Thanks all. I really do appreciate the kind words and for Judy (WorkingWoman) mentioning this matter. This has been going on for over 4 months now and no physician seemed to be concerned nor take the matter seriously and even follow up. She was slowly getting worse and I'd just had it and made it my mission to get something moving on Monday.
A gentleman who goes by "IslandTractor" on another site happens to be a physician, and a very competent one at that, was instrumental at hopefully saving her sight and possibly her life. I don't want to go into too many details since he is a modest man who is not seeking attention, but I cannot possibly ever thank him enough. He and his friends in very high places really took the bull by the horns and made things happen immediately; and I do mean immediately.
Anyway, yes, she does have a brain tumor in what every surgeon calls a "very high priced real estate area" (must be a term they use among themselves because most all used those words). Unfortunately, it is in a very difficult region to access and in an extremely sensitive and dangerous region to be poking around. As I'm told all the best surgeons do, her team of surgeons ran every test known to see if it was possible to treat without opening her skull.
I had no idea that MRI machines come in different horsepower sizes, but they do. All of the machines in my area only go up to 1 tesla in power. To better see exactly what we are up against and to get precise mapping, they performed a series of MRI's done on 3 and 4 tesla MRI machines and a "Stealth MRI" for the surgery. Due to the location of the tumor, they will have a team of surgeons working on her, such as a vascular surgeon, neurosurgeon, ophthalmologist surgeon and (can't recall the proper name) skull surgeon present.
Right now they are pushing the maximum amount of morphine they can in her and it's barely dulling the pain. Since it will be next Thursday before they will actually do the surgery, they are letting her come home for a few days before returning next week for the surgery and a longer stay. I'm afraid this isn't going to be a pleasant time for her and she will be in considerable pain, but that is what she wants and they have consented.
I'll update more later. I have a lot of things to get done yet before basically spending the entire holiday season at a hospital.