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Canada ... it's really just northern Mexico at this point

To ALL CANADIAN'S,I'm American in MA. relatively close to your Nation(state according to the buffoon in chief),I've always had warm feelings for Canada,I voted Harris so I have NO responsibility for this, BUT I'M SORRY,and I'm sure many American's share in my embarrassment for this idiots disrespectful rants. Please don't judge the USA in totality for a demented 80 yo narcissistic clown who thinks he's king and thinks he has a mandate w/a 1.5% victory margin,1/3 of the US didn't vote,and only 2-3 out of 10 Trump votes are truly hardcore MAGA sycophants,the rest bought his BS to lower grocery prices,those simpleton fools ignorant of his blatant con. Once again SORRY CANADA you faced the 3 yo w/his rattle down and realized he's a hot air disrespectful blow hard who thinks it's cool to insult friends w/reality show BS drama.
If you voted Obama and Biden then you, of course, are actually responsible for all of this.

I'm a Libertarian, therefore not a Trump fanboy, but Trump is cleaning up the mess that the 3 Obama/Biden administrations created.

Trump actually got Canada to enforce its border, and also which became totally porous in one direction. Canada allowed the fentanyl gangs to shovel that drug across our border.

So apologize for the 3 yo w/his rattle but it sure appears that the 3 yo did the right thing.
Canada ALREADY agreed to border enforcement w/Biden and re-phrased it to pacify the baby SO HE CAN CLAIM A W after pussing out on his ridiculous Tariffs of which he DOESN'T even understand how they work, WE PAY for it
Canada ALREADY agreed to border enforcement w/Biden and re-phrased it to pacify the baby SO HE CAN CLAIM A W after pussing out on his ridiculous Tariffs of which he DOESN'T even understand how they work, WE PAY for it
TOTAL fentanyl coming from CANADA is 0.5 % !!!!!! another 50 million for Hamas condoms figment of the imagination,fuel for MAGA,Make Americans Gullible Always
First, show real facts, with links. We enjoy proof here.

Baseless claims will get you nowhere, lead to pointless arguments,and eventually banned due to lack of civility.

Canada agrees to a lot but then does not perform.

Look at their national defense. Look at their commitment to NATO. They agree to things but then they ignore them. Prove me wrong, show us all that their expenditures along their border other expenditures to their national defense meet their NATO commitments.

I'll wait.
First, show real facts, with links. We enjoy proof here.

Baseless claims will get you nowhere, lead to pointless arguments,and eventually banned due to lack of civility.

Canada agrees to a lot but then does not perform.

Look at their national defense. Look at their commitment to NATO. They agree to things but then they ignore them. Prove me wrong, show us all that their expenditures along their border other expenditures to their national defense meet their NATO commitments.

I'll wait.
Listen,I'm not a tech oriented person,have no cell phone even,and yes Canada and NATO countries have poor defense, I AGREE,NATO has shirked responsibility for yrs. while giving generous social safety nets that Americans could only dream of,and I didn't come here to argue,I know who won unlike others in past elections and this country needs reforms but how far outside the box? Are you actually down w/claiming a sovereign nation like Canada as a STATE?? REALLY???
To ALL CANADIAN'S,I'm American in MA. relatively close to your Nation(state according to the buffoon in chief),I've always had warm feelings for Canada,I voted Harris so I have NO responsibility for this, BUT I'M SORRY,and I'm sure many American's share in my embarrassment for this idiots disrespectful rants. Please don't judge the USA in totality for a demented 80 yo narcissistic clown who thinks he's king and thinks he has a mandate w/a 1.5% victory margin,1/3 of the US didn't vote,and only 2-3 out of 10 Trump votes are truly hardcore MAGA sycophants,the rest bought his BS to lower grocery prices,those simpleton fools ignorant of his blatant con. Once again SORRY CANADA you faced the 3 yo w/his rattle down and realized he's a hot air disrespectful blow hard who thinks it's cool to insult friends w/reality show BS drama.
Another lib voter, trying to deflect the issues. Lets turn boys into girls. Let's spend 50 million on condoms for terrorists.
Let's let Canada be a free unfettered flow of drugs and illegals into this country. Let's use those caught as a basis for determining how much is coming into the US. Let's ignore the massive fentanyl labs in Canada continuing their production of this deadly drug to any human being. Let's just let Canada allow Chinese and Muslims to land on their site or airports and let them pass through.
No. You are not a good neighbor
Listen,I'm not a tech oriented person,have no cell phone even,and yes Canada and NATO countries have poor defense, I AGREE,NATO has shirked responsibility for yrs. while giving generous social safety nets that Americans could only dream of,and I didn't come here to argue,I know who won unlike others in past elections and this country needs reforms but how far outside the box? Are you actually down w/claiming a sovereign nation like Canada as a STATE?? REALLY???

