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Everyone, meet Hershey!!!!!


Well-known member
I spent last past nine days with my kids in the city. My wife stayed behind as she had to work. She came down to the city yesterday to pick us up. We had been talking for a while about getting a pet. So today, before leaving the city, we made a trip over to the local shelter and picked out a dog.

He is a rotie/choc lab mix(they think). He's 5 yrs old, very laid back, listens well, and very healthy. I have to go back on monday to pick him up as he is being fixed, chipped, and shots early monday.

They had around 10 dogs there and he was the one that stood out amongst all of them. The others were all jumping around and barking like crazy. We still haven't heard him bark yet.

So, Hershey will be coming home with us on monday.:smile:


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Interesting thought on having your animal "Chipped". Granted it sounds like a isolated incident but.... A fella I work with had his dog chipped. Actually it was part of the pound program where he got the dog. A little less than a year later the dog vanished. 6...yes, 6 years later the dog is returned to them. The dog has dibilitating illnesses and they are trying to decide whether to spend a very large sum of money to treat the dog or not. I guess I am now of the mind that if after a year the animal isn't found the chip goes dead. saves a lot of folks a lot of heartache both emotionally and monetarily.

Don't mean to take away from the excitement of the new addition...It just reminded me of his situation.
We didn't ask for the chip. It's mandatory for all the dogs that leave that place and well as the shots and getting fixed.
He sure is a handsome boy Brian :D
I got Gretchen chipped on the advice of my vet the day I had her spayed.
Thank you for saving the little guy from that awful cage and saving his life. I love the name. He is one lucky fella to come home to your family. :clap:

I think Hershey is a Bernese Mountain Dog/Rottie Mix:


If you want to be a really successful dog owner, I really suggest watching some of the Dog Whisperer - Cesar Milan videos. This guy is truly amazing at how he understands dog psychology.

His three steps to being a good dog owner are: Exercise, Discipline, Affection. Remember that order and things will be easy.

Hershey looks like a powerful dog so you want to make sure that you and your family - especially your kids are all pack leaders.

Sorry if I sound like a commercial for the Dog Whisperer but I really think he has some good advice and I've been using it very successfully with my Lab/Pit Bull puppy who is a very strong willed little monster.
How big are the bernese mountain dogs? Hershey isn't that big? He's now a lap dog by any means but not huge. They had a few shepard's and a few siberian huskies there and they were all taller than him.

The first pic below is of a rottie/choc lab pup.


This pic says it's a lab/rottie mixture.


Looking at those pics make me think that he is infact a choc lab/rottie mix. I don't know but he's very well mannered and laid back and seems to listen good. We'll see once I get him home tomorrow.
How big are the bernese mountain dogs? Hershey isn't that big? He's now a lap dog by any means but not huge. They had a few shepard's and a few siberian huskies there and they were all taller than him.

The first pic below is of a rottie/choc lab pup.


This pic says it's a lab/rottie mixture.


Looking at those pics make me think that he is infact a choc lab/rottie mix. I don't know but he's very well mannered and laid back and seems to listen good. We'll see once I get him home tomorrow.

Both those pics lack the white chest and the white strip up the middle of the eyes. That's a fairly breed specific feature. That's why I thought of Bernese Mountain Dogs. The only other breeds that I can think of that have that stripe are beagles.

He could be a Bernese mixed with some other smaller Mastiff breed. Most shelters are pretty hesitant to label a dog as having "pit bull" in them these days because they have low adoptability.

Anyways, he looks like a nice dog. I like his face markings. :thumb:
Hershey's home now. I drove down to the city to pick him up today. He was excellent in the truck on the way home. He listens very well. He is very, very strong and can tear your arms off when walking him on a leash if you let him put his nose down and start sniffing.

When we got home, he did the usual marking his territory thing outside then sat down and started chewing on a rawhide bone. He's very well behaved in the house too. He sniffed around for a bit, tried to lift his leg once. I caught him right away and he knew not to do that again. He's done the tour of the house now and is sleeping at my feet on the floor snoring quite loudly.

He is excellent with my kids, doesn't beg for food when anyone is eating, and doesn't get all riled up when he sees another dog. We're very happy with him.
Here he is at home. Fitting right in...:smile:


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Thought I'd give an update. Hershey is doing well. He is the biggest suck I've ever seen. He rarely, if ever, barks. I think I've only heard him actually bark a handfull of times. He gets along great with the cat and most other dogs. Although I have seen him get very vicious once when a mixed pitbull wandered into the yard. He spends probably 22 hrs a day sleeping. I have had to put a body harness on him though even to tie him up outside since he knows how to unclasp his chain when its attached to his collar. It's also allot easier to walk him with a full body harness.
Thought I'd give an update. Hershey is doing well. He is the biggest suck I've ever seen. He rarely, if ever, barks. I think I've only heard him actually bark a handfull of times. He gets along great with the cat and most other dogs. Although I have seen him get very vicious once when a mixed pitbull wandered into the yard. He spends probably 22 hrs a day sleeping. I have had to put a body harness on him though even to tie him up outside since he knows how to unclasp his chain when its attached to his collar. It's also allot easier to walk him with a full body harness.

Glad he is doing well and has become one of the tribe.

Dogs are strange about what can set them off, aren't they? Our old dog, who has never met any person or animal she didn't like, she's just a big putz, was over at the farm playing with my SIL's boxer mix. Our two dogs and the boxer knew each other well and had always got along really great together. During their romping our smaller dog, all 65 pounds of her, decided she had enough and headed back to the shade of the truck. My SIL's boxer, for some strange reason, took this as a sign of weakness and attacked her. Our big dog, who'd never said boo to anyone, tore that boxer a new asshole. I think it cost me about $500 to get that boxer stitched up. Strange, strange, strange. I suppose that you are either in the "family" or you are a visitor who better be on your best behavior. Still, that's why we have them and love them.
Somehow I missed your reply. Funny how animals are like that. Hershey is perfectly fine with most animals. Out at camp, there are several other dogs. Hershey is perfectly fine with most of them. There are a couple black labs, a husky, and a few other breeds. He's fine with all of them and only sniffs them on his way by. When my bro used to camp there, he had his husky and his mixed beagle. Hershey gets along great with the husky but the instant he saw that small yappy mutt, it was Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde. He immediately started growling and tried to attack it. There's something about that dog though. All the other dogs out there do the same thing when its around.
good looking dog makes me wonder if thats what my old trailer park trash lab is yours has different colors but the same fat head and body lab any thing makes good family dogs mine is 13 and still never gets mad at the youngest kid i don't thin he liked me naming the little dog ike as ike out ranked macarther in ww2 and the new pup will always be a lap dog.
Hershey is still full of energy!!!:w00t2: This is about as active as this dog gets.:smile:


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