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Bronze Member
Has anyone tried CBD for back pain?
ive about given up on the medical establishment to help me with my back pain.
The aquatic's classes help but I still cant stand for over 45 minuets without major pain
After breaking my back 9 years ago, I was prescribed oxys for pain. They did absolutely nothing for back pain but left me in a zombie state most of the time. I went in for surgery on my abdomen and the hospital switched me to Lyrica which is a nerve pill. It did nothing for pain but as a lovely side effect caused me to gain 40lbs in 3 months.

I switched to medical Marijuana and basically went from needing a walker and mobility scooter to being able to walk around normally for the most part and actually get stuff done. It's not ideal but it works. It's a lesser of two evils. Either I could sit in pain barely able to move totally spun out on oxys or use medical Marijuana and actually get some relief.

Case in point was yesterday. We had friends over for supper. I was hobbling around unsteady on my feet using a cane due to my back on fire. I went on the deck and took a quick pull on my thc vape pen (which doesn't stink like regular weed btw) and within minutes was able to drop the cane and walk normally.

I grew up in the 80s being brainwashed with the whole "just say no" agenda being pushed so I was deadset against it all my life until I was injured. It works. I can't really comment of the straight cbd stuff though as I didn't have much luck with it. It was more akin to bringing a knife to a gun fight.

I haven't had any luck with the gummies as they take too long to work. Then the unpredictability and potency always knock me on my butt. So I stick with the vape pens. And even there, there's a difference in the types. There's sativa hybrid blend and indica. I often have a selection of pens on me for the situation. If I need to be pain free and have a burst of energy to get stuff done, I'll take a sativa. After lunch, I'm usually pretty sore and want to just relax but not be a zombie so I'll take a pull on my hybrid or blend whichever one I happen to have. In the evening, I switch to my indica pen as it numbs the pain and knocks me out so I can sleep at night. The nice thing about the vape pen is there's very little smell if anything. No smoke. I can just go in the bathroom at 2am and take a quick pull and within minutes feel the burning in my back disapate and I can get to sleep. When I was on oxys and Lyrica, I was sleeping on the chair in the living room most nights and barely able to sleep 2 hrs straight. I can now sleep all night in my own bed.
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What about the CBD oils?

I think there are a couple basic types. Those with THC and those without. From what I gather, unlike 'gummies' the oils have a measured potency and you can essentially dose yourself with the amount you need by taking a bit more or a bit less.

I'm living in a state that still prosecutes people for marijuana possession, but literally a few miles to the west or a few miles to the north are states that allow pretty much whatever. Recreational and medical vape, edibles, CBD, and marijuana for actual smoking fun. Nor have I considered using any of the above, at least not yet, so far I'm fine with Advil and Tramadol, no mental fog, no more pain either. But my sister-in-law and several of her friends use edibles from shops they visit in Michigan. Not sure if different shops carry different doses or you get what you get or if there are "light" 'medium' and 'magnum' dosed gummies that are distinguished by size/shape, etc? I'm pretty ignorant of all of it.
What NorthernRedneck said is pretty good advice. You will need to do some experimenting and be careful with the different types and brands/sources. There are some crazy strong options out there that can be overwhelming and give you not so good experiences. It's all legal out here in the west and there are tons of options.
I'd be happy to be like Bob and use Tylenol it doesn't have any affect on the pain.
I'm leery of the Vape thing because of my asthma.
The oils and tincture
There's no way i can reach back of my back and rub the oils on
tincture might be the ticket???
My son Jeff uses edibles once in a while for neck and back pain. He says it works.
As for my pain, I have to rely of Tylenol Arthritis only. It works for me, thank God because I can't use aspirin or Advil or Aleve now because I practically destroyed my stomach from overuse because of the arthritis, then I ended up with an ulcer.
No fun.
Aging sucks.
I feel like I'm 74 some days instead of 64.
Other days it's like I'm still in my 40s.
My son Jeff uses edibles once in a while for neck and back pain. He says it works.
As for my pain, I have to rely of Tylenol Arthritis only. It works for me, thank God because I can't use aspirin or Advil or Aleve now because I practically destroyed my stomach from overuse because of the arthritis, then I ended up with an ulcer.
No fun.
Aging sucks.
I feel like I'm 74 some days instead of 64.
Other days it's like I'm still in my 40s.

