Thank you to all, simply fabulous!
I can not begin to say how much I appreciate each of you that came and the time and effort it took for you to be at the Meow, what made this event so grand, was the people, thank you.
And a special thank you to Jeff K and his staff at Timberline Lodge, and a shout out to Scott S. well done
By the numbers, 140 plus people, 400 T shirts, 38 sno-cats, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, New Hampshire, California, Mass., idaho, Canada, and England, 12 plus inches of new sno, three flat tires, one broken bracket and a lifetime of memories
And we, together, raised nearly $4,000.00 for the Friends of Timberline, excellent, and I know they very thankful.
And a heart felt thank you, Tucker Sno-Cat Corp and the Tucker Family.
I know for sure a Thank you does not begin to express my appreciation to Scott Russell and all he did to make this happen.........