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At 48 yrs. old, I'm coming into that time of a fella's life when he and his doctor are going to be getting vewwwy familiar with each other.
A coupla months back, I had a physical. I have been looking at too high BP numbers as well as blood sugar, which concern me, both.
Upon looking over the results of the blood work, he commented on how low the blood sugar was, compared to a year and a half ago, the BP meds are doing their jobs very well, and:
"Your PSA's are so low that I'm not even going to bother with the butt check." :yum:

I know, I'll be doing more of this stuff plus the "Rooter Rooter" job every few years, but, if it keeps me going until I'm at least as old as my dad is now, (82), I'll bear it with a smile. :biggrin:
I need to add, Foggy, best wishes for you and I hope that things work out for you.
You've done us a service in reminding us that catching illnesses early leads to more effective treatment, and a higher success rate.
Well I hope you"ll be fine fog! I'll put in a good word for you tonight when I Confess to my King what a worthless servant I have been today. I think by now He has gotten over being dissappointed with me! I have no idea why He continues to put up with me but Merciful Savior is one of His names! Maybe it's for my Granny, who was a Saint (no doubt)! I do know this; If JESUS is your Savior nothing by any means shall harm you! DEATH WHERE IS THY STING? Grave where is thy victory? Remember to rejoice for a merry heart doeth good with a medicine. Also With Joy shall ye draw water from the wells of salvation. and Be ye Thankful. Cast your care upon Him for He careth for you. Remember it's never too late (or too early) to accept Jesus for your Savior and just that easy to be adopted into his family! Be Well fog is my prayer for you.......Dennis
Fog I found this here on FF somewhere (i cant find it again) but I saved the url and was astonished to have found it so soon after reading about your "temptation" take a look it sounds too good to be true but it might be!http://www.lewrockwell.com/sardi/sardi84.html

Thanks, seems that a "Cure" would show up "After" I get all the conventional treatments done with.

Finished the last of the direct radiation treatments about three weeks ago, guts feel like I was the center of attention (target) at a kick boxing event. Getting better as the weeks goes on, the doc said it will be about five to six weeks from the aftereffects, but getting energy back now to where I can go and do some simple tasks that aren't too labor intensive. Drag in a couple of cans of coal for the first few weeks and felt like the whole gut pack was ready to fall out. Now it is just feels like I want to throw up, don't sound like much, but a very big improvement.

Hope you guys get the PSA tests done for the Prostate Cancer test that are in the 40's year range, if you had it in your family, get it sooner. Mine had been perking for about 14 years and hadn't appeared yet to have gotten out of the Prostate, once it does, it goes to the bones and you are pretty much a write off and then the cure kills you before the cancer does in most cases.

In my case, there was no symptoms that suggested that I had the cancer until they did the test and my score was 35, normal is below one. When they did the biopsy, the Gleason Score was an 8 out of 10, not good.

I won't know if this was all for not, for about another two years, but if it was good, then that should be it... I was an advanced case and they had to use all the weapons at hand, it is much easier to deal with in the early stages.

Anyway, hope all of you are in good health... I'm getting there if all is good!:flowers:

As a foot note, my insurance (Blue Cross) was good for all this so far, don't know how the new "National Health Care" will be that congress is attempting to pass in secret, but I doubt as good and seems like it will cost a whole lot more.... IMHO
Prayers for ya Fog, Blue Cross has been good to me, I fear by the time I need all that stuff, I'll be screwed by our fearless leaders.
Fog i wish you well ....you are on a long term prayer plan with me i hope it helps.

Stay strong and have a Merry Christmas.
Dargo, I've had a couple at my age. My new Doc is a female and she wanted to "see me" a few times before she scheduled my next one, to get to know me better. Well, it's coming up and I don't fret about it one bit.

Y'all know what you've done, don't you?

I'm gonna walk in the house and tell my wife that, after reading some serious postings from people that I really don't know in the usual way of 'knowing' someone, I've decided that I need to go get a prostate exam. Yeah, the one I complained so much about thirteen years ago. :mellow:

That one is going to throw her a curve ball to say the least. But, hey, it has been a while since my only exam, her mother just died from cancer that wasn't detected early and I'm beginning to accept the fact that I'm really not a 'kid' anymore. Heck, I'm almost as old as Skurka. According to him, I'll pass him in a couple of years. :sad:

Brent, I had my exam last week. Haven't heard any blood test results yet but the digital exam went well. Prostate slightly enlarged, but it was 3 years ago too. PSA tests normal then. Now...........when is YOURS scheduled?

