• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

Crude Oil soars, get ready guys!!!


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
One of the things I watch is the price of crude oil. Its shot up over $60 per barrel again. Making matters worse, domestic gasoline inventories are low. Actually the fact that domestic inventories dropped is probably a big reason why the demand, and the price, of crude just spiked up.

Look for new and un-improved gas prices at your local pumps very soon! :(:moon:


Klaatu barada nikto
SUPER Site Supporter
Hmmm...I'm not so sure this is a big deal (yet). A lot of it seems to be due to political bantering between Russia and Ukraine. There already appears to be external pressure from other countries to resolve the issue.

Domestic gasoline may/may not be an issue. Most of the US is already adjusted to minimizing driving where possible. I haven't heard any stats from the holidays, how was the driving vs. flying this year? I bet more people flew.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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GOLD Site Supporter
I don't follow driving/flying rates, just the crude and gas issues.

Right after Katrina hit, the prices jumped to over $60/barrel and stayed up there for a few months. The crude oil prices jumped over $60 a barrel after the U.S. Department of Energy released data showing a dramatic drop in domestic gasoline inventories. The DOE said the gasoline supply fell by 1.2 million barrels the week of Dec. 19 to reach 202.9 million barrel--6 percent below year-ago levels. On the New York Mercantile Exchange, gasoline futures soared 6.13 cents to settle at $1.6524 per gallon.

The DOE reported in its weekly petroleum supply report that distillates inventories fell by 900,000 barrels the week of Dec. 19 to reach 126.8 barrels--or 1 percent above last year. Unfortunately our demand is up more than 1 percent.


Active member
On the way in this morning, the price of regular was 2.05. I just got back from a run and the same station had the price posted at 2.17! Until I read your post I had no idea what the hell was up.


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Our's was 2.25 before New Years Eve, then it jumped to 2.34 for the holiday weekend. I didn't notice what it's at today, but I'd bet it's higher still.


who cares about prices....you pay no matter what. Do I drive 20 minutes to save $10 a gallon.....no


Active member
buy_25 said:
who cares about prices....you pay no matter what. Do I drive 20 minutes to save $10 a gallon.....no
I do! Ten bucks a gallon at 35 gallons (for the diesel van), that is, uh,.........alot of money! I'll drive 20 minutes to save that!


Klaatu barada nikto
SUPER Site Supporter
buy_25 said:
who cares about prices....you pay no matter what. Do I drive 20 minutes to save $10 a gallon.....no

If the prices were in the range that it was possible to save $10 per gallon, you can bet your ass I would be driving 20 minutes.

(Oh....BTW, it's 15 minutes to the nearest gas station from my house. :pat:)


Active member
Junk, I guess that is why you make the big bucks. Maybe someday I can hope to even dream to be a fraction as wise as you.
:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy


Extra Super Moderator
DaveNay said:
You're tellin' me....hopefully your wife is past that stage of life. :yum:

My mortgage is late, my credit card is late, my wife is late, and my girl friend is late..... I think that they are all going to cut me off... :D


Charter Member
buy_25 said:
who cares about prices....

Who cares about prices???

People who drive a lot of miles and don't have much money care about gas prices.

I make $9000 less than I made last year and I drive 120 miles a day.

If everyone was in your apparent place in life, then maybe we wouldn't be so concerned about fuel prices, but sweeping generalities don't always apply to everyone.
Last edited:


Floppy Member
SUPER Site Supporter
AndyM said:
Who cares about prices???

People who drive a lot of miles and don't have much money care about gas prices.

I make $9000 less than I made last year and I drive 120 miles a day.

If everyone was in your apparent place in life, then maybe we wouldn't be so concerned about fuel prices, but sweeping generalities don't always apply to everyone.

Life is about choices...Where we work in proximity to our home, how much money we make, etc.
I've tried working at different locations - some I made much more money at; some I made less but really liked the job. Right now I'm lucky to be close to home, making decent money, and in a job I (usually) like. When I don't like some part of it anymore I'll look at changing again, because like I said above...life is about choices. Only you can choose to be happy.


AndyM said:
People who drive a lot of miles and don't have much money care about gas prices.

I make $9000 less than I made last year and I drive 120 miles a day.

If everyone was in your apparent place in life, then maybe we wouldn't be so concerned about fuel prices, but sweeping generalities don't always apply to everyone.

So, as I stated on KBN before being banned since people can’t handle it; The price jump is a joke. People are complaining about 30 cents per gallon. Boo hoo. YOU selected the CAR or diesel, you stay in your job making XXX dollars less etc. Can’t afford it, YOU can change it. I sold my Powerchoke since it was a waste of money. The money I saved now pays for the car.

All people do is sit here and complain and bitch bigtime when WHAT DOES IT GET YOU, ZERO! You will pay either way (high or not). I guess YOU are the first to pay higher prices……LOL

Let me know if all the whining does something since in the past years (lots) with fuel prices, it goes up in smoke and is a joke.

My home heating went up 35% and electrical is going up; along with every other thing; sorry people that is life deal with it. I have more important things to worry about then a little jump in fuel prices. Compared to all the other increases, fuel for autos is a complete waste of time to even complain.

