Coming Soon....Watch This Space!!!

O he does love a good finger....but do not spoil him:yum:

Great to know he is in good hands...i bet he is loving the attention....JOBU is up to you guy's ...just be gentle:yum:

How long is he staying and did he mention he loves the outdoors??

Wheres his next destination....i cant remember.

All Hail Goldatron!!!:yum::yum::yum:
Here are some photos of Goldatron enjoying the hospitality of the McCloskey household.


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Now they are great pictures Mr and Mrs McCloskey...Goldatron looks like he is having a be honest i am so pleased you showed him the tinkle rules as he can be lazy at times:yum:

Nixon why is it he seems to smile more when you finger must have a talent i was unaware of :yum::yum::yum:

You Guy's are great fun ....thanks for getting involved.:clap:
Now they are great pictures Mr and Mrs McCloskey...Goldatron looks like he is having a be honest i am so pleased you showed him the tinkle rules as he can be lazy at times:yum:
I think he is having a wonderful time, all the dogs seem to like him, and he doesn't mind going out in the snow with us. He has been leaving the seat up, but since he is a guest, I haven't complained.

Nixon why is it he seems to smile more when you finger must have a talent i was unaware of :yum::yum::yum:
I am not saying a word:brows:

You Guy's are great fun ....thanks for getting involved.:clap:
It has been fun. I will put him in the post tomorrow to Ohiotc18. I wonder who will be then the next lucky FF member to have Goldatron grace their home.
Goldatron requested that John take him on the tractor while plowing the snow before being posted to OhioTC18.

He is now trained on a left hand drive tractor.


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The Nixons asked me in a Email how did Goldatron come to life...

Simple...he is the creation of my 14 year old Daughter Elisha...she loves to use the sewing machine and is always making soft toys....she is a wild spirit like me and one night come over pissing herself with laughter and said"Galvatron meet Goldatron"....she then asked if it was possible to get him travel as far as possible,this is where you Great guy's and girls came in to it.

If anyone would like a relative of Goldatron just let me know Elisha would love to post them out to you.....if we get any more out there then maybe they could meet up on their travels:yum::yum::yum:

They are a FF mascot in a way.

I have a idea of turning his travels into a children's novel....always wanted to write one and this could be the time to fulfill that dream.....without the cussing:yum::yum:
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Heck yes send one my way and I will see that he has some fun. I will take pics of course!

Let OhioTC know ya mailing details and you can be the next to get Goldatron after him....if you want your own PM me your mailing details and my Daughter will make you a custom one....but i get to name him :yum::yum::yum:
Well, Goldatron made his way to Ohio. I think the mail sorting machines may have distorted his eyes a bit.

Since I had no idea where all the postal service had handled the envelope, I decided to be careful when I freed him from his confines with caution. I knew he had been deprived of a good fingering for a few days since he left John and Jan, so I donned the glove and gave it to him. The mask was just a precaution from H1N1, anthrax and so forth that he may have picked up in his travels. Once I was sure he was disinfected, I figured he might be a tad thirsty. So a little sip of my amber pop and he was good to go. I introduced him to Buddy, but Buddy was not so interested.


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Bloody great Ohio....i think i should have come with him when miller lite is on offer:yum:

Thanks m8 you have made me smile...and his fingering has for sure gave him a wonky eye for sure:yum:

Let us all know where and when he heads of to next.
Oh he's not done here yet :clap:

Thats even better:yum:

Muleman has asked for Goldatrons wife to join him...she will be heading his way soon....she is called Britneytron:yum::yum::yum:

Anyone that wants Goldatron next just speak up.

Ohio give it to us:w00t2:
I may get Goldatron and his wife together for some Fun and shenanigans. With pics of course!
Well he had a long trip from the Nixon household. I figured he needed a good nights rest last night. This is the best I could come up with on such short notice.


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Woke up this morning and there he was. I think he was trying to call his mates back home to tell them about the Miller Lite.


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Tonight I get home and there he is checking out ForumsForums.

Then off to the living room where he wanted to check out the family photos.


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I think he looked a little lonely, so we whipped up a fuzzy headed friend for him.

He got a good fingering after that, but the camera went dead :(


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Goldatron in bed :yum::yum::yum: Ohio your killing me:yum::yum::yum:

That has got to be the funniest thing i have seen in ages:clap:
Tomorrow he'll be sent to muleman. I know he asked for a mate for Goldatron. She might be a ways off yet though.
Nixon....i was showing my Bro-in-law this thread last night and he loved your bright Orange hat and wants one....where did you get it??
You can get hats like that anywhere in Pa. It is the official redneck head cover in the winter. Got 5-6 myself. They are required for hunting as well.