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Cats Meow Jamboree, April, 2015

The Big Al award goes to, Cider Tom, clearly he should own a Kristi K-7, sure enjoyed your good natured humor. thanks
Oh the indignities of this award, it hurts( at least until I stop laughing).

I will prevail, I will have the cuties in my trac.
Tucker swag arrived today via ups . Did you know you can't ship beer out or Oregon? But you can pack at much as you want in luggage!

Not a cat but he is a vintage snoberman! 10 yo is 70 in Tucker years :wow:


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About half way thru The Crossing of Antarctica, Sir Edmund Hillary gives a great description of a Tucker Sno Cat. This is after spending fully 2 winters in Antactica. Their expedition is massive, supplied by 3 ships, they bring in supplies in the hundreds of tons, build several 'camps', have several support aircraft, 4 dog teams, some Massey Furgeson tractors, and Weasels. They scout out the most favorable routes by plane, then go in for a closer inspection with the dog teams to lay out the 2000 mile treck across the pole. Crevasses are "public enemy number one". They are pulling sleds with supplies to place at various depots:
"All day the Weasels had been laboring through soft snow that hid hard sastrugi running across our course. These made the vehicles and sledges heave and plunge like small ships at sea, their tracks churning out a spray of snow. In contrast, the Sno-cat sailed majestically, like a battleship over the snowy waves, its four independently articulated tracks accommodating the rough ridges below the snow."

It wasn't in the brochure?
Giggle giggle,

Well Lyndon, You know the value of high paid professional athlete endorsements?

They only pander to the malleable youth....

Great quote.
Interior plate on the passenger side of the DMC 1200 Spryte 1981 F300


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I have to give a great big "HATS-OFF" to Nick and his buddy. Besides making some outstanding video and probably the only one to record Perer Fuchs presentation, which we will cherish for years to come, they camped out in a tent at the meet! Snow and all! While I'm deep into reading the account of the Trans Antarctic Expedition, one of the items impressed on me was the cold, and camping out in it. These guys from the Cold countries of the world are certainly a "tougher breed", that would include "Nickson"!
Explain what is going on in the first photo. I am intrigued with the set up. I had visions of vehicle based camp, but the propane tank and air compressor looking box has me wondering...

One of the clowns

LOL - whatever Marco said is true... The snow plugged up the outlet on the tank, so here comes out the ARB portable compressor. I like to carry ALL the gear possible, never know what needs to be done.

Vlad was holding up the hood on my SUV since the ice/snow build up made it too heavy for the support shocks. :hammer:
Re: Correction:


LOL, we are not hard core... we just Russian... LOL (again)

we like winter camping, thus if anyone still remembers first restofab on the 1402, the concept was to make it into a snowcat-camper... and it was achieved... :)


nothing beats a perfect camp spot where only you can be there and total peace - away from all the rat race of civilization and all the crazies that "think they can make it there"...

Winter camping is perfect - ice fishing, hanging out by the fire and sleeping in the tent when its stormy outside, to wake up to some of the best views around (and you all know Oregun has them).

It all comes down to being prepared and geared right for such circumstances...

And for the video of the speaker - you are all welcome to download it and save it on your own computers if you wish to do so, and share with whomever you feel like., I don't mind... After all, such things are done specifically for such reason - to share what others couldn't see/hear in person...

It was a pleasure and a privilege to hand out with some of you legendary snowcat folk... :) :) :)
sunrises like these are very worth it (even when you sleep in your snowcave in 10F temps... :)


too bad this past winter didnt turn out to be "snow fall friendly" like it was in 2012


have to share some of these pictures... (sorry if I'm spamming a little)


napping atop of the Elk Lake (by Detroit, OR) in the military bag - those keep you warm...

Been busy, but have pics loaded. If anyone has problems, let me know. I'll try to rectify. First time w/ Google plus, so we shall see. Great time w/ amazing people, machines, weather & location. Also a big thank you to Jeff & Marcus for the ride in that brand new Tucker.


Awesome pictures...

