Charter Member
I have never hunt coyote. What methods do you use to hunt them?
As close as I've seen them to our home, I also will shoot them on sight if I can get a shot.
Sorry to hear about your dog Erik. We have invisible fence or else I'm sure I would have the same or even worse news about our girl.
From what I have seen, the dead coyotes are laying alongside many of the trails we have in the woods behind my house and the neighbors farm. I do know someone that baits them with old meat. They can be seen in behind my property at almost any given time of the day either scouting the fields for mice or laying in the high brush. There is a high spot around the neighbors barn that overlooks the fields. The coyotes are an easy target from up there. My neighbor the farmer has them following his tractor everytime he goes through a field. He kicks up the mice and they hunt them down. The last few years they have gotten pretty bold and hang out within 20 feet of his tractor. He now carries a shotgun in his tractor at all times. I've had the coyotes within 30 feet of my house. I've seen a coyote sunning itself in the neighbor's driveway waiting for them to let out their little dog. I saved the dog that day by calling the neighbors. They tried to run the coyote down and almost succeeded in doing just that. There are too many houses in that direction so shooting it was out of the question. I know a few hunters that hunt behind my property that will shoot any coyote they see. They are nothing more than a very large RAT that eats anything they can find. They also will eat crops from the farm next door. I have seen them on occasions knocking down corn stalks to get the ears of corn off of them. Lucky for them I was unarmed on those occasions. Around here you can't drive around with an open rifle in your vehicle. The Liberal Communists have made rules against such behavoir