• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

Deal of the day



(normally $69.95 88% off List Price)

Large cargo bag. These are the ones you put on those racks that hang off your rear receiver. I don't use that rack but often need large bags for storing stuff in the bed of the truck (e.g. traveling for Christmas with luggage and gifts. I have a tonneau cover but slush and crap can still find its way into the bed).

I cannot speak for the quality of this brand but placed an order myself.
Yes I've used Daily Steals quite a few times. The thing you have to be aware of is shipping. Shipping is usually free but they might ship in two days or two weeks. Who knows? You just have to wait.
Woot has some decent GPS units today for $39.95.

Real-time traffic, construction... on the units (no subscription required).
I got a couple. Christmas is coming and it could be for me ;)
Daily Steals has quite a few good deals. IPAD 4 16gb for 349.
IPad 1 32 GB WIFI $139
Iphone 5s for 299
Cashmere scarf for $18
and best of all Beard Head Tailgating gear. $22


I bet Nixon already has one of these. :yum:


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Can't order it online but there's a quilt place in the mall here that sells all sorts of bedding of very good quality. We picked up a duvet cover the other day for 60% off the regular price of $220 plus the governments share. So with taxes included it came out to $99.54. Not a bad deal. What's even better is that I won the door prize at the annual christmas party for work last weekend which turned out to be a $100 gift card for the mall. So we ended up with a new duvet cover for free that matches our curtains and bedskirt.

50 and 30 caliber ammo boxes at Tractor Supply

50 is $7.99 30 is $8.99

My local TSC has the 50’s in stock.

https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/search/treeline Metal Ammo Can

Just noticed I posted the same item on sale two years ago!

I promise I don’t spend all my time dreaming about ammo boxes! :th_lmao: