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Camp life

Last weekend at camp for the season. Had a potluck supper with friends last night.

Today I got a simple wood shed built out of 8 old pallets. I'll be ready to load it in the spring with enough wood for the summer.
Well this just sucks but have to take care of the health stuff first before we can think about an RV trip. We had originally planned on hauling the camper out to Manitoba in later August to visit family etc. We were looking forward to it and were planning a whole trip out of it and had campsites booked for the whole trip. We just had to cancel the whole trip due to upcoming medical appointments and other stuff. Plus, I'm in no shape to be messing around with a camper every day leveling it etc. Oh well, next year.

Our trip plans were put on hold. But if all goes according to plan we will be doing the planned rv trip leaving here august 20th and heading west. My back still can't handle long drives so the plan is leaving here and driving 4hrs to the town where my wife grew up. The next day it's on to Winnipeg another 4hrs where we will stay a few days. Then continuing on to visit some of my relatives for a day only a couple hours away. Followed by backtracking southeast to morden manitoba for a few days for the annual corn and apple festival. Supposed to be a fun time. We'll see. Next is crossing south and going state side working our way back to Hibbing MN for labor day weekend to watch some great dirt track racing. 3 days of back to back racing. Usually around 250 cars from all over the northern states and Canada come to this. From there we head back north for a 4 hr drive home.

So I've worked it out that I don't have to drive more than 4 hours any given day with a couple of nice 3-4 day stops in between.

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Our trip plans were put on hold. But if all goes according to plan we will be doing the planned rv trip leaving here august 20th and heading west. My back still can't handle long drives so the plan is leaving here and driving 4hrs to the town where my wife grew up. The next day it's on to Winnipeg another 4hrs where we will stay a few days. Then continuing on to visit some of my relatives for a day only a couple hours away. Followed by backtracking southeast to morden manitoba for a few days for the annual corn and apple festival. Supposed to be a fun time. We'll see. Next is crossing south and going state side working our way back to Hibbing MN for labor day weekend to watch some great dirt track racing. 3 days of back to back racing. Usually around 250 cars from all over the northern states and Canada come to this. From there we head back north for a 4 hr drive home.

So I've worked it out that I don't have to drive more than 4 hours any given day with a couple of nice 3-4 day stops in between.

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Man, that's how RVing is supposed to be. Me??? I have a 300 mile limit on trips and when I stop, I may be there for 3 or 4 days, maybe a week. The idea is to go slow and enjoy the experience. Life is too short to get in a dangfire rush.
Oh. I agree. I grew up traveling in my parents motor home every summer. It was great but dad, being a truck driver, liked to pile on the miles. A family joke was always. ....there goes lunch.....there goes supper. Mom always wanted to pull over and have a proper meal. Dad was just wanting to drive. Being in a motor home we would often fall asleep at night while he drove. We never knew where we'd wake up. Quite often it was a roadside pull off or Walmart parking lot.

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Seeing as it's Canada day weekend we had a bunch of random games planned for the kids. Of course we all picked up prizes for the little rug rats. Today was a trip to the beach. I gave a few kids rides on the tube behind the boat.

Tonight is another round of good times by the fire

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Just a little fire with friends and a few drinks. Home now after 9 days at camp. We had nice weather aside from 1 day of rain. I managed to get the privacy fence built, wood shed painted, and a fresh coat of paint on the boat trailer.

I also had some issues with the golf cart dying out without warning. It'd be running then start missing and die completely. I changed the plug. Cleaned the carb. Charged the battery. But it still ran with a miss. So I spent some time adjusting the throttle linkages. This seemed to help. Then yesterday it died on me again. This time I had to go get the atv and haul it back to our site. I started looking at the wiring and found an in line fuse. When I checked the fuse it came out in two pieces. I replaced it at it runs fine now. My theory is that the fuse wasn't blown but rather separated and barely making contact. Now that it's running good I plan on giving it a paint job.


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Nothing too exciting to report. We went to checkout the nearby ghost town Saturday afternoon followed by more fun by the fire.


We all got a chuckle when one of the ladies showed us a bathing suit that came in the mail. It was supposed to be an adult xl. Looked more like a kids small. One of the guys tried pulling a galvatron and put it on. Didn't work out so well. Lmao

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Always have little projects out at camp to keep me busy. Today's project was simple enough and something I've been wanting to do for years but never got around to it.

