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early tucker photos

Buffet has the color right then. Orange was after green!
tuckers were painted white, green, blue, yellow, red, before orange...and orange it is

and pretty sure you could get a pink one from the factory for the right amount of money, come to think about it, Blackfoot, if paid enough money money, would paint one pink, he painted his BSGreen
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1 1/12 ton snow cat trailer, super 500 trailer

I certainly want to thank Jesse Cook and his efforts to save early tuckers and getting them into the collection

also, his help to further the research and understanding of these machine, truly appreciate his efforts and his commitment to the cause of saving this history.

thank you PP

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Tucker must have fired the guy who designs grills during those '65-70's machines. Expanded wire mesh, seriously? But then I have seen '69's with the cast aluminum horizontal slot grills.

"Make no two the same, no snow to deep."
Completely true statement.

Never knew there were three options on a '68-'69 442. I thought my grill was custom built after it hit something (hood was caved in at the leading edge at some point) and thought it broke the cast grill. Apparently it may have been stock. A 'concerned citizen' left behind a cast piece from a cache of parts smuggled over the border and I thought all was good and would use it. Took out the waves and bends as well as possible (fearing breakage), smoothed everything out and primed. Thought I was set until I put it beside the side panels to see how close the bolt holes were. Two inches short?? Did I miss a spacer somewhere?? Nope, a completely different grill. Make no two the same. Only thing I can think of for the difference was that the L6 needed additional height at the front of the motor that the 318/327's didn't need? (although that may not even matter since the mesh grill below has one of the V-8's)


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I have another grill specimen of that style vintage down back to check. I saw another two used as outside mud door mats during a parts smuggling mission from Vermont.
Same as the one I have. On yours, instead of using the mesh or the 8 slot, they added a spacer at the bottom. BUT, I don't believe that was stock. The 8 slot goes straight line the the leading edge of the frame. That way the side panels line up and wouldn't need to be bent at the bottom to bolt on.


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So don't get too caught up in the number of slots. Here's a factory six sloter. I think the eight slot grills went only to cats sold to Outback Steak House. "No Snow too deep, Make no Two the Same"


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another piece of tucker history found, and did not even know it existed, always surprised by what I do not know, thank you JC

1949, model 343, it is shorter, narrower and smaller pontoons with less rollers, round tube frame, and Plymouth 6 cylinder with 3 speed transmission, VW steering wheel

first fifth wheel machine,

first sold by the factory in 1954

and last seen on the roof of Crater Lake Lodge


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