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
God knows Barry would never do anything like that. It's not "in his pay grade" and we all know he's too honest ans upright as well. That fucking Bush would do anything to win re-election, we all know that, even to the point of ignoring the constitution... the scumbag.:whistling:

Oh Joe how constitution do you consider the patriot act? How about rendition, going to war without a declaration of war. Just curious not questioning you unbiased opinion on Obama now. :yum:

God you got to love the predictable people in this forum.


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
I think we should stuff the belly's of a bunch of B-52's full of Barbies and bomb all their cities w/ them,LOL!! I don't think there's any end to what those fat, whiskered,self righteous SOB's will do to maintain control of their people.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Oh Joe how constitution do you consider the patriot act? How about rendition, going to war without a declaration of war. Just curious not questioning you unbiased opinion on Obama now. :yum:

God you got to love the predictable people in this forum.

Patriot Act? Didn't Obama Extend it? I think he did??? He is just as much of an idiot as Bush is then right?

Obama Extends Patriot Act

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Amazing how simular the two parties are in many areas......

Some thing else is calling the shots...



New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Patriot Act? Didn't Obama Extend it? I think he did??? He is just as much of an idiot as Bush is then right?

Obama Extends Patriot Act

Well there is a bit of difference in that Bush got the Patriot Act on its own merit as a stand alone bill with nothing attached. Obama extended it as it was a McCain, Lieberman and Graham attachment to the military spending bill. So in essence he either signed it other wise funding cut off to the military. He did put out a signing statement that said he won't enforce it by using the provision it gave him the power to do. So perhaps he is an idiot like Bush at least he can read and speak unlike Bush the great decider.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Well there is a bit of difference in that Bush got the Patriot Act on its own merit as a stand alone bill with nothing attached. Obama extended it as it was a McCain, Lieberman and Graham attachment to the military spending bill. So in essence he either signed it other wise funding cut off to the military. He did put out a signing statement that said he won't enforce it by using the provision it gave him the power to do. So perhaps he is an idiot like Bush at least he can read and speak unlike Bush the great decider.

with a teleprompter.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
with a teleprompter.
:yum: Got to love that comment really. Since they where invented they have been used by every president except Bush. Reagan even used them along with his ad lib cards. :yum:


Active member
Joe, it's one of those things they say over and over. Think it makes them feel like maybe Obama is nothing but arrogant or something. :yum:
:yum: Got to love that comment really. Since they where invented they have been used by every president except Bush. Reagan even used them along with his ad lib cards. :yum:


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Joe, it's one of those things they say over and over. Think it makes them feel like maybe Obama is nothing but arrogant or something. :yum:

Man if they want arrogant and grandiose with delusions of grandeur about his importance in history, they need to stick with Newt as it seems now he is the flavor of this month. :wow:As someone said the other night Newt ain't fat he just has big balls. :yum:


Active member
Do youn think it makes any difference if Newt uses a teleprompter...nah. Open marriage, yea that was it.

Danang Sailor

nullius in verba
GOLD Site Supporter
Contrary to what appears to be popular belief, JSOTF-GCC is not a "previously unacknowledged" asset; they have been pretty
well in the open for at least a year - that's how long they have been advertising for people to fill civilian billets in that
"secret" group.

And for whatever it's worth, CS2 Myers didn't write the story; he only supplied a photo that Danger Room used in their



Gone But Not Forgotten
So perhaps he is an idiot like Bush at least he can read and speak unlike Bush the great decider.

