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Cats Meow Jamboree, April, 2015

just a reminder to all snow trac machine owners, snow trac is the featured machine for this event at Timberline lodge, sure love to see lots of snow tracs on Mt Hood, think as i write, there are five confirmed snow tracs coming, looking forward seeing how they do against other machines in friendly trials competition. And then, there are the photo ops.


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I know of one in yakama that is close to 100% original except for the larger engine.
It still has the globe blinkers that still work. Push button starter.
To bad he can't make it.
am I hard to understand?? I got a call from timberline and they never had me down for what we agreed on. I think it is correct now. it wouldn't be a bad idea to confirm things with them.
I just made my res on Wednesday with no problem
course my st4 will have to stay home, be hard to get it on the plane..
even if I boost it up to first class....
This sure looks like fun and a great opportunity. Are there rooms left in the lodge for non tucker owners?

yes yes yes, more the merrier, and even better if it is not a tucker, do not want the folks to think, this is a tucker love fest scott, all machines are more than welcome, and yes, it is a great event! thanks and looking forward to seeing everyone
Could someone familiar with the area PM me a readers digest version of the event and lodging.

I am not lazy but I have read through the thread a few times and cant get my head around the logistics of silcox and the Lodge.

I am a apprenticeship instructor. I don't believe in sick days, and I dont get vacation.
so I would fly out of the midwest on a tuesday, and land where?
If I shipped a cat out is there a convienient place to drop it? Is anyone local to this event?
You folks from the east, anyone driving hair on fire out to the event?
I would fly back....


Thanks in advance.
got you covered mr redsqwrl, sending a pm and give me a call, will get you up to speed on everything, thank you tuckerville minion

yes yes yes, more the merrier, and even better if it is not a tucker, do not want the folks to think, this is a tucker love fest scott, all machines are more than welcome, and yes, it is a great event! thanks and looking forward to seeing everyone

Excellent! Thanks Jen. We will be coming down early Friday and are looking forward to it!
I'll have you all messed if you are chasing a Boston accent from me! A southerner, transplanted to New Hampshire, whose twang only makes it's way out now after a couple of drinks! But, I will have my thumb out standing beside Brian! :cool2:
ah, you guys will not be thumbing rides for long, lots of machines are coming, and there will be a few extras those of you coming without a cat to play with, come and enjoy, the only real concern is, that you folks just might want to move out to orygun. more non-natives :thewave::bounce::bounce:
I went to Aspen last year and it would have been easy to stay there for both types of recreation.

Seattle not so much would probably be found hanging from construction crane as liberal hipsters and I clashed.

Tuckerville might be the best bowl of porridge yet!
ah, you guys will not be thumbing rides for long, lots of machines are coming, and there will be a few extras those of you coming without a cat to play with, come and enjoy, the only real concern is, that you folks just might want to move out to orygun. more non-natives :thewave::bounce::bounce:

Years and years ago I was the resident field mechanic for southern Vermont for, at the time Jorden Milton Cat.
I was up inLudlow Vt at the town shed working on the town loader a good old 930 a beloved old loader tried and true and I bet still running
Old Tuck was the operator an ancient old woodchuck and don’t think he ever been south of Bratelbough or north of the tunbridge words fair with the naked ladies and the beer tent and the wonderful fights that would take place on the hill behind the beer tent…
Well we had to go and get a tubing cutter at the Napa store and I said to Tuck lets go for a ride.
So we ventured down to town past the boutiques fancy dandy store selling trinkets t shirts and what not.

As Ludlow is a ski resort now. For what its worth at one time it was a mining town for talc and farming logging. These stores had replaced the old staples of the old vt village.
Well I asked tuck what think of this stuff and he said.” I don’t mind people coming up from away to visit. Cause if I lived south I want to come visit. But what I hate is they move up and want to get involved. Isn’t nothing worse than people coming up with money from down south and have the time to change things. First they are on the school board than the road commission then this committee then this committee get elected and they add side walks dog parks and more stuff that gets the place just like they left and as its get good and screw up… they move to New Hampshire and start again there.”
Me I would move to Vancouver Wash and do my shopping in sales tax free Oregon
Just got home from the Snow Cat Jamboree 2015 in Leavenworth, WA. Fantastic people and great Hosts Nick & April Seegert. 16 vintage snow cats and 35 people and one dog (cooper) !!
Now it's official Timberline Lodge has confirmed our reservations for April 23- departing the 26th. Our 1981 DMC 1200 Spryte.