Looking over the Saturday's shots, seems like everyone got "sunburned" face look... :) :yum::yum::yum:
those bags suck spent my share of nights in them I would rather have the old ones. you want a good bag get a wiggies .the new mss is modled after the wiggies just not as good. looks like you have a muskox hide to.
I will second the wiggys bags I have been out at minus 40 and warm as toast that in the Antarctic bag appropriate for this thread! I bought two had one custom made larger as a overbag to the normal Antarctic bag have never had to use it yet.
mr net, your photos are fabulous and yes, I believe you do have the photo of the year, thank you so much for coming, a real pleasure, wonderful to meet you and again thank you for the doing the logo design and making up all the stickers.
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mr net, your photos are fabulous and yes, I believe you have the photo of the year, thank you so much for coming and real pleasure to have you come, wonderful to meet you and again thank you for the doing the logo design and making up all the stickers.

Yes thank you for the sticker If you were at the event you were lucky to grab two of them
Been busy, but have pics loaded. If anyone has problems, let me know. I'll try to rectify. First time w/ Google plus, so we shall see. Great time w/ amazing people, machines, weather & location. Also a big thank you to Jeff & Marcus for the ride in that brand new Tucker.


You nailed it Mr. Net. I also love the shot of Rock & Roll with the ice framed window at Silcox Hut. Good job. And thanks for the help in the days before Meow, and the stickers and the Logo for the event.
Thanks for the photos sno-drifter and Davenet! Great seeing some of the things I missed.
Next year....:flowers::flowers: I won't miss any of it....
Such a great event. I don't think it could have been any better.
Well maybe if sno-drifter brought his kitten and the Timberline Tucker was finished. :brows:
Thanks for the photos sno-drifter and Davenet! Great seeing some of the things I missed.
Next year....:flowers::flowers: I won't miss any of it....
Such a great event. I don't think it could have been any better.
Well maybe if sno-drifter brought his kitten and the Timberline Tucker was finished. :brows:

Is the Cat's Meow Jamboree being held next year ?
Thanks for the photos sno-drifter and Davenet! Great seeing some of the things I missed.


One of the things I am REALLY sad I missed was getting a pic of your buddy that had just gotten back from his climb of the mountain and was looking for you just before Saturday dinner.

That guy was straight off of K2. Very intense. Weathered face from wind, snow, ice, rain & sun (probably enjoyed ALL of that just on Saturday), spindly but with probably a 40-50 lb. pack of mountaineering gear on his back. I'm guessing that is his winter 'thing'. I asked if he had made it all the way up that day and I got "yes", coupled with a look of "Who the hell only goes out to only hike most of the way"??? Almost like he could be a little tweaked- just focusing on him & the mountain!:yum:

Short conversation, but left a cool impression.

Then found more of the lunatics outside the building as I was leaving at 4:30am starting their hike up the hill. I'll stick with the Cat shuttle service!

One of the things I am REALLY sad I missed was getting a pic of your buddy that had just gotten back from his climb of the mountain and was looking for you just before Saturday dinner.

That guy was straight off of K2. Very intense. Weathered face from wind, snow, ice, rain & sun (probably enjoyed ALL of that just on Saturday), spindly but with probably a 40-50 lb. pack of mountaineering gear on his back. I'm guessing that is his winter 'thing'. I asked if he had made it all the way up that day and I got "yes", coupled with a look of "Who the hell only goes out to only hike most of the way"??? Almost like he could be a little tweaked- just focusing on him & the mountain!:yum:

Short conversation, but left a cool impression.

Then found more of the lunatics outside the building as I was leaving at 4:30am starting their hike up the hill. I'll stick with the Cat shuttle service!

That was Ken. His back pack was filled with about 10 lbs of kite gear. He hikes up above the lift and then launches his kite and kite-skis up to near the top (then hikes the rest of the way), yes the kite pulls him up and across and anywhere he wants to go on the Mt. He can catch as big of air as he dares to with his skis on and then floats down dangling from his kite at the end of 100' of line. I've done lots of that on the water but have yet to try it in the snow. Ken does this all the time, I mean all the time, Hood more than once a week when the weather is right, Alaska, Idaho, Chile etc. His weathered look as been etched by wind, sun, sand, salt and smiles and lots of it. Hood River is loaded with people like Ken.
I'm sure if you googled "kite skiing Mt Hood", Ken will show up.