I can relate. I was only 38 when I broke my back in 6 places. I'm 47 now bit some days I swear I'd lose a foot race in a seniors home.
I can relate. I was only 38 when I broke my back in 6 places. I'm 47 now bit some days I swear I'd lose a foot race in a seniors home.
I sure remember that, Brian.
Both of my sons are in their 40s now.
Jeff's going to be 46 in July and Ty will turn 41.
They constantly ask me for advice about what to do about this or that.
Thankfully they don't have any real bad issues right now, aside from Jeff's neck and back, but those are lingering from surgeries he's had to correct some things.
Ty is beginning to feel arthritic in his arms and hands. It's because of the work he does.
He refuses to go to the doctor because he's too tuff to admit he's getting older.
I always tell them this is aging and welcome to it.
I haven't tried CBD gummies or oil for back pain, but I've had success with CBD cream for joint pain. It's helped manage discomfort, especially when I need relief during the day without feeling too drowsy. I apply it directly to the affected area, and it reduces inflammation and soothes the pain.
OP, I suggest you try it. This is the one I use https://joyorganics.com/products/cbd-cream. It's THC-free, so you won't experience any psychoactive effects.
I tried it. Did not like it at all. Results much like NR. They did absolutely nothing for back pain but left me in a zombie state most of the time. Tried it more that once, different strengths. Same result. Never again.
I've taken CBD gummies for sleep and anxiety. They work like a charm. I order mine from a company in San Diego. I also smoke the THC Vape pens and they'll work just as well for whatever pain I may be in, but it's different for everybody.
Recently heard an older athlete talk about how coaches would crush aspirin and mix it into rubbing alcohol and rub it on the area with pain. Haven't tried it yet, but I like the idea of putting the medication at the spot you need it, instead of through out your body.

As to aspirin my mother had two thirds of her stomach removed because of the ulcer it caused. So IF you take any meds follow the directions on eating with food or not and be generous with the amount of water you drink. I also found the longer you're on pain meds the less they work.
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I've taken CBD gummies for sleep and anxiety. They work like a charm. I order mine from a company in San Diego. I also smoke the THC Vape pens and they'll work just as well for whatever pain I may be in, but it's different for everybody.

The thc vape pens are what keeps me moving most days unfortunately. Would I love to not have to depend on them in order to function? Yes. But in my case, pain meds weren't cutting it after my accident so it's either I sit at home in pain barely able to walk 10 feet or get some relief by taking a quick pull on my pen. And the pens are nice as there's no smell. For me the effects on my tensed muscles and nerves in my back are felt within minutes.
The thc vape pens are what keeps me moving most days unfortunately. Would I love to not have to depend on them in order to function? Yes. But in my case, pain meds weren't cutting it after my accident so it's either I sit at home in pain barely able to walk 10 feet or get some relief by taking a quick pull on my pen. And the pens are nice as there's no smell. For me the effects on my tensed muscles and nerves in my back are felt within minutes.
Evidently, I somehow managed to pinch a nerve in my left arm in late 2021. Then pain radiated down from my shoulder to my forearm, wrist, palm and every single finger. Hell, it hurt to lift barely any weight at all without the need to clinch my teeth. I think it managed to alleviate most of the pain I that may have lingered, because this sensation while painful, never lasted long. I started smoking it recreationally and I do daily, but I'm glad to have it and the CBD. The duo seems to do things most other things can't.
The thc vape pens are what keeps me moving most days unfortunately. Would I love to not have to depend on them in order to function? Yes. But in my case, pain meds weren't cutting it after my accident so it's either I sit at home in pain barely able to walk 10 feet or get some relief by taking a quick pull on my pen. And the pens are nice as there's no smell. For me the effects on my tensed muscles and nerves in my back are felt within minutes.
I am ready to try some sort of THC for pain control. It is illegal in my state. It is legal in Illinois and in Michigan, I live close to both, can easily cross either state line. JUST CURIOUS, but what brand vape pen? Are the doses pre-measured or is it a thing that you refill yourself? Details please.