So to sum it up

YOU SAID ... Canada ALREADY agreed to border enforcement w/Biden

And I said they promised but didn't do what they promised.

And then YOU SAID ... yes Canada and NATO countries have poor defense, I AGREE,NATO has shirked responsibility for yrs


Thank you. I am done here.

So to sum it up

YOU SAID ... Canada ALREADY agreed to border enforcement w/Biden

And I said they promised but didn't do what they promised.

And then YOU SAID ... yes Canada and NATO countries have poor defense, I AGREE,NATO has shirked responsibility for yrs


Thank you. I am done here.
FINE, agree sometimes,agree to disagree sometimes,I'm not here to provoke/push buttons/troll
No but you seem to be incoherent in your statements.

As I said, it is fun to watch a liberal have a meltdown.
!st your a mod,I didn't believe mods. bait people,I told you I have a centrist approach and your calling me AOC (I find many far left progressive policies birthed in a Kumbaya world that doesn't exist),I NEVER got into politics until my 50's,I'm pushing 60 now,didn't particularly notice any diff. in life under R's or D's but THIS ?, NOW? I'm sorry I don't recognize this country,how it's acting,where we're heading. Apologies if my literary style offends,I never claimed doctorate status.
!st your a mod,I didn't believe mods. bait people,I told you I have a centrist approach and your calling me AOC (I find many far left progressive policies birthed in a Kumbaya world that doesn't exist),I NEVER got into politics until my 50's,I'm pushing 60 now,didn't particularly notice any diff. in life under R's or D's but THIS ?, NOW? I'm sorry I don't recognize this country,how it's acting,where we're heading. Apologies if my literary style offends,I never claimed doctorate status.
I literally have been using your words in several replies. YOUR words.

If you come off sounding like AOC to people who possess common sense, that is your burden to bare.
I literally have been using your words in several replies. YOUR words.

If you come off sounding like AOC to people who possess common sense, that is your burden to bare.
OK PROFESSOR,I tried,I'm out,you want the W for the last word celebrate it
Listen,I'm not a tech oriented person,have no cell phone even,and yes Canada and NATO countries have poor defense, I AGREE,NATO has shirked responsibility for yrs. while giving generous social safety nets that Americans could only dream of,and I didn't come here to argue,I know who won unlike others in past elections and this country needs reforms but how far outside the box? Are you actually down w/claiming a sovereign nation like Canada as a STATE?? REALLY???
Well when biden and obama were throwing gasoline on the fire you have to use some drastic measures to put it out.
Am I 100% in agreement no but I voted for my wallet on fixed income something has to give.
Their bullshit numbers over the last 4 years of no inflation is a bunch of voodoo magic smacked in to a table.
Will we be better in 4 years I'll take that chance because biden ot his deep state democrats are flushing the US down the toilet.
I was a democrat for years but when I opened my eyes when ross perot ran for president changed my party from the lying thieving democratic party ( and yes some republicans are too but less in my opinion)
This is what is happening inside parts of Canada.

This is what happens when Neville Chamberlain appeases political forces that will not negotiate in good faith.

The Daily Bell website is a financial analysis website that considers geopolitics and how that affects government relations and private investments. Follow the link inside the story to see more from them.

Caliphate Forming on U.S. Northern Border: How Will President Trump React?

