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Any winter campers out there?

When I was in AK, I carried a short Winchester Model 12 with 3" '00' and slugs. Don't remember much about the slugs, but the name 'Brenneke' (sp) comes to mind. I had a Remington 870 available to me as well, but I preferred the grip on the Model 12 and you could hold the trigger back and fire as fast as you could pump it. I don't remember the 870 being able to do that.

Although I encountered bears constantly, I never had an aggressive confrontation. Probably because I never surprised one and always got the heck out of their way. These days, in the lower 48, I carry a Continental Arms .45acp. I figure I have more to fear from two legs than four.

Just looked it up, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brenneke_slug
Had a bear problem one time while out duck hunting. I had my 12 ga. pump loaded with #3 steel shot when that bear came out of the woods running towards me. Had no time to think..........just started blasting at him.

Every see that movie "The Great Outdoors" starring John Candy and Dan Akroid? Well, theres now a bear out there in the woods up here like the one in that movie with a bald head and a bald butt.
Wish I had a program like that when I was in High school. Sounds like you a Bob Pierce have alot in common with back country camping. I must admit that takes a special person to go and do that type of outdoor activity! Shows character. Have any pictures from back then? I know its not likely but it never hurts to ask.

Here's a few I found in my archives. Sorry, they're in black and white.........was also into the photography club and we could only do black and white at the time.

taken on our two week canoe trip in the spring

my winter survival shelter (I described earlier how the survival trips went)

me on the left and my survival partner(an exchange student from Argentina) on the right. Who would have thought a guy from argentina would come all the way up here to spend a few days out in the bush with no food and a clear plastic tarp as a shelter:smileywac
Looking at the first pic a bit further and I think that was on a fall thanksgiving trip and not a spring trip due to the snow on the trees and brush. If that's the trip I'm thinking of, I woke up one morning with half my sleeping bag hanging out of the tent covered in about 3" of snow! There was a thin layer of ice forming on the lake we were on. I wound up flipping my canoe(a couple of us we horsing around ramming into each other with the canoes on a narrow stream) and getting a mild dose of hypothermia in the process.
Well .... If you got the guts we could do the 100 mile trip from Elk City to Darby Montana . I hear it is incredible . It goes right through the Selway Bitteroot wilderness area . I have packed into the Selway and hunted this area when I was younger and you better be damn tough to try it . My two partners chickened out after one day and headed out . I think that was the maddest I have ever been . Needless to say ,I never hunted with them again . The huntin can get damn good when you hike in 25 miles .
I'd like to compare notes on how cold you can take it, how long you can stay out, experiences with gas fuels in cold, pack weight, best gear, and stuff like that.

I prefer winter camping to escape the bugs, people, and heat. I have had military arctic survival training, so the snow doesn't scare me, desert does, so :letitsnow:
You definatly forgot your snowshoes/
You definatly forgot your snowshoes/

The heck I did! The first picture in this thread shows the snowshoes stuck in the snow between the tent and the backpack. I think my mess kit was just in front of the snowshoes, but they stick up above it. I actually have them in my truck right now. I'll get a picture of them and some of the rest of my gear and post here shortly.

I guess I must really be a snow nut; I'm in the middle of the Navajo reservation right now, mostly desert, and I have cold weather gear with me!
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Thats sounds like one hell of a trip! I want to run this Trip we are going to do first in the summer and get it all plotted on my GPS units. Figure camp sites ect ect. Maybe even stow some wood away????

BUT that is a great sounding trip.
The heck I did! The first picture in this thread shows the snowshoes stuck in the snow between the tent and the backpack. I think my mess kit was just in front of the snowshoes, but they stick up above it. I actually have them in my truck right now. I'll get a picture of them and some of the rest of my gear and post here shortly.

I guess I must really be a snow nut; I'm in the middle of the Navajo reservation right now, mostly desert, and I have cold weather gear with me!

Ok , Now don't get all festy I looked again and still didn't see them. If you say you got then thats good. One never know when your going to get dumped on big time. I have done more than my share of winter camping . As a Boys Scout Master and with the Army.
Bob in your pictures in post #1 what tent are you using? Looks like an Arctic tent.

