Jeanclaude Spam Banhammer
The Church-She'll Come Back For You Tomorrow
Yes, she will ......

The Church-She'll Come Back For You Tomorrow
Who's the woman, I wonder... who sings this song in the car commercial?
First time I heard it, it blew me away.
She does a beautiful version, IMO.
The Church - Under The Milky Way
YouTube - The Church - Under The Milky Way (Audio only)
Who's the woman, I wonder... who sings this song in the car commercial?
First time I heard it, it blew me away.
She does a beautiful version, IMO.
The Church - Under The Milky Way
YouTube - The Church - Under The Milky Way (Audio only)
Thank you, thank you Steve!!
It's a wonderful, almost magical night; three bottles of cheap wine, a beautiful woman whose affection I don't deserve and picking music from the internet. No man could wish for more.
YouTube- Breathe - Hands To Heaven (Full Version)
Rolf Harris is Loved and respected here in the UK so here is his Christmas release for this year......This is for Vin(i hope he sees it).
I love this tune
Christmas In The Sun.