Anyone with a camper will agree that there's never enough counter space. I looked to remedy that by getting an extension shelf from an rv place. Only problem is that they wanted $125 for a shelf and the brackets. I consulted my go to supplier (ebay) and ordered a set of brackets for $7. I then took an old wooden TV tray, removed the bottom supports, cut off 4"on one side, then installed the brackets. On the inside of the cabinet I added a piece of half inch plywood I had leftover from another project. This is just for added support as the cabinet is paper thin for weight reduction.

I'll have to bring out a piece of sandpaper to smooth the cut edge. Overall looks good.

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We started a tradition last summer. For the august long weekend we hold a golf cart parade. It's fun for the kids. I didn't enter this year. Some decent effort went into the carts.


Now it's beer o'clock. She who must be obeyed is inside prepping supper. We have friends coming over for a steak supper. Then back over to another friends for the usual fire where friends and marshmallows get toasted.
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So we were sitting around the campfire again last night and she who must be obeyed turns to me and says "why don't we start looking at campers to replace ours". Well. Less than 12 hrs later we have the perfect one picked out for our family. We talked about new vs used and I was always a big advocate for getting something used as the new ones lose value as soon as you haul them off the lot. But with 4 kids we want something that will fit every criteria that we have set out for what we need. Here's what we settled on.....
It has sleeping for 10. Separate rooms for both us and the kids. A nice size kitchen. Outdoor kitchen and shower. Pretty much everything we need. Also, it's designed to be towable by a regular half ton. And it's 2 feet longer than our current camper.

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Hard to believe camp season is drawing to a close. I went hunting this morning then built a new home for the atvs.


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It got downright chilly last night. We all rebuilt the main fire pit with larger rocks yesterday. It looks great and the larger rocks reflect more heat. Of course I was more or less supervisor on this job since I can't lift anything more than 15lbs.

Temps are sitting at -3celcius right now. We got our first frost. Hard to believe last week I wore shorts out here.

The boat is covered up with a tarp for winter. The patio furniture is put away. Today's plan is to do a little bird hunting then help prepare the thanksgiving feast. We plan on about 40 people for a huge potluck supper including turkey and all the trimmings.

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The camper is now put to bed for the winter. All the food taken out. Water systems drained. The atvs are also put away in their new home. The boat is covered. We had a great season this year. In years past we were lucky to be able to get out there by mid may and be done by mid September. This year we were out by mid April till now, thanksgiving.

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Why did you put the ATV's away? I use mine just as much in the winter.
I kept them at home 3 years ago and basically they just sat there all winter taking up space in the garage. Atvs don't go so well in 4ft of snow.

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Lol. Yep. But even if I could get the thing running good in the deep snow my body won't allow it anymore.

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I always enjoyed camping when I was younger and in my heyday. I loved deer camp too. Now that I'm older and the bones creak, moan and groan when I get up I don't think I could do it anymore.

Thank you for this thread as I get to live vicariously through you NR. :biggrin:
Not directly related to camping but as this was found only 30 or so miles from camp it raises curiosity. For years experts have denied the existance of mountain lions/cougars in this area as there have been only a few unconfirmed random sightings of cougars in all of ontario. I guess this is proof that they are here.


I wonder why they say that they're not likely to be a resident species in Ontario?

We have them here in East Texas too. I've seen the back half of one as it disappeared, I've heard the snarl of one (probably the same one), once in 20 years. Other people have caught a glimpse of one and people report having seen tracks but generally, you're pretty lucky if you catch sight one. We've plenty of prey. White tail deer have reached plague proportions in some places and it's not helped by immigrants feeding the things. My understanding is that they can pretty much live anywhere but the fact that they are so seldom seen is because they're shy around people ... unless they're really hungry. :biggrin:
That would make sense. We do have a growing deer population here in Ontario. We also have a growing population of timberwolves here and I'm curious as to the difference between a wolf track and a mountain lion track. That might explain why they dismiss sightings if they believe the tracks to be wolf instead of mountain lion. Both are of similar size.
I was out at camp march 26th(first picture) trying to get the boat and truck camper home. After service I went out again and the snow was almost all gone. So I finally got the camper and boat home.

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First fire of the season. The lovely missus stayed in town with the two oldest boys to go to a christian country concert while I headed to camp for the night to dewinterize the camper with our foster daughter. Only a couple others out this weekend. We took the atv for a short ride as well as the old golf cart. Now enjoying a nice quiet fire.