I have been on Enbrel injections for just over 4 months.

At the 3 month mark I was pain free . . . for 1 week.

At this point I'm averaging 2 to 3 mild opioids (tramadol) and 9-12 ibuprofen per day. Add a few ounces of bourbon most evenings.

I saw my doctor on Tuesday, I need to stay on Enbrel for a minimum of 6 months before we can switch to a new medicine. In the mean time he refilled my Tramadol. We are in weekly contact with updates on my pain, my pain killer use (including the bourbon). He is already preparing me to switch to another medication. It has been about 2 years and now 3 major medication changes, with a pending 4th major medication change looking imminent. Thinking of talking to my doctor about all this if things don't get better.
I'll be the first to admit that I had never once tried the stuff until after my accident. I was in a lot of pain (still am to some extent but way better than before). I have days when I need a cane to walk around the house and can barely make it to the vehicle. I was struggling with finding a so called "prescription medication" that worked and didn't have wicked side effects. I had plateau'd in my recovery from my injuries and had accepted that for any distance more than 150 feet, I would be stuck using a mobility scooter and be in constant pain. Life was not enjoyable. My family doctor suggested that I try medical Marijuana as it is legal here for both medical and recreational. I struggled for months with the thought of even doing that.

My friends at camp all partake in the recreational stuff and at that point, I still had not tried it. They saw the pain I was in and suggested that I try it. Up to that point, I was getting maybe 2 hours of sleep without waking up in pain. I tried it and went back to the camper and slept the whole night.

My experience started ordering from the "government websites". A doctor prescribes it and assigns you a provider online to order from. I would just order it online. Now with all the recreational shops selling the exact same stuff as the online shop, I can just go to a local shop's website and place an order and....they deliver within 2 hours.

So, all that being said, I have gravitated to the vape pens. They are sold in an oil capsule 1 gram or .05 grams I believe. They are a .510 battery thread.

They are all thc oil. One is a sativa base which is a get up and go in the morning/ give me energy for hours. One is a hybrid blend of both sativa and indica. Sativa is an energizer while a hybrid is a relax in the afternoon but don't want to go to sleep yet blend. For at night, I switch to an indica which basically acts like a sedative.

As with anything, it will hit you harder at first until you get used to it.

I'll share a little story of why we no longer travel in the states. Two years ago we went down for the weekend to an outdoor concert. I was back to using a scooter and being in severe pain for 3 days because I couldn't bring my vape pens across the border into Minnesota even though it's legal there for medical and I have a prescription in Canada. No, instead they would rather have people hooked on oxys. And at that point I had been free of the scooter for 2 years. So imagine how I felt.
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More on the vape pens....they come in all different flavors as well. Some are fruity. Some, minty. Some sour. Etc. All depends what you like I guess.
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@Melensdad I haven't taken the plunge either but we have cbd shops around I keep thinking of stopping but haven't stopped.

From what I read get the info from the shop and do some research on line to check how it get processed concentration's etc.
The one guy I know who uses it uses a vape smoke that's battery powered (rechargable) and puts the tincture in like just like a regular vape cigarette.
I've started using CBD for my back pain. Subscribed to this clinic. They said I should feel the effects in 2 weeks or so. I'll keep you updated.
Just curious, do you live in a state that allows medical marijuana? There is CBD with THC in states that allow medical marijuana and then, in states like mine, there is CBD withOUT the THC. I'm curious about the differences in effectiveness of these two types.