Peel Regional Police DEI Squad Submits to Extremists and Puts Canada-US Relations at Risk.

By Benjamin J Dichter, via The Daily Bell
It’s no secret to anyone paying attention that Canada has faced an Islamist extremist problem for well over a decade. This issue has now reached a boiling point, resulting in numerous mass protests across the country in support of extremist groups linked to global terrorist organizations notorious for their brutal acts, including beheading and burning innocent civilians alive. The gruesome nature of these crimes is why the attacks on Israel on October 7th, 2023, remain permanent scars in the minds of those who have witnessed the abhorrent grotesque footage.
Much like Europe over the past 25 years, Canada is now struggling with the presence of alien values within its borders. The political class—politicians, staffers, lobbyists, and media—cower behind catchphrases like “cultural accommodation” and seek plausible deniability through bureaucratic fog, hoping the public won’t notice.
This same pattern of behaviour in the United Kingdom—a country now reduced to a meme of its former self—has led to the implementation of pathetic blasphemy laws while turning a blind eye to systemic, ethnically targeted gang rape by Pakistani gangs for over a decade. Some estimates suggest that the number of victims, primarily children and young adolescents, reaches into the hundreds of thousands across 19 cities over 20-plus years. This is the true evil of religiously motivated sex trafficking.

DEI Privileges for Mosques Over Serving All Canadians

Against that backdrop, Canada—specifically the Peel Regional Police (PRP) in Ontario, the third-largest police force in the country—has made community engagement a priority under the directives of its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) team part of the Community Safety & Well Being Command, what that bureaucratic word-salad means is beyond me. Nonetheless, the DEI team has released new engagement protocols that have angered many officers, who are now at a breaking point due to the demands placed upon them by extremists operating through a series of intermediaries laundering ISIS like extremist philosophy within Canadian Law enforcement institutions.
Recent guidelines issued by the Community Safety & Well Being Command DEI squad have drawn particular concern. DEI philosophy, now illegal in much of the United States because it has been discredited by former practitioners as little more than institutionalized, targeted racism dressed up with a fancy name. Despite this, Peel Regional Police continues to uphold this corrosive philosophy—so much for the anti-racism training courses police cadets are required to pass while attending police academy.
It’s worth noting that the cities of Mississauga & Brampton located in Peel Region are known epicentres for drug smuggling, human trafficking, and terrorism-related money laundering. One can only imagine this won’t go unnoticed by members of the recently elected Trump administration watching Canada closely with a magnifying glass cut from extreme skepticism and distrust.
The following policing directive from Peel Regional Police DEI squad outlines how law enforcement personnel should conduct themselves when entering mosques in the region. The DEI guidelines for non-emergency interactions in mosques applies regardless of a connection to listed terrorist organizations.
It begins by explaining, a Masjid (Arabic for prayer house or Mosque) is a sacred place of worship and communal gathering for the Muslim community. Whether visiting for routine duties or responding to non-emergency calls, officers should adhere to the following customary practices to show respect.
  • Contact Masjid Management: Notify the management of the Masjid upon arrival.
  • Remove Shoes: Officers are required to remove their shoes before entering the Masjid. Shoe racks are typically provided near the entrance for convenience.
  • Head Covering: If the management requests that female police officers cover their hair upon arrival at a Masjid, a uniform-issued hat would be deemed acceptable.
  • Maintain Proper Conduct Inside: Officers should speak in a respectful tone and avoid disrupting prayers or religious ceremonies. Additionally, mobile devices should be turned off or set to silent mode to minimize disturbance.
  • Greetings: An appropriate greeting also includes placing your hand over your heart and acknowledging the individual.
The above list is a clear example of a combination of dominance, persuasion and behavioural nudge theory (a psychological approach that subtly influences people’s decisions and behaviours by making small changes in how choices are presented). If you’ve ever wondered what it would feel like if the Taliban were advising police in Canada on how to police your community, this is what it looks like.

