AndyM said:Maybe control the world's second largest oil reserve without opposition?
dzalphakilo said:Please tell me that you're not stupid enough to think that if we killed every man woman and child in the country of Iraq and then "took over" for the oil that we would not have any opposition!
AndyM said:Sudan is an example, but there is little "incentive" for our government to do anything there.
dzalphakilo said:I don't think that we could ever get to the point where every civilian (sp?) was killed in Iraq for control of the country (or if we did, god have mercy on our souls).
dzalphakilo said:Please tell me that you're not stupid enough to think that if we killed every man woman and child in the country of Iraq and then "took over" for the oil that we would not have any opposition!
You bring up an interesting point though as to why we may actually be there.
HarryG said:All I read is answers rhetoric and BS why we should not be there or why we should get out but NO exiting strategy.
Tell me how we do this? This won't be easy. Just how?
jdwilson44 said:................
Without the oil factor and influence from pro Israeli lobbyists what vital US interests would there be over in the Mideast for us? The US does not do "humanitarian" missions very often. If we want to save a country from itself maybe we ought to look closer to our own shores and make another run at trying to fix Haiti.
dzalphakilo said:How long did we support S.H in Iraq? Don't forget that Detroit actually gave him a key to their city when he visited the U.S.
Glenn9643 said:In spite of his limitations I still think he was the best choice considering the choices I had. I'll step right up and say he's not the brightest bulb on the tree, but I still think he's basically a decent person trying to do the job.
As for oil being the reason we're in Iraq? I think we need to think a little simpler in this case. He's trying to finish what Daddy didn't. Unless something else shows that's what I'll always believe brought us into this war.
I vote for the person and not the party. It's sad when you have such poor choices as we've had the past several elections.![]()
I think you have come closer to the truth than all the other posts in this thread. Remember, before the invasion, how Wolfowitz said the oil was going to pay to repair the damage? Do you think anyone would have supported the notion of invasion if they knew we were going to have to borrow money on our national debt in order to rebuild Iraq by ourselves?Junkman said:Unfortunately, he surrounded himself with people that did the thinking for him, and all they could see was how to get hold of the Iraqi oil.
Junkman said:I would have to believe that this is the oil influence that was the reason for our invading Iraq. As for the Pro Israeli lobbyist, I don't think that they gave a damn about Iraq. They knew that Iraq wasn't a threat, and the last time that Iraq was even thinking about becoming a nuclear power, the Israelis bombed the hell out of them and the rest of the Arab world just watched from the side lines. The Arab world might not like Israel, but they sure do respect there military might and after the 1967 war, learned not to piss them off. They can handle themselves without any help from us. They showed restraint in the Kuwait war and they haven't gotten involved in this present one. They pick there battles carefully and are not baited into situations.
Junkman said:I haven't read the links, and I don't know this for certain, however, I believe that most of the foreign aid that we send to Israel is in the form of war munitions, such as planes, support parts, etc. Problem with politicians, is that they mask things under classifications that have no relevance to the actual facts. They also use classifications that are considered Government Secrets, so the general public has no idea of what any of it is about.