We talked with several snow cat owners at the Snow Cat Jamboree 2015 and hope to hear them on this forum announce their conformations for the Cats Meow Jamboree at Timberline Lodge.
After reviewing the accommodations on the mountain we are confident that the memories and photo opportunities with all the snow machines will be a one of a kind event. What a great outing with the cat this is going to be.
Years and years ago I was the resident field mechanic for southern Vermont for, at the time Jorden Milton Cat.
I was up inLudlow Vt at the town shed working on the town loader a good old 930 a beloved old loader tried and true and I bet still running
Old Tuck was the operator an ancient old woodchuck and don’t think he ever been south of Bratelbough or north of the tunbridge words fair with the naked ladies and the beer tent and the wonderful fights that would take place on the hill behind the beer tent…
Well we had to go and get a tubing cutter at the Napa store and I said to Tuck lets go for a ride.
So we ventured down to town past the boutiques fancy dandy store selling trinkets t shirts and what not.

As Ludlow is a ski resort now. For what its worth at one time it was a mining town for talc and farming logging. These stores had replaced the old staples of the old vt village.
Well I asked tuck what think of this stuff and he said.” I don’t mind people coming up from away to visit. Cause if I lived south I want to come visit. But what I hate is they move up and want to get involved. Isn’t nothing worse than people coming up with money from down south and have the time to change things. First they are on the school board than the road commission then this committee then this committee get elected and they add side walks dog parks and more stuff that gets the place just like they left and as its get good and screw up… they move to New Hampshire and start again there.”
Me I would move to Vancouver Wash and do my shopping in sales tax free Oregon

same ass holes are moving to my town all ready talking about dog parks and a dog turd patrol oh yes folks that have lived here a life time need to clean their yards and paint their houses so they can be taxed more.
ah, you guys will not be thumbing rides for long, lots of machines are coming, and there will be a few extras those of you coming without a cat to play with, come and enjoy, the only real concern is, that you folks just might want to move out to orygun. more non-natives :thewave::bounce::bounce:

Being that I'm not too far from the event, I'm thinking if its worth it to reserve a room, or just bring my RV there for the time I would be staying, any suggestions?
my good sno catter friend, either way you choice will be fabulous, it will be all good, very happy that will be attending, now, get that cat done! fyi, you were truly missed in leavenworth, an epic adventure
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We had originally reserved a room for Friday and Saturday night, but after hearing about everything that is planned over last weekend we extended our reservation to include Thursday as well. It's gonna be a great time!
got to say, had a great time with you folks, and enjoyed meeting you, happy to hear you will be coming for thursday, good move, tuckerville
FYI, when making reservations at Timberline, please remember you need to tell them you are with Cats Meow Jamboree, as the whole lodge is reserved for this event, thanks jinn and scott
Got our reservations was a little difficult if you do it after hours on the 800 # it gets kicked to an after hours and it looks as though there is no rooms available. So determined we called the lodge # direct and got a room!
Got our reservations was a little difficult if you do it after hours on the 800 # it gets kicked to an after hours and it looks as though there is no rooms available. So determined we called the lodge # direct and got a room!

Now ya gotta get Your cat goin!
Booked the flights today. Air Alaska direct each way. 350$ round trip Boston to Portland.

Getting in Thursday night leaving Tuesday am. Can't wait!
Looking like this will be the Sturgis of Snow Cats. For sure you will want to attend the first gathering
What's the story with snowboarding out there? Do they use cats that time of year to get up? Will I be able to vintage cat up and modern snowboard down rinse repeat?