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Converting VHS to DVD


Jeanclaude Spam Banhammer
I just got a DVD burner and new computer and I was thinking about converting the old family VHS tapes to DVD. I was hoping to be able to use just a regular vcr and the DVD burner, but obviously I need some kind of interface. What do I need? A special graphics card?
You can buy converters but between the hardware and software it can be a pain and the software will get out of date fast. '

You should consider buying DVD Recorder with VHS built in, it would be the easiest and most pain free way to go.
I agree with PB. I have a DVD burner and a capture card. I only did a couple of VHS tapes. We then bought a stand alone DVD recorder. Just connected the VCR straight to it. (I hadn't seen a combined unit when we bought ours). Much easier and doesn't tie the computer up while you are doing the capture. I've only used the capture card once since we bought the stand alone. I had to use it to capture a copy protected VHS tape that couldn't be purchased anymore.:hide:
Wow. I just priced some of those units on eBay -- pretty cheap. Are there any particular models y'all can recommend?
jpr62902 said:
Wow. I just priced some of those units on eBay -- pretty cheap. Are there any particular models y'all can recommend?

Nope - never used one. I have experience with lots of video editing hardware and software and like I said - it's a pain to stay on top of.
I have a few Samsung models that record DVDs from VHS tapes. If you have a HDTV then spend about $300 to get their newer model that will "upscale" the video to near HD quality. If you don't have a HDTV then I'd look for any model I could get that was on sale.
I hooked up one of my VCR's to the front RCA jacks and recorded the VHS movies to my hard drive. Then I just transfer what I've recorded to the built in DVD recorder/player on my computer.


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I was gonna complain that this thread had been hijacked, but I thought better of using the terms "DVD porn" and "jack" in the same post.:pat:
jpr62902 said:
Wow. I just priced some of those units on eBay -- pretty cheap. Are there any particular models y'all can recommend?

We have a Lite-On that we bought a couple of years ago. It is what they call an All-Write. It writes on DVD-/+R and DVD-/+RW. It has worked pretty well and no problems other than a certain brand of media. I then called Lite-On and they sent me out a firmware upgrade for it which didn't fix the problem. I switched media (same type - different brand) and then it was fine. I went with Lite-On because I knew the name from computers and never had a problem with any of their stuff there.
Apologies for getting off topic, but in the same "ballpark".

Not sure if you "older" guys are aware of it, but if you have any old 8mm film, you can also have that film transfered to DVD.

Did it with a CRAPLOAD of 8mm film that my parents had made starting back from the early 50's, and the quality wasn't bad. Neat being able to see the old films that I used to watch as a child with my parents years ago now on the t.v.

Not sure if you can do this yourself, I ended up sending the film to a company out in Chicago.
I don't think that they will convert my 8 mm stuff to VHS, unless I can get model releases from the participants..... and today, probably most of them are dead! My guess is that their acting careers ended in the 1950's when they got too old to perform at age 30.....:hide:
Gerard said:
I hooked up one of my VCR's to the front RCA jacks and recorded the VHS movies to my hard drive. Then I just transfer what I've recorded to the built in DVD recorder/player on my computer.

HP :pat: