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Cats Meow Jamboree, April, 2015


latest update from Timberline Lodge, have been told that they are still working on their new reservation system, ( tech issue ) and the jamboree is going be the first to use the new system, will be accepting reservations by August 1 st, FYI, all the rooms are set aside for the Jamboree, so we good for the rooms and event is just getting better each day, here are a few things to look forward too;

1. Snow trac is the Jamboree's shinning example of over the snow travel
2. Special showing of the Shinning during the Jamboree
3. Tucker Sno-cat Corp are making plans to attend, they will be bringing equipment
4. There are special efforts being made for a very famous sno-cat to attend Jamboree
5. Driving skills event.
6. Friday night, dinner - dance, country/rock-n-roll band
7. Watch for further details about Jamboree, many things are in the works, which is all
good for those that attend !

Special snow cat does that mean some one is going to try to get Big Al to bring his krusty and pry it from the trailer.
nope, it means, Snow Trac machines are the featured machine, a shinning example of a snow machine, a honor to be enjoyed by snow trac owners at a special place. I do have a plan for getting Big Al to attend the snow cat jamboree, I have a plan!!!
So I assume that you all will want the KT7 Yetti Edition to be the rig I bring , if this works out ? :unsure:
yes Allen I want to see a krusty move on it's own in person Your Buddy Bobcat can bring his too I hear how they are going to beat my snow trac to the top of anvil mountain.
yes Allen I want to see a krusty move on it's own in person Your Buddy Bobcat can bring his too I hear how they are going to beat my snow trac to the top of anvil mountain.

I heard he was going to tow your Snot track to the top, so I guess either way he still wins ......:whistling:
OK you all .

Looks like we might be on board to attend . My health has been a issue lately and as long as I am feelin ok we will make every effort to attend .

I'll be bringing Yetti . She is my favorite .

I hired a mechanic to come up tomorrow and start going over everything to insure she is ready . He will be installing the new items I have just not felt like doing .

Everyone has seen her picture but I will post as requested .


  • Kristi-KT7a.jpg
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  • final pictures of Kristi 007.jpg
    final pictures of Kristi 007.jpg
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  • The Yetti KT7 006.jpg
    The Yetti KT7 006.jpg
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SUPER, very pleased to have you coming to the cats meow jamboree, if Big Al is coming, and he is, what about the rest of you !!! this going to be great.
BIG AL, he is a good guy and think there are quite a few us the will enjoy meeting him, hear tell, he has lots of stories to tell
I wished I could bring down the old snot trac or Thiokol, Show Al what a real work machine is, kind of like me not beautiful just reliable.

latest update from Timberline Lodge, have been told that they are still working on their new reservation system, ( tech issue ) and the jamboree is going be the first to use the new system, will be accepting reservations by August 1 st, FYI, all the rooms are set aside for the Jamboree, so we good for the rooms and event is just getting better each day, here are a few things to look forward too;

1. Snow trac is the Jamboree's shinning example of over the snow travel
2. Special showing of the Shinning during the Jamboree
3. Tucker Sno-cat Corp are making plans to attend, they will be bringing equipment
4. There are special efforts being made for a very famous sno-cat to attend Jamboree
5. Driving skills event.
6. Friday night, dinner - dance, country/rock-n-roll band
7. Watch for further details about Jamboree, many things are in the works, which is all
good for those that attend !

now, that i have the world famous, Big Al's Kristi coming to the Jamboree, there is a second very famous sno-cat that is planning on attending, they are working on it as i write. the 4 th generation of tucker boys will be bringing rock and roll ! just think about the history of this machine and you being able to see this machine in person and better yet, run! a very special moment in time.
I tried to place a reservation online and by phone Friday at the lodge and it appeared they didn't know anything about the Jamboree. Online system was not working either. Are they accepting reservations yet. Has anyone booked a room yet?
tom, timberline lodge will be using a new reservation system and we - the cats meow jamboree - will be the first to use the new system, they are having tech issues in getting it up and running, am told by august 1 st, it will be up and accepting reservations, rest assured that the whole lodge is being held for the jamboree, fyi, management does know all about it and is excited to be hosting it, and that would include jeff K, he is the president of the of the ski area and lodge, again, they are very pleased and we all good to go, just waiting on a couple of geeks to finish up the new reservation system, looking forward to seeing all of you next april, thank you for all for your patience and interest.