[font=&quot]Pay the higher prices and move on with you life.[/font]

Kubota King

New member
Well buy 24 (mike) I will say that I agree with you. I might have worded your last post a little more gentle to the folks here on FF but you do have valid pionts...there are worse things to worry about like our childrens health, loosing our homes, Loosing our jobs, cancer, heart attacks etc.
I guess we do get cought up in complaining as peope sometimes.


Floppy Member
SUPER Site Supporter
"Let me know if all the whining does something..."

Yeah, let me know too. I'm good at it. It would be nice to see it work for a change!:1062:


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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GOLD Site Supporter
While I generally agree that we can do nothing. I also find some of the comments on this thread a bit callous toward the plight of other folks. Sure we all make choices and we have to live with them, but some people make a lot of the right choices and still are hurt by higher fuel prices.

As for the distance people will drive to save a few bucks, it is common in my town to drive out to the highway to save 10-cents a gallon at the truckstop. That is an 11 mile drive on a rural 2 lane road, not quite 20 minutes but certainly well out of the way. They drive 22 miles to save 10-cents, which amounts to about a $1.50 to $2.00 saving per tank. At roughly 20 miles to the gallon, and $2.39 per gallon in fuel costs, they actually eat up 1 gallon of gas on that round trip drive, so they may end up spending more than they save. Now at roughly 30 miles to the gallon, they actually would save a little bit of money. In either scenerio, the value of their time is not considered. I don't do it. But I do watch gas prices at the stations I pass and I will buy at the cheapest one of those locations when I need fuel. I value my time too much to drive out of my way, but I also know that driving out of my way, at least with the milage I get in my vehicle (ave 17.5mpg city/hwy) it would not pay for me to drive out of my way to save 10-cents/gallon on fuel.


Floppy Member
SUPER Site Supporter
"...but some people make a lot of the right choices and still are hurt by higher fuel prices."


I only personnally know one person who isn't hurt by the high cost of fuel...he has more money than he knows what to do with. Everyone else I know is hurt by the high cost. It is still a fact that we have to live with it, and there isn't much we can do about it unless we choose to change our lifestyle - change jobs, move closer to place of employment, etc. I guess I feel we can either whine about it, do something about it, or get over it.


B_Skurka said:
While I generally agree that we can do nothing. I also find some of the comments on this thread a bit callous toward the plight of other folks. Sure we all make choices and we have to live with them, but some people make a lot of the right choices and still are hurt by higher fuel prices.
I did not have my politically correct hat one, opps..LOL

People complaining about fuel prices is one of the top three things I can’t stand. If you do not like fuel prices, do not buy fuel. Walk or drive a bike to work. case closed. Again the amount increase is very small.

I do not get, “Sure we all make choices and we have to live with them, but some people make a lot of the right choices and still are hurt by higher fuel prices.”

Fuel has gone up about 40 cents here (SHOCKING) since last year at this time; more for diesel (about 50 cents). Again you selected diesel so deal with it. Don’t like it, buy a gaser. Don’t like that, hmmmmm. I do not like taxes or income tax either…..

As I stated before if a little 50 cent per gallon hick is going to hurt you, well, you have bigger issues (in general) then fuel here.

[font=&quot]Pay the fuel bill, smile, say thank you and move on with your life. I love it, people are overseas in the military, some people have no homes down south, etc and people are complaining about fuel prices. I do not get it. The fuel issue is a drop in the bucket when comparing to others increases this year. Welcome to 2006 and deal with it like the other 10 billion people.



Wannafish said:
"...but some people make a lot of the right choices and still are hurt by higher fuel prices."


I only personnally know one person who isn't hurt by the high cost of fuel...he has more money than he knows what to do with. Everyone else I know is hurt by the high cost. It is still a fact that we have to live with it, and there isn't much we can do about it unless we choose to change our lifestyle - change jobs, move closer to place of employment, etc. I guess I feel we can either whine about it, do something about it, or get over it.

BINGO! That is my point but am I hurt about the increase in auto fuel. No and could careless. My home heating bill went up over $200+ for NG, so what. What other avenues can I take? Burn coal, sure. Burn wood ya right. Both dirty, to much work, storage, my time to maintain it, etc. Send me the bill NG bill and I will pay for it.

[font=&quot]Now the big hitters are heath insurance, city taxes, every other city fee, and some other things. Do I like them, nope. I could whine and complain like the people are work that do nothing and want more $$$$. But it will do nothing. It is life, move onward and upward. [/font]


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Mike, my point is that many people are living very economically and they are barely getting by on what they make, the increase in fuel prices hurts them. Nothing more. Yes, they are dealing with it, they have no choice.

KubotaKing said:
trading in there vehicles for hybrid's
I honestly don't understand this concept at all, at least not from the standpoint of saving money. Hybrid vehicles cost between $5000 and $10,000 more than similar gas vehicles, they get better fuel economy, but not that much better. I recently looked at the Honda Accord Hybrid and compared it with the Honda Accord. I did a 5 year analysis based on the miles driven by my sales manager (because I was buying a car for him) and every way I applied the math, even assuming higher gas prices, they TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP of operating a hybrid vehicle exceeded the operating cost of an equivalent gas only vehicle.