• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

DEBATE FORUM? where .. I'm new here..

2 months and 140 posts over there, and banned.

Welcome! Not.

Oh, ya, his post on gas chambers at Auschwitz. This guy's a winner.
Hey Count, ever been over there and visited Aushwitz Birkenau?

So you read some of that too. Just incredible.


This has been a public service announcement from one tired Pirate Girl :glare:
I do have a question.
How can a member with so many red boogers, after 11 posts.. still have a status around here that isn't banned?

FYI, I myself haven't given this member one neg at all, or reported one single post.
I do have a question.
How can a member with so many red boogers, after 11 posts.. still have a status around here that isn't banned?

FYI, I myself haven't given this member one neg at all, or reported one single post.

There is an old saying: Give some one enough rope - and they will hang them self :biggrin:
If a member gets enough red marks... is that an automatic ban?
I don't think so.
It has to do with the content of their posts more than anything.
But, some people think that certain members are former banned members using a false proxy in order to get around it... and sometimes they do succeed.
Some members look at other members who were posting at the same time said former member was posting too and some of us put 2 and 2 together.

The banned Tomoko and another member were friends.
The other member was suddenly posting when this person was yesterday.

Just my thought on the matter.
Wow, Googled the "Count" and he is a about as full of hate as you can get. Banned from a bunch of sites, active member on others that are really racist.

Appears he would be really at home in 1938 Germany.

Just sad there are people that hate that much in the world.
I don't think so.
It has to do with the content of their posts more than anything.
But, some people think that certain members are former banned members using a false proxy in order to get around it... and sometimes they do succeed.
Some members look at other members who were posting at the same time said former member was posting too and some of us put 2 and 2 together.

The banned Tomoko and another member were friends.
The other member was suddenly posting when this person was yesterday.

Just my thought on the matter.

Fanatic fred phelps & westboro church come to my mind :wink:
If a member gets enough red marks... is that an automatic ban?

No.....but it does earn you a Galvatron limited addition sticker:yum::yum::yum:


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Interesting way to introduce your presence. Welcome to the forums. I'm curious, though - if you never learned the meaning of the word, how can you be sure you're using it correctly?

Reporters would tell pres. harry truman to, GIVE EN HELL ,harry!

He would respond ,saying "I just tell em the truth and they call it hell.
Originally Posted by count markovalley
I think you're probably right.

I never surrender. One word I have never learned the meaning of is this word surrender, in fact it's never been part of my vocabulary.

If you never come out of hiding you don't have to surrender! I notice you put nothing in your stats at all. Hiding from someone or something? I hide from no one and will gladly give you my name, address and even GPS co-ordinates to my place. Man up or quit wasting my time.


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Mule .... The Count ain't worth gettin upset about . One look at his post and you can pretty much tell he is a man or boy of very limited knowledge .
I think he really needs to read the whole book on Harry Truman a not just take a so called quote from his Bio .

I read it . and I sure don't remember that statement . But hey everybody can make a mistake , even a count .
Count ? Would you be so kind as to answer a question or two for me ? How old are you and what is background for making some of the statements you have made since you joined us as a member . You appear to be extreme
"Red Neck" with a limited thought process , but I am hoping that I am just misreading the quotes you have made .

Being partial Black I found your opinion of Whoopie quite interesting . Were you able to arrive at that conclusion all by yourself or did other members of your family help you? I shall pray for you so consider yourself on the road to recovery
Count ? Would you be so kind as to answer a question or two for me ? How old are you and what is background for making some of the statements you have made since you joined us as a member . You appear to be extreme
"Red Neck" with a limited thought process , but I am hoping that I am just misreading the quotes you have made .

Being partial Black I found your opinion of Whoopie quite interesting . Were you able to arrive at that conclusion all by yourself or did other members of your family help you? I shall pray for you so consider yourself on the road to recovery
If you are partially black ,then you still are not entitled to any sympathy!

That's YOUR problem! not mine.