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Anybody agile, or ever been?


I used to climb trees like a scared monkey and rock climb as well.
Now going up the stairs more than once in a 5 minute span and i have to rest.
Heart problems and asthma took a lot out of me.
Arthritus is bearable though.


I posted this on a codger /geezer forum
Lotsa interesting replies

I've never been agile
Thus, at 73, don't think I ever will

Even in high school football practice
Never could drop and roll....and roll back up on two feet
I'd crouch down
flop over
get on my knees somehow
and grab a lean tight end, and climb up him

When I met my wife, she could bend over backwards and touch her palms on the floor
I found that rather attractive


Anybody still agile?
Like do squat thrusts?

Or are we all half petrified geezers,geezerettes, and youngish folks?
I used to be able to touch my toes both sitting and standing. I could still do it.
Um...also limbo and twister.
Put my head on my legs and touch my toes.
I do not know what else