Why Police Officers are Retiring Early

The implications of these guidelines have angered many PRP officers across the board. The continued capitulation to and tolerance of violent extremists—many of whom fled terrorism charges in their home countries—will ultimately destroy Canada both culturally and economically. Many in the political sphere speculate that this is one of the reasons President Donald Trump euphemistically refers to securing America’s northern border. It’s not just about who is entering Canada; it’s also about who is already here.
All officers woking in Canadian and U.S. law enforcement are fully aware that Canada has become a serious security risk. Frustration is growing among law enforcement and CBSA (Canadian Border Security Agency) officers, who question why individuals—both legal and illegal residents—who glorify beheadings and defend the grotesque behaviour of Hamas invaders in Israel who burned young women alive, are somehow allowed to remain in Canada. These individuals seem better suited for America’s Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay Cuba and recent comments made by President Trump seem to suggest he agrees with this view.
Instead of having a pragmatic view towards extremism in Canada, we witness the absurdity of the clown show below, where Mississauga Mayor Carolyn Parrish’s staffers invited an Imam to recite prayers, seemingly unaware of the serious cultural implications of such actions. This farce went on for three minutes and thirty-nine seconds while a group of politically useful idiots simply stood and watched and then clapped like barking seals. This same nonsense has been occurring in the Toronto City Council for a number of years with zero intervention from “leaders” like Doug Ford.

Yes, Muslims Are the Primary Victims of Terrorism. Here’s Why.

What’s astonishing about naïve Canadians regarding the cost of extremism is that it could lead to the implementation of harsh penalties due to Canada’s tolerance of this absurdity and massive security risk. Such consequences could cripple the nation’s economy, pushing it toward a rapid decline from G7 status to that of a developing country. Meanwhile, the extremists among our “new Canadians” would remain unaffected, as their underlying philosophical framework is to live a lifestyle rooted in an extreme Salafist interpretation of seventh century arabia.
The cultural ethos rooted in the Muslim Brotherhood’s philosophy serves as the foundation for its subversive worldview, which targets Western modernity through ideological infiltration, propaganda and subversion.
Fortunately, there are signs of hope. Figures like Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia and Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates, along with other leaders in the Middle East, are eager to modernize their countries and integrate them into the global free-market economy4. These efforts have the potential to drastically improve the lives of people throughout the Middle East and beyond who seek economic opportunity and peace.
The friction between radically different worldviews throughout the Muslim world—one collectivist (Islamist) and the other individualist and modern—explains why the primary victims of terrorism are often those who embrace the latter perspective, including many ex-Muslims. This harsh reality was tragically highlighted by the devastating murder of Salwan Momika, which was broadcast live on TikTok when a group of Islamists broke into his home and assassinated him.
Unfortunately, most blue-haired proto-commie (collectivist) activists and academics in the West, who mindlessly repeat scripted narratives about muslim as the primary victims of extremism, fail to grasp the reasons behind this disturbing dynamic. The lack of intellectual curiosity is astonishing.
As for Canada’s future as a national security risk to the United States, the policies of appeasement and submission to extremists are so severe that many anticipate potential economic devastation as retribution for harbouring extremists on our soil. Perhaps Canadians’ obsession with race will lead to the demise of our sovereignty and force Canada to join the United States if our neighbours to the south—who represent 80% of our economy and are ten times our size—do not see results on this issue in the near future.
My fear is that the latest DEI pro-Islamist submission policy implemented by Peel Regional Police will not go unnoticed by our neighbours to the south, who are now looking for any excuse to squeeze Canada’s economy and force us to negotiate on their terms. If the Trump administration applies the full weight of the U.S. economy and tariffs on us as punishment for decades of appeasement towards America’s direct enemies—importing them and giving them positions within our government—we will have only ourselves to blame for the impending financial collapse.

So what can you do? You can file a complaint and encourage others to do the same.

If you’ve never spoken to your friends and family about the nature of extremism and appeasement of extremists living within your communities, now is the time, no matter how much they may dislike it. Just make sure to be kind, patient and respectful with everyone you speak to.
They just can't or won't see it.
Several long timers here from Canada and they seem to support the Canadian way.
Open your eyes guys!
They just can't or won't see it.
Several long timers here from Canada and they seem to support the Canadian way.
Open your eyes guys!
My take is that every nation has the right to govern as it sees fit.

