Well-known member
Time for an update. Last one for Hershey. My beloved Hershey is gone to doggy heaven. Over the past few months, he has gone downhill fast. Started out with arthritis in his back legs and hips. He could barely make it a block walking without hurting. He started to develop cataracs in both eyes and could barely see. He was also going deaf and couldn't hear me calling him from standing a foot behind him. We were nursing him along trying to make his last days comfortable. It got to a point where he was in obvious pain and was very sick. He was throwing up everything he took in. I had to make that descision no pet owner wants to make today. We said our goodbyes and had a few tears this morning then Evan and I brought him down to the vets to end his suffering.
He will be cremated and we will get an urn for him. Sad day today.
I took Evan out today to help get his mind off things. We'll miss you Hershey
He will be cremated and we will get an urn for him. Sad day today.
I took Evan out today to help get his mind off things. We'll miss you Hershey