jinn davis and scott russell
Can you post a road map that shows available turn outs on the mountain that show an emergency stop areas should one break down going up the hill.
A also show where the weigh scales are bother north and south i5 as well as west bound just Incase one needs to know.
Is it possible to post any special or good to know towing requirements in the state of Oregon.
Are there any special vehicle tab requirements for operating a snow cat on the property we will operate on. This would be help for those of us planning to travel the long drive from out of state . Thanks
hey, just let me know where you are coming from and we will get you detailed info for a safe trip, overall oregon, is fairly okay to trailer though, nothing special to know, do not believe you will have any issues getting to timberline, besides, just follow Jim VT,
Can you post a road map that shows available turn outs on the mountain that show an emergency stop areas should one break down going up the hill.
A also show where the weigh scales are bother north and south i5 as well as west bound just Incase one needs to know.
Is it possible to post any special or good to know towing requirements in the state of Oregon.
Are there any special vehicle tab requirements for operating a snow cat on the property we will operate on. This would be help for those of us planning to travel the long drive from out of state . Thanks

Depending on when you plan to travel I might tag along and help push up the hills :smile:. I figure one full day to get there ??
Driving from the east, Idaho via I-84, turn south at Hood river Hwy 35 which runs into Hwy 26 and head east to Govt. Camp.. Govt. Camp is at the summit of the pass and the road to Timberline Lodge is clearly marked as you turn north. This road only goes to Timberline. If coming from southern Idaho, ya'll just take Hwy 26 to Govt. Camp. Driving from the west side, use Hwy 26 heading east. From south on I-5, take I-205 to I-84 or you can shorten the length a little bit by heading east at Clackamas Hwy 212. More stop and go and small towns and it runs into Hwy 26. Your choice as to if you like freeway driving or two lane. From north I-5, take I-205 to I-84. Any one coming from the west on I-84 should exit at Troutdale and head south to hit Hwy26. Pretty easy and well marked.

All the freeways have wide shoulders if you need to stop. The Timberline road is fairly steep, 2200 vertical feet in 6 miles, and has limited turn outs. All paved and wide roadway. Semi-trucks use this road year round. Timberline is at 6000 feet elev.

Check the weather report for road conditions, I have seen snow there in July, but very rare. Bring you chains.

See you there look for Orange,

Can you post a road map that shows available turn outs on the mountain that show an emergency stop areas should one break down going up the hill.
A also show where the weigh scales are bother north and south i5 as well as west bound just Incase one needs to know.
Is it possible to post any special or good to know towing requirements in the state of Oregon.
Are there any special vehicle tab requirements for operating a snow cat on the property we will operate on. This would be help for those of us planning to travel the long drive from out of state . Thanks

I've ran my cats only with a regular OHV sticker. Most of the parking lots use winter park passes (either daily or seasonal).

I would almost presume that running at the Timberline wont be an issue without any permits, being that is a leased private property.
We will be operating under the permit for the ski area operator RLK and Co. So no ATV permit will be required. However the Cat's Meow Jamboree will be during the season requiring a Snow Park permit. They will be available at Timberline Lodge if you do not have one. I believe that there is reciprocity between other states. Look it up.
hey, just let me know where you are coming from and we will get you detailed info for a safe trip, overall oregon, is fairly okay to trailer though, nothing special to know, do not believe you will have any issues getting to timberline, besides, just follow Jim VT,
Other than you cannot pump your own gas!!!:whistling:
yup !!!

why sir, you are correct and we in oregon feel oh, so special.

FYI, that is why they are called service stations, not sure why, still waiting to have the windshield washed and oil checked
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