But with international relations, and especially borders, there are some rules that must be agreed upon, and if they are agreed upon, they must be enforced.

Beyond that, live and let live.
Yes, I agree. But it is hard for me to believe anybody would vote for the Muslims taking over, allowing terrorists and other illegals into their own country so that the invaders have an easy path into our country, and knowing that the RCMP know of the substantial fentanyl operations and doing nothing about it.
Yes, I agree. But it is hard for me to believe anybody would vote for the Muslims taking over, allowing terrorists and other illegals into their own country so that the invaders have an easy path into our country, and knowing that the RCMP know of the substantial fentanyl operations and doing nothing about it.
They don't knowingly do so.

They have an ignorant, or perhaps naïve, view of the world. I have some Muslim friends but I actually believe them whey they say things. Most people think that they are exaggerating and they won't actually try to take over society from within. But it is exactly what they are doing in many places.
Yes, I agree. But it is hard for me to believe anybody would vote for the Muslims taking over, allowing terrorists and other illegals into their own country so that the invaders have an easy path into our country, and knowing that the RCMP know of the substantial fentanyl operations and doing nothing about it.
It doesn't seem to matter what country when a 3 world person leaves for the "better" country they then try and change the "better" country back to the :poop: hole they left.
Kind of like dems leaving CA, OR, WA and other liberal strongholds and trying to ruin States like CO, ID, MT and TX.

You forgot a few ill, ny, nj even virginia md and DC and delaware even Pennsylvania but I hope that one has turned red
Watched some of the TRUMP Press Conference today from the Oval Office.

Honestly I find the 'trolling' by President Trump about Governor Trudeau and Canada being the 51st state to be hysterical.

If I was Canadian I'd probably be insulted. Even if I disliked Trudeau, I think most Canadians are probably upset with many of the things that Trump says.

In my mind Trump's statements and actions are all trolling as part of his "Art of a Deal" psychology. But Trump is making a lot of good points about the lack of military commitment from Canada for NATO, the lack of icebreakers, the lopsided taxation on goods, etc.

Honestly no way would I want Canada to join the USA as a state, or group of states, and honestly I can't imagine many Canadians would want to join the USA as a state or group of states. But I think we can all thank Governor Trudeau for mismanaging the entirety of Canada, his lack of commitment to NATO as well as his contempt for other nations.
Would I want to join the states? That's a big HELL NO for me. Canada isn't perfect but at least I don't have to carry a six shooter to go to the grocery store and a sliver won't put me in bankruptcy.

What pisses me off with trump is that HE is the one who initiated the current agreements between Canada and Mexico during his first term. Now he's pulling a tantrum because the deal HE initiated originally doesn't make him happy anymore. Trump cares about one thing and one thing only. That's power. Intimidation tactics. Trump is nothing more than a bully. A power hungry bully who cares nothing about anyone else. Trump can kiss my Canadian ass.
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Would I want to join the states? That's a big HELL NO for me. Canada isn't perfect but at least I don't have to carry a six shooter to go to the grocery store and a sliver won't put me in bankruptcy.
While I don't blame anyone for not wanting to join the US, I think you have a VERY misguided (probably media induced) understanding about the level of crime in the USA and also the medical system here.

Crime is pretty much a non-issue outside of the major cities, and even there, outside of areas within those. Guns, strapped to our hips (and mine holds 13 rounds), are just part of our culture. It is the independent nature of our culture versus the collective nature of most other nations cultures.

As for insurance and medical costs, we do spend a lot here. But most people don't pay for it. Mostly it is paid by insurers, and most insurers are paid by employers. The liberals here have raised our costs and burdened our system, which is now even more taxed by the 10+ million illegal aliens that get free healthcare. But I can get into a specialist in a matter of days, or maybe a couple of weeks. I take medicine that costs $10,000 per month but I get it for free.