Thanks, seems that a "Cure" would show up "After" I get all the conventional treatments done with.

Finished the last of the direct radiation treatments about three weeks ago, guts feel like I was the center of attention (target) at a kick boxing event. Getting better as the weeks goes on, the doc said it will be about five to six weeks from the aftereffects, but getting energy back now to where I can go and do some simple tasks that aren't too labor intensive. Drag in a couple of cans of coal for the first few weeks and felt like the whole gut pack was ready to fall out. Now it is just feels like I want to throw up, don't sound like much, but a very big improvement.

Hope you guys get the PSA tests done for the Prostate Cancer test that are in the 40's year range, if you had it in your family, get it sooner. Mine had been perking for about 14 years and hadn't appeared yet to have gotten out of the Prostate, once it does, it goes to the bones and you are pretty much a write off and then the cure kills you before the cancer does in most cases.

In my case, there was no symptoms that suggested that I had the cancer until they did the test and my score was 35, normal is below one. When they did the biopsy, the Gleason Score was an 8 out of 10, not good.

I won't know if this was all for not, for about another two years, but if it was good, then that should be it... I was an advanced case and they had to use all the weapons at hand, it is much easier to deal with in the early stages.

Anyway, hope all of you are in good health... I'm getting there if all is good!:flowers:

As a foot note, my insurance (Blue Cross) was good for all this so far, don't know how the new "National Health Care" will be that congress is attempting to pass in secret, but I doubt as good and seems like it will cost a whole lot more.... IMHO

fogtender, glad to hear you are feeling a little better after what all you've been through.
Merry Christmas all!

Hope all of you get the different tests required for Cancer Screenings, it is the best present you can give your family!
Foggy thanks for the good advice !! And good luck with your battle, sound like you may have the upper hand now. Merry Christmas to you and all of yours.
fogtender, glad to hear you are feeling a little better after what all you've been through.

Still have some side effects, but they seem to be growing "fainter", but still can feel the "Burn" from the radiation.

My Prostate was not noticeable enlarged when they did the "Field" test, the PSA test was way high, the biopsy showed that the cancer had been percolating for about 12 to 14 years, which wasn't good.

So don't rely on the "Gloved one" to tell all....
I haven't mentioned it in a while, but it's great to hear you are moving in the 'more healthy' way! Great to hear!
In my case, there was no symptoms that suggested that I had the cancer until they did the test and my score was 35, normal is below one.

My Doc's office called today to get the number of my pharmacy for other meds. The wife had enough insight to ask what all my levels were (after I fussed and fumed all day yesterday that this Doc sucks). It's been a week and no numbers. Most of my levels were okay, a few a little out of whack. BUT the PSA test came back at .24 Whew.........
My Doc's office called today to get the number of my pharmacy for other meds. The wife had enough insight to ask what all my levels were (after I fussed and fumed all day yesterday that this Doc sucks). It's been a week and no numbers. Most of my levels were okay, a few a little out of whack. BUT the PSA test came back at .24 Whew.........

OUTSTANDING, can't get a better Chirstmas Present than that!!!

Hope everyone gets the same results!
Well it is going onto Mid April '10, and figured I would give kind of an update on the Prostate Cancer.

The energy levels are starting to come back now, the testosterone is still down, matter of fact, Monday I have to have another Lupron shot that last another four months. It should be about another year before I will know if all was for not or good. Currently the PSA levels are at about .06 as of a month ago, which is great, but that could also be because of the Lupron and other meds they give me.

That last radiation treatment was mid November of '09, and I still have some side effects such as sore stomach muscles. The Doc said that if I were to be cut open, I would have what appears to be canker sores all over my insides from the Radiation (funny they didn't mention that when I got zapped) and that it would take four to six months to heal.

I can't remember if I had mentioned it in earlier posts, but when I was getting my direct radiation treatments, I had to drive up to Fairbanks daily and back home by myself. That is about a 160 mile round trip, after each session, I had to stop every twenty to thirty miles and rest, not sleepy rest, but exhausted rest. A friend told me to take a energy drink, came in about a 2oz. bottle and was suppose to last five hours or so (different brands on the market I guess). I told him I couldn't handle that much sugar and he said it only had about four calories... Anyway I bought a bottle and tried it out of desperation. It was about week three of the radiation treatments when I tried it. It didn't make me want to enter a foot race, but it was the first time I was able to drive all the way home and not have to stop on the side of the road. I guess it made me feel more human like than road kill...

