so I guess you are not going back to a PC anytime soon?
In a few weeks, you will become a Mac zealot and will wonder why has taken you this long to switch. All the people that I know that have switched are still scratching their heads wondering why they used a PC for so long.
Congrads. I am jealous of your new toy ... ah hem.. I mean .. computer. Let me know when you decide to install Windows XP on that thing. ha ha.
btw... are the new Intel iMac completely quiet?? Other then the hard drive. I mean.. you can't hear a CPU or power supply fan.. right? Its amazing the difference after using a desktop PC for so many years and going to a silent Desktop. You think it should be making more noise then it does and when you go back to a Desktop PC again, the humm.. really starts to bug you.
I assume the CPU fan kicks in only when you are running something really CPU intensive for a long time... like ripping. right?