Je Suis Charlie Hebdo
When I was in AK, I carried a short Winchester Model 12 with 3" '00' and slugs. Don't remember much about the slugs, but the name 'Brenneke' (sp) comes to mind. I had a Remington 870 available to me as well, but I preferred the grip on the Model 12 and you could hold the trigger back and fire as fast as you could pump it. I don't remember the 870 being able to do that.
Although I encountered bears constantly, I never had an aggressive confrontation. Probably because I never surprised one and always got the heck out of their way. These days, in the lower 48, I carry a Continental Arms .45acp. I figure I have more to fear from two legs than four.
Just looked it up,
Although I encountered bears constantly, I never had an aggressive confrontation. Probably because I never surprised one and always got the heck out of their way. These days, in the lower 48, I carry a Continental Arms .45acp. I figure I have more to fear from two legs than four