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Black Friday at Best Buy

ddrane2115 said:
this listing says sold out, not available at store and no shipping times.

I gave up a long time ago on Best Buy with their ads. They advertise a special but never have the product their. And they have no rain checks.

:confused: :confused: Went to Best Buy last night at 9:30 PM, the daughter wanted a lap top for Christmas and I would like one for use with GPS program and dual use while traveling.

There were 40 people in front of us, somehow this morning at 4 when they handed out the slips for the good specials, there were 65 in front of us. So much for the good graces of people. We were lucky and scored 18 and 19 out of the 20 they had available. We were also able to pick up a 7.1 pixel Kodak for 129.99 that they were giving out slips for. :D

The doors open at 5 AM, we fought the crowds and were done picking up a few other items by 5:20, they you get to wait in line for the camera and the line for the lap tops, we each took a line. We did not leave the store until 5:25.:mad: :mad: :mad:

They advertise these specials, get huge crowds and cannot get them take care of in a timely fashion.

We were originally go to go there an midnight, but decided to drive by at 9, seen people waiting in line, went home to dress warm and went down there. Glad we did. But, would we do it again, do not know.:confused:
Which laptop did you get and how much? I'm in the market and curious how low they are going for.
Toshiba L-35-S2151 for $249.99.

Intel Celeron M at 1.6GHz
15.4 inch 1280X800 widescreen LCD monitor
512 RAM
60GB hard drive
free upgrade to Vista

complete specs are on the Best Buy website.

Considering that I paid two grand for a refurbished Dell seven years ago, it was a steal. This is not even close to top of the line now, but for our uses, it will work great for the price.
:confused: :confused: Went to Best Buy last night at 9:30 PM, the daughter wanted a lap top for Christmas and I would like one for use with GPS program and dual use while traveling.

There were 40 people in front of us, somehow this morning at 4 when they handed out the slips for the good specials, there were 65 in front of us. So much for the good graces of people. We were lucky and scored 18 and 19 out of the 20 they had available. We were also able to pick up a 7.1 pixel Kodak for 129.99 that they were giving out slips for. :D

The doors open at 5 AM, we fought the crowds and were done picking up a few other items by 5:20, they you get to wait in line for the camera and the line for the lap tops, we each took a line. We did not leave the store until 5:25.:mad: :mad: :mad:

They advertise these specials, get huge crowds and cannot get them take care of in a timely fashion.

We were originally go to go there an midnight, but decided to drive by at 9, seen people waiting in line, went home to dress warm and went down there. Glad we did. But, would we do it again, do not know.:confused:

Upon reading my earlier post, I noticed that the time we left the store was incorrect, it was 7:35. We were in the check out lines for over two hours not five minutes.

The post was written upon our arrival home after being up all night waiting it line, so what to you expect?:o
Toshiba L-35-S2151 for $249.99.

Intel Celeron M at 1.6GHz
15.4 inch 1280X800 widescreen LCD monitor
512 RAM
60GB hard drive
free upgrade to Vista

complete specs are on the Best Buy website.

Considering that I paid two grand for a refurbished Dell seven years ago, it was a steal. This is not even close to top of the line now, but for our uses, it will work great for the price.

:thumb: Good deal!!!
I don't need top of the line either. One like that would work perfect for my purposes (to connect to higher powered servers).
In CT a guy with a Best Buy shirt started handing out the coupons, and almost everyone got them. Unfortunately they were all counterfeit. BB is now trying to get out from under a bad ploy by some possibly disgruntled employee. They wound up honoring all the fakes until they ran out, and it must have cost them a bundle. There were hundreds of people all with slips that said they could get the great deals. Instead of just 5, who knows, it might have cost them 200 pieces. The state said that they are also going to look into the "fraud" since a lot of people say that the store manager was also standing with the guy.
Of course by the time we got to Best Buy at 4:00 pm, all of the "Friday and Saturday" specials were long out of stock.

Looks like plasma and LCD televisions are the big thing to buy this year... still waiting for the 19 inch Montgomery Ward television to quit working, but in the meantime it still works and I'll save my money for something else.

