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Day Traders! Start your engines !Virtual trading has arrived

That's no big deal. As I was figuring it out I kept saying to myself "Al still made a crap load of money on this!"

I will be interested to see where ISCR.OB ends up at . Right now its down about 17%.I still think it may bounce .
cutting my loses and selling all at $120.00

$5040 ....

buying 120 shares in Concho Resources, Inc. (CXO) at the rate of $41.74

total spend $5008.8

$31.20 banked.
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Sold ISCR.OB @17 cents a share . A loss of 3 cents a share
12570 shares = $2136.90 minus $14 trade equals


Plus my total from today on CHRI.OB of $4603.93


$6726.83 at the end of the day.:w00t2:

Now I gotta go find something for tomorrow . :unsure:
sold Concho Resources, Inc. (CXO) at $41.97

120 shares @ $41.97 = $5036.40

Total to play with for tomorrow $5067.60

Im down by $89.40 today....will try harder tomorrow.
Here is tomorrows stock picks . I'm staying in "penny stocks" for the last day before the Holiday .These appear to be possible gainers for 11/25/09 if I figured this right .:unsure::unsure: Should peak by noon EST.

$6726.83 total as of 11/24/09

1. $3000 in HESG.PK @.0009 cents a share = 3,333,333 shares

2. $3726.83 in BZCN @ .0022 cents a share = 1,694,013 shares

Dang Al, 3 million shares of one stock and 1.5 million of another. :thumb: It sure looks like you could indeed be a day trader and make a living at it. Me on the other hand would need a big bank roll to pay for my losses...... :D
Todays bet....

$5066.85 in CDC Corp. (CHINA) $2.55 per share= 1987 shares.

75cents left in the bank.:yum:
283 shares of GE. 16.12

16.12 x 283 = 4561.96
Here is tomorrows stock picks . I'm staying in "penny stocks" for the last day before the Holiday .These appear to be possible gainers for 11/25/09 if I figured this right .:unsure::unsure: Should peak by noon EST.

$6726.83 total as of 11/24/09

1. $3000 in HESG.PK @.0009 cents a share = 3,333,333 shares

2. $3726.83 in BZCN @ .0022 cents a share = 1,694,013 shares

Selling it all!

1. HESG.PK @.0012cents a share times 3,333,333=$3999.99
2. BZCN @ .0028 cents a share times 1,694,013= $ 4743.23
sub total $8743.22

cost for second trade -$14.

Grand Total -------------------------------------> $8729.22
I think i'll run my new computer model "day trading" program, i'm designing , for one more week and see if I can spot the losers or gainers before trading begins each day .Who knows ?????? Maybe I discovered something useful?????:unsure:

Probably just blind luck :unsure::neutral:
WOW! Congrats Al. What a day. I was feeling good about being up a nickle at this point. :pat: :yum:
GE is at 16.17 now. I'm going to hang on and hope for a little more. We'll see.
Think I'll pass for a few days . This Dubia crap will send the market into a tail spin for a few days .

Anybody paying attention at all knew Dubia was in trouble long before this news broke . GEEZ!!!

Dubia has been way over extended for 2 years or more .

If your actually invested into the Market be prepared to ride a rough one when it opens !
Down markets are an excellent place to make money in a day trading situation. Go short on any upticks and be prepared to cover before the market rebounds.
Good Day to bet the bank !
Here is my choice for tomorrow

All $8729.22 in FFGO @ .00020 a share
equals =43,646,100 shares
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Holy cow Al. Will you be my broker? Nice job man!!!!!!! :tiphat:

Where can I see the penny stocks listed and find some info on them?
Where can I see the penny stocks listed and find some info on them?

I just punched in "Penny Stocks" and started searching around ..... I had never been invovled with penny stocks before this .
Then I read up on the Company and look at their charts for activity . The more buzz on a stock , the more I look at it .

I built a little computer model that I punch numbers in to . If it scores high enough than I buy . So far I think it has hit correctly 5 out of 6 picks so far .
I am going to play with it another week or so to see if I have a pattern .
Here is another one I just punched up ... It should do well today ! I do have one strict rule . I try to sell before noon .

11:03AM ET: 0.0536
0.0144 (36.73%)
MedClean Technologies, Inc (MCLN.OB)




News & Info


Analyst Coverage



Thanks Al. Good stuff. Something sure is working well for you. Good job. :tiphat:
$13,093.83 in Bank as of 11/30

Tommorows buy is BZCN @.0049

I'll buy $8000 or 1,632,653 shares

Left in Bank $5093.83 . Stll looking for something else .
And this Folks is why I do not Day trade in real life :unsure:

Sold BZCN at .0041 @ 1,632,653 shares

Equals $6693.88

A loss of $1306.12:sad::doh:

A total of 11,787.71 left in the bank .

I quit while I am still ahead $6,787.71 in profit from my orginial investment .

Back to long term investing for me
At least you quit while you were ahead. I'm still in the hole. If it feels right, and I have time, I might play tomorrow.
Buying all I can of CHNG

Opening at 10,13

Buying 450 shares and crossing my fingers. :D

anyone else playing today?
selling at 10.59 Getting out while I can.

10.59 x 450 = 4765.50

Nice little gain.
Apparently yesterday was a bad day to jump back in. I sold at the closing bell for a loss:

RF @ 5.50 = 902.46 shares = $4963.53