Gone But Not Forgotten
Man O Man !!!
We have had the Columbia Helicopter Pilots staying in our 3 Bedroom apartment here at the ranch for the last month . A great bunch of guys with bigger Balls than I would ever have . They are nuts as they fly 200 feet off the ground in this huge ass helicopter carring a load of timber on a 200 foot rope .
Well today was their last day here and they said they would swing by as they left . They did it in the helicopter !!!!!!
Holy Shit !!!! I have pictures and video has this huge ass Boeing twin bladed copter hovering right in front of my house 50 feet off the ground , as the crew waved goodbye !!!!!
Unbelievably cool !!!!

I'll get pictures posted and the video we took as soon as I can learn how to post it !!!!.
They then buzzed the town and headed for Sun Valley and their next project !!
We have had the Columbia Helicopter Pilots staying in our 3 Bedroom apartment here at the ranch for the last month . A great bunch of guys with bigger Balls than I would ever have . They are nuts as they fly 200 feet off the ground in this huge ass helicopter carring a load of timber on a 200 foot rope .
Well today was their last day here and they said they would swing by as they left . They did it in the helicopter !!!!!!
Holy Shit !!!! I have pictures and video has this huge ass Boeing twin bladed copter hovering right in front of my house 50 feet off the ground , as the crew waved goodbye !!!!!
Unbelievably cool !!!!

I'll get pictures posted and the video we took as soon as I can learn how to post it !!!!.
They then buzzed the town and headed for Sun Valley and their next project !!