I took the empty bottle to the doctor and asked him if it was good or not, he read the ingredients and said it was mostly vitamins and appeared to be OK, so I bought a couple of cases of the stuff and am still using it almost every other day or so for energy. I can tell the differences though as the healing is getting better, the lack of testosterone is clearly taking it's toll on my energy levels though and will do so for about another year when that treatment ends.

I also found from subsequent doctor visits that after blood tests, my vitamin D3 levels were really low. It appears that most people that have Prostate Cancers have that low level in their system, so I am taking 2,000 I.U. twice a day which also appears to be giving me some energy since I started on them. Being in Alaska during the darkness of winter, you don't get much sunlight for the natural Vitamin D you would normally get.

Anyway, for those that may be having issues, there does seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel when detected early, so make sure you get tested for cancers recommended by your doctor. My prostate cancer had no signs, the only way I found out is though the PSA Blood test and it was about 12 to 14 years along and would have exited the Prostate shortly, which is not good. Breast Cancer and others can be tested for and are alot easier to deal with in the early stages than later.

Over all, things have worked out pretty well, I work on boats in the summer and get to take most of the winters off, so the treatments started in late fall when I was home... Most people won't get to have the same timing as I had, but I would have adapted to whatever they said I needed.

I would like to thank those that have asked for my advice, sent supportive notes and a host of other positive responses! I hope that you will direct those comments and support to others that may have the same and other afflictions, you have no idea of how a bit of sunshine on a dark gloomy day, makes one's spirits shine a bit brighter.

The people in the medical loop that I was involved in were all champions! At times when things look tough, they always had a smile and words of encouragement, and to them I wish to convey a big Thanks!

Will do another update if anything changes.

Thanks all!

My ex wife's husband has the same situation. They wanted to remove his, but he's decided to look at other alternatives. I should link him up to this thread.
Glad you're on the mend Mark, doesn't sound like any fun my friend.
Thanks so much for the update Mark. Good for you keeping your spirits up and facing this thing head on, and sharing the details which will help others in time of need. :thumb:

I'm thrilled to hear the good news. Here's to you getting stronger every day and getting back to normal as soon as possible. :thumb:
Thanks to all, but my main reason for the thread was after finding out I had cancer, I realized I could have been treated years earlier had I been tested for it and done so at lowered levels of treatment. My goal is to make others aware that simple tests for other kinds of cancer and detected early can be a bump in the road verses a washout.

Get tested, especially if you have a family history of some kind of cancer!
Thanks to all, but my main reason for the thread was after finding out I had cancer, I realized I could have been treated years earlier had I been tested for it and done so at lowered levels of treatment. My goal is to make others aware that simple tests for other kinds of cancer and detected early can be a bump in the road verses a washout.

Get tested, especially if you have a family history of some kind of cancer!

So true!!! My four uncles have all had Prostate cancer. They are all still alive. I have had a yearly PSA test since I turned 45.

Glad you are getting your strength back ! Now come help me keep these hot Panamian women happy ..... I am getting dog tired ....LOL:smile::brows:

PS . The wife does not really need to know any of this .......so mums the word ......:yum::yum::whistling::whistling:.:brows::brows:......Yea I wish ........... :yum::yum:
Glad you are getting your strength back ! Now come help me keep these hot Panamian women happy ..... I am getting dog tired ....LOL:smile::brows:

PS . The wife does not really need to know any of this .......so mums the word ......:yum::yum::whistling::whistling:.:brows::brows:......Yea I wish ........... :yum::yum:

Thanks, maybe after this summer season of chasing polar bears again, then I can come and help you during my winter hibernation, which I can just skip it this next winter!

Don't worry, she will never hear it from me...:whistling:
Well as kind of an update. About two weeks ago I got my second to the last of the Lupron Shots, the last is due in about three and a half months. And that will take me to 24 months of treatment of shots in addition to all the other stuff that I had to endure. Last week the blood test came back showing no traces of anything related to the cancer as of now, but just having zero was done by the first Lupron Shot two years ago. The insertion of the Radio Active seeds and follow up direct Radiation treatments haven't made the "Zero" change at all. If in fact those numbers do go up, it would be because the treatments didn't work, but as of now it appears they may have done the job. But only time will tell.

Basically, for anyone that has a cancer marker in their family history needs to be tested for that cancer. Would save you a lot of grief down the road! In my case had I found it early, the shots alone may have done the trick, but I was too far past that point.

So go get checked out!
Sounds like good news Foggy. As for getting checked out I had cancer when I was 33. After 20 years I still get checked out every year at physical time.