Same with surgeries and procedures. We get those very quickly, a few days wait instead of 3 to 9 months of waiting. My family in London, England has a doctor in New York for emergencies.

What pisses me off with trump is that HE is the one who initiated the current agreements between Canada and Mexico during his first term.
True and False.

He did negotiate the trade agreements but those had nothing to do Canada's failure to pay for its own defense. The trade agreement has nothing to do with the fact that Canada largely piggybacks on the US icebreaker fleet despite the fact that you have more need than we do. It also has nothing to do with the fact that Canada has total reneged on the NATO commitments. Nor does it have anything to do with the fact that Canada allowed China to bring fentynol into your country and then turned a total blind eye on shipping it into the USA.

I could go on, but it seems like the point is clear.

So Trump is saying, in different words, that Canada needs to correct all those things, which are duties that Canada agreed to uphold through OTHER treaties, or the trade agreements he negotiated are void and tariffs will be imposed. What the mainstream media seems to present all wrong, is that it is NOT about broken trade, it is about the Canadian abdication of its OTHER duties and agreements.

Now he's pulling a tantrum because the deal HE initiated originally doesn't make him happy anymore. Trump cares about one thing and one thing only. That's power. Intimidation tactics.

Actually if you read the Art of the Deal you will see that he is very tactical in how he acts and this is just part of his show.

Trump is nothing more than a bully. A power hungry bully who cares nothing about anyone else. Trump can kiss my Canadian ass.

On this I pretty much agree but it is his persona when making deals.

You've been around long enough that you may even remember me warning people about Trump before he was elected the first time.
Which country imposes more trarrifs than the other?????
Canada! Dairy goods. Some over 200%. We should capitulate.
It's time for Canada to step up to the plate and pay their share of NATO, and start building 6 ice breakers. Or we charge you and build ourselves.
As for the need to carry a gun, you must watch CNN. I don't need to carry, but I do.
You can't. In fact, Ithink you have to back away if somebody invades your house or family. If you call that good, well, I feel sorry for you.
Which country imposes more trarrifs than the other?????
Canada! Dairy goods. Some over 200%. We should capitulate.
It's time for Canada to step up to the plate and pay their share of NATO, and start building 6 ice breakers. Or we charge you and build ourselves.
As for the need to carry a gun, you must watch CNN. I don't need to carry, but I do.
You can't. In fact, Ithink you have to back away if somebody invades your house or family. If you call that good, well, I feel sorry for you.

I believe CBN is the main media source up there. It is more liberal than CNN.
I find it funny how it’s coming out in the news about the inequalities in the way Canada has been treating other countries, heard on the radio today how England I think it was had exported over 40 million dollars of beef into Canada in the last quarter but bought zero dollars from Canada, why is Canada even importing beef??? Another was a 20% tariff on European automobiles but only a 2% on Canadian cars going to Europe? How does that seem fair?

No, most Canadians don’t want to join the US. But saying a reason is the healthcare is a joke. Take a look at what we pay in taxes for what we get in return is horrendous. Maybe Ontario is better but here in Manitoba it’s pathetic, our local hospital is for the most part a staging ground for people going into the care home. ER is basically nonexistent, closed more than its open, haven’t been able to deliver babies for about 20 years, only surgery I know of is cateract. Closest hospital that can actually do anything is an hour away but it’s so busy that unless you’re actually dying you can’t see a doctor. A Winnipeg hospital just “won” the title of the worst hospital in Canada. Wait times are so long it makes a guy wonder how many people die from curable illnesses but are left to late? Comparing our healthcare to the US isn’t even a debate.
It’s the CBC. It’s worse than CNN, huge amount of government money pumped into it every year.
Well I was close. Apparently I was on the right track but my memory failed :rolleyes:

All that said, it seems like most of my foreign friends (not just Canadians here on FF but people across Europe and the UK) have a leftist media shaped view of the USA, our crime, our healthcare and the entire conservative movement.

So I totally understand why they may not want to be us and think of Trump as a bully, think guns are a problem and healthcare will bankrupt you if you have a cold. The leftwing media and academia have shaped that world view. So clearly it is understandable.