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Cats Meow Jamboree, April, 2015

Don't forget this one


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Yes, I remember that one!!! Those 601 paintings were fun to paint! That machine is one of my very favorites! I'd really love to own one of those Thiokol 601 snowcats someday!

I think I'll be bringing this 601 painting to the show. I have to figure out the packing and shipping. It's the largest snowcat painting I've ever done. (24x36")


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If I bring the Thiokol 601 I probably ought to bring these too (same large size).


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Something just hit me. April 30 is the end of "sno-park". is the road from 26 to the lodge still plowed after then?
and just when you thought, it was time to put away the sno cat,WRONG!

cats meow is coming up, and Timberline Lodge, Mt Hood, Oregon, has over 12 feet of sno at the lodge, yup, 12 feet of sno, and more on the way,

this year, far more area is being opened up for the cats to play,

so, get those grousers fixed, oil leaks stopped, and put more fuel in the rig and come to Timberline for a great 3 days of sno cattin' adventure and wonderful people.
Waiting on pins and needles here! It's been an amazing winter so far and I'm looking forward to seeing you all up there. The Snow Trac seems to be running well (fingers crossed). :clap:
Had a nice call from Chelsea at Timberline today to check in on our reservations and we are all set!
It's coming up fast and there is a ton of snow this year :clap:
How many snow tracs are coming this year? Cidertom, how's the grouser job going?

I haven't switched out the front sprockets yet but mine seems to be running well, knock on a Kristy grouser :wink:

We just took it out for an overnight camp out at Bennett Pass with 6 kids and 3 Dads after night skiing. Just a short drive to a place where you can see the groomers running at night on Mt Hood. We pitched tents and made a fire and the kids stayed up way too late. Woke up the next morning and drove back down to the trailer and were skiing again by 9am. It was quick but really fun.

Looking forward to Timberline!
Holy cow snowsurfer!! Surely you did not go out across the terrible traverse on Benet Pass. That place scares me with out snow.
No not the terrible traverse. I have done it with a little snow but I know how it looks when there is more snow. We took the short road that goes to the right and up the hill from the parking area. I'll post a couple pictures later today.
almost doesn't look real.
i'm out myself today .got to ferry a guy to a tower. not as much fun as camping with the family.
We have crossed TTT on the way into Badger Lake with the 443. In the past I groomed up to the TT for cross country skiers. There are some interesting drifts up there. When it gets filled in late in the season, it is not safe even on skies. However if you traverse on the right side (south) of the ridge, it is not a problem to cross if on skies.
fabulous adventure, you are a great dad, those kids will remember these outings forever, staying up late, that just adds to the reason they will never forget....
I talked with Chelsea at Timberline lodge and there is still room at the Lodge and at Silcox for the May Meow. Looks like plenty of snow too. 503-272-3311, hit 0 when the recording starts to skip the message.
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Today princess and I delivered the 1959 Tucker to Timberline Lodge. It will be there this May for Meow II. Lots of snow there.


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I'm looking forward to the Cat's Meow! I can't wait to see all the snowcats! Sounds like I'll get to drive one too! My Tucker has been out of order for a couple years now. This is my year to fix it too! Anyway, I want to do some painting while at Timberline Lodge. I hear there is a great window that overlooks where the snowcats park. I imagine they don't stay put during the day for too long but maybe at night if there is a floodlight...I love the idea of painting some night scenes! Maybe it will even be snowing? Anyway I am really looking forward to meeting some of the people I have been reading about for years here on the Forum! And I am looking forward to having people see my paintings in real life. That sure hasn't happened often!

Here is a YouTube video of some of my paintings (about one minute):


See everybody there!!!

all is confirmed, our very own sno cat artist is COMING ! and bringing many new paintings, very much worth coming just to see his work

so, do not put that snow cat away just yet, come for the day thursday thru sunday ( yes that is mother's day, timberline lodge has a fabulous mother's day brunch) or stay the night, or two, the sno is fabulous and DEEP! This year we will have far more area to run and operate the machines. this is going to be GREAT...
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Meow II at Timberline Lodge Oregon

Here is the menu and registering for lunch information for lunch at Silcox May 7th.


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I just made my lunch
reservations today. Chelsea said only a few have made them.
just wanted to remind you.