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Comcast Cable Rant


New member
Im not sure if anyone else in here has comcast but I have been with them for a years. Within the last 18 months I have had atleast two increases in my bill and recently they changed the TV listing menu. Earlier this week Rusty and I come home to watch our usual programs and everything is changed. What use to take 3 clicks on the remote now takes 5-6 clicks. The menu is very confusing. I have been in an online chat with customer service for the last 40 or so minutes. I will post our conversation later...:hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer:
That transcript will be very entertaining. :clap:
A smart customer VS a piss head entry level employee.
Go Direct Tv and never look back. Others are cheaper but their menus and remotes are worth it. I had Comcast when it was Suscom and it sucked for finding channels and just the menu in general. Time Warner is even worse. Over a month of it in the hospital about drove me nuts.
+2 on Directv and I had Comcast, when they first started as Adelphia Cable. I changed to a satalitte Primestar that later became Directv when it first started. I've had them ever since and never been sorry. I now have 3 TV counting my computer all HD with starting with the Choice Ultimate Package as well as HBO and Starz. A friend has Dish and as soon as he can he is switching to Directv as the two just don't compare in price or broadcast quality.
+3 on Direct TV. I think if you get them now you get the football package free or rather cheap. I had Adelphia that later became Comcast and they steadily raised my bill and took away channels. My biggest concern with the switch is how the Direct TV would go out because of storms, but they have seemed to resolved that as my Direct TV only goes out in really bad storms which has only been 1 or 2 times in over a year and then it was only for a short period of time. Customer service is a lot better too!
Funny you should mention the storms and Directv going out. I remember Adelphia in the Homestead all it took to knock them out was a squirrel pissing on a flat rock with in 200 yards of their dish center. I switched due to this and actually found the Primestar would go out but would come back as soon as the storm passed unlike the cable which would stay out for days. Now Directv new antennas seem to only be affected by really bad storms and is rarely out more than a minute or two here. The longest was during an ice storm last winter for about 2 hours in one day. The dish iced up completely which took a little warm water followed by Pam spray. No more problems the rest of the winter.