By 7:00 pm, Walmart still had plenty of most of their early bird specials (5:00 am to 11:00 am I think), and they were still honoring the early bird prices. Plenty of stock on the bargains? Maybe Best buy could learn a lesson from Walmart!
:confused: :confused: Went to Best Buy last night at 9:30 PM, the daughter wanted a lap top for Christmas and I would like one for use with GPS program and dual use while traveling.

Just some food for thought.

Have a co worker who has a laptop with a GPS program. He covers three states and really uses it. I had to drive with him one day to see some people with him. Only my opinion, but that "set up" is not worth the work needed to set it up, run your power, then "place" your laptop where you can actually see it while driving.

When he stopped at my office, he asked if I wanted to drive with him (I knew where I was going). I said, sure, went to get in his SUV, and God, the wires and mess that he had, and the work to move everything just so I could get in. He got halfway through moving all of those wires, looking where to put his laptop and I just told him to forget it, I'll drive.

Dargo had a review on one of those portable units that mounts on your dash (I think). I'd spend the extra money and look at one of those units just for the ease of operation and the fact that it seems that you can actually look at it while driving. The space you would save would justify the cost difference on one of those portable units. JMO
We would only really use it twice a year, once going south at the end of December and once coming back at the beginning of April. Maybe a trip or two down there. Also for email, etc. on the way down and back. The only reason that we are getting it, last year on the way down, by sister called and while talking to her, missed a major turn off and ended up getting to close to Bob. That is why as cheap as possible, very limited use. When we get back in the spring it is to busy to go anywhere or do anything until November.

I do recall the information that Dargo had posted, considered in but decided to go the multi purpose route.

Thanks for the information.
My BIL has a top of the line $1200 Garman unit. We used it in Chicago/Southern Wisconsin this summer. It was sweet and easy to use. We found Sears tower, the old Chicago water tower, the Harley Davidson plant, Miller Park, Milwaukee Mile speedway with it no problem. The graphics were easy to read and the menu was easy to use. I'd spend the money for one of those as opposed to a laptop with GPS. We did the laptop gps route last summer and it was a pain! Although it may have been the MS Streets & Trips software that caused problems, too many errors.

Can't see spending $1200 for that item!!! Not enough use and it will quickly be outdated by the next version that will also cost less. I can remember when VCR's came out. They cost $1200... today, $59!!!!
Junkman said:
Can't see spending $1200 for that item!!!

I have to laugh at myself when I actually thought/thinking of spending some bucks on one of those portable GPS units.

Early 90's put close to 80k on my VW in one year hitting rivers across the U.S and Canada kayaking.

$16.95 for a Rand Mcnally road book got me by the entire time.
Kwiens said:
My BIL has a top of the line $1200 Garman unit. We used it in Chicago/Southern Wisconsin this summer. It was sweet and easy to use. We found Sears tower, the old Chicago water tower, the Harley Davidson plant, Miller Park, Milwaukee Mile speedway with it no problem. The graphics were easy to read and the menu was easy to use. I'd spend the money for one of those as opposed to a laptop with GPS. We did the laptop gps route last summer and it was a pain! Although it may have been the MS Streets & Trips software that caused problems, too many errors.


Dude, you really don't need a GPS to find the Sears Tower. :pat::yankchain:
Now, as Paul harvey says, the rest of the story.

The unit he has retails for $1200, he bought it for less than half. He is a consultant that works in Italy while his family maintains a home near Chicago. He uses it to get around in Italy which makes it well work the money to him. I told him I'd buy it used (at a greatly discounted price) from him when he gets his next one!

I'd rather use the Garmin than a laptop with GPS software mapping. Inputs are significantly easier with the Garmin and having used both I'll take the Garmin over the laptop.

dz: My $4 Walmart Rand McNally map works fine for me too!

Kwiens said:
dz: My $4 Walmart Rand McNally map works fine for me too!

I have to laugh, I'm starting to sound more like my father every day.

Every once in a while it will hit me how lazy I have actually become, and not evern realize it. God, can't remember the last time I actually used a topo map and compass and HAD to use it.

Technology sure is changing things (again, sounding like my old man).
My verizon phone with gps works great, and I get to use it for only 9.96 a month plus air time..........but IT downloads the maps, then I disconnect and at major turns etc it will reconnect. Of course once you get on an interstate you only need to know when you get off the road where to go.

Works good for me in small towns too.