NorthFace 2-Person Mountain Tent. It is four-season, though I only camp in one of them! :snow2_smi: Has a gear loft, front and rear entries, rain fly with a vestibule, and a couple of spongie thingies between the rain fly and outer wall to keep condensation from forming inside.
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I used to carry a shutgun when I was in AK. Down here in the lower 48 I take a 45. Strapped to my back in one of the first pictures is a tape measure beam (Uda-Yagi) antenna built for 121.5MHz, not a shutgun.
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My type of winter camping would be something like this :

Olga ,my 28 year old Blonde Swedish female guide :5boobs: , looked over her mixed drink of hot Vodka as she sat by the camp fire ,admiring the Kristi SnowCat Man who tended the fire . Her green eyes gleaming from the reflecting flames of the fire ,told the "Kristi Man" in unspoken words that she longed to be with this snowcat man .
She had previously guided a hairy Snot Trac owner ,on the trip before , who had insisted on wearing short pants, Hawaiian shirt, and thongs and bringing along a buddy who squeaked alot . They had looked like someone who might sell candy to children . She was repulsed by the thought of them.
But here tonight , in all his glory, stood a man , a Kristi Man , A Man of Men and she had hopelessly fallen for him . She loved his smile and funny jokes as they sipped their drinks . It was not like the "knock ,knock Jokes" and farting :fart2: that the hairy man's goofy friend with big "Mouse Ears" had kept doing the entire last trip out into this winter wonderland . Boring......

As they retired to the tent for the night ,her feelings overwhelmed her and by morning the snow had been melted for a 10' radius around the tent , from all that heated passion she had released upon him .

But alas , He was a "Kristi Man" and she knew no woman or Snot Track owner would ever control him or have him completely . He kissed her cheek ever so gently and bowed ,before turning to go ,heading for his beloved KT7 .
She watched in awe as he disappeared over the snowy ridge , his wavy hair blowing in the wind and the determined look of self confidence that only a Kristi Man could have as he ventured out to save the befuddled Snot Trac owners of the world ..............

So if we can arrange a trip like this ....... I'm in !!
My time spent in Las Vegas wasnt all a loss. I met some very interesting people. They also had some very interesting female friends who were quite interesting and attractive. They happen to be employed at various times by these friends of mine. I could arrange for that uhmm fantasy? To come true if you want. Even for a Kristi "man".:yum: It would cost alot more but never the less can come true.:rolleyes:
I do appreciate the offer there , Snot Track man .
Once I got married there's only one gal in my life and by my side now . And God willing she will be there, till I leave this old snow covered earth .

You see , the Winter camping story was true and that gal is now my wife . I changed a few things . Name , Blonde hair for brown . 26 years old instead of 28 .From Switzerland instead of Sweden .A 4x4 Dodge Power Wagon instead of a Kristi Snowcat .

But be assured, it's her . The luckiest thing that ever happened to this ole Kristi Man and I give thanks to the good Lord every day that she is part of my life .
Wait a second. Thats not the story she told me????? Well it is clear though that you two are still newly weds! Or at least act like it. Its a good thing it was a Dodge Power Wagon and not that Krusti or that spark just might not of happened!
MSR Denali Classics. I wasn't too sure these cheap plastic-looking things would be any good. I am more familiar with the curved stick/tube with webbing versions. But these have really surprised me.


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My preferred camp chow. Usually tastes very good. Has an inner plastic bag containing the freeze dried that you pour hot water into. Then you put a little cardboard lock over the neck of the bag and shove it into the aluminum-lined outer bag to cook and rehydrate. After a few minutes, eat it straight out of the inner plastic bag. With this scheme, you need only carry utensils and a pot for boiling water...no plates.


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A little HT I carry. It's a general AM/FM/WFM receiver from 500KHz to 1GHz and transceiver for 2M and 40cM, unless mod'ed. :) I use it for weather reports, SW listening at night, and if necessary I can contact HamSats for help.


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