:yum: Got to love that comment really. Since they where invented they have been used by every president except Bush. Reagan even used them along with his ad lib cards. :yum:

Why are you dragging other Presidents in here. You were the one degrading Bush and bragging about Obama. You typically do that you know. Since you were talking down about Bush not being able to speak I just wanted to remind you that Obama uses a teleprompter which makes it easy for any one to read. Hope that makes it more simple, Obama can't speak on his own as far as we know because he had never spoke without help. Sorry you thought it was funny but I really think I am the one laughing. But I see you do know that Bush was the only one to not use the teleprompter and yet you still bash his speaking abilities. :yum::yum::yum::yum::yum:


Active member
predictable is not really the right word, I think lockstep would be a bit more conscise.
Oh Joe how constitution do you consider the patriot act? How about rendition, going to war without a declaration of war. Just curious not questioning you unbiased opinion on Obama now. :yum:

God you got to love the predictable people in this forum.


Active member
IT is really funny you guys place so much importance on a president not using a teleprompter. Since you wont let it go lets look into why that is soooo much more important the other things I consider important to being president. One of the republican party talking points for as long as I can remember si it is the party of family values and ethics. I find it amazing the party that claims that would seriously be looking at Newt. I guess that is why you have to focus on the teleprompter thing. I would much perfer a president that is an honest family man with values and ethics to someone that doesnt use a teleprompter.


Gone But Not Forgotten
IT is really funny you guys place so much importance on a president not using a teleprompter. Since you wont let it go lets look into why that is soooo much more important the other things I consider important to being president. One of the republican party talking points for as long as I can remember si it is the party of family values and ethics. I find it amazing the party that claims that would seriously be looking at Newt. I guess that is why you have to focus on the teleprompter thing. I would much perfer a president that is an honest family man with values and ethics to someone that doesnt use a teleprompter.

Now you are changing the subject. :hammer::hammer: It was Joec that said Bush was a bad speaker and Obama was so great. I just reminded him that Obama used a teleprompter and Bush didn't. Make speaking much easier.

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Newt might as well be radioactive...

No way no how can he win in November. Lots of the party will not vote at all if he is the choice, and I might be one of them. I don't care how smart he is, or how good he is with his tunge and cheek debate talents. As far as I am conserned he is a crook and always will be an insider crook, with no ethics at all. To damn smart for his own good.....I just cann't really believe the Repulicans even let him in the race at all, given his past. Unelectable IMHO.....But would make a great cabinet member, if he can control that ego.

Regards, Kirk


Active member
YEp, you are right, I respond to sevreal other post about the teleprompter with even utubes etc, with a thought that is not easy for you to repond to, and I changed the subject. That's funny right there. but consistant.
Now you are changing the subject. :hammer::hammer: It was Joec that said Bush was a bad speaker and Obama was so great. I just reminded him that Obama used a teleprompter and Bush didn't. Make speaking much easier.


Gone But Not Forgotten
YEp, you are right, I respond to sevreal other post about the teleprompter with even utubes etc, with a thought that is not easy for you to repond to, and I changed the subject. That's funny right there. but consistant.

Maybe you should explain this better as I don't understand what you are saying. If you are talking about me complaining about a teleprompter I don't talk about it much. You are painting again with a wide brush. Read the post, Joec bragged about Obama's speaking and Bush's lack of it. I was only assuring Joec it probably had a lot to do with the teleprompter. I don't understand why you would have a problem understanding that. If want to talk about consistency you have no idea on how predictable you are around here.:ermm::ermm: You really have a problem when people don't agree with you


Active member
There was more than one post above about the teleprompter thing. After your post I responded to the teleprompter meme mentioned above. I did not change the subject and it did not bother you someone else had, AEB you jumping on the band wagon. When I said something about family values and ethics being a bit more important for me in a president than teleprompter utilization during speechs you suddenly realize the thread is off topic and I did it. Funny, but...
Maybe you should explain this better as I don't understand what you are saying. If you are talking about me complaining about a teleprompter I don't talk about it much. You are painting again with a wide brush. Read the post, Joec bragged about Obama's speaking and Bush's lack of it. I was only assuring Joec it probably had a lot to do with the teleprompter. I don't understand why you would have a problem understanding that. If want to talk about consistency you have no idea on how predictable you are around here.:ermm::ermm: You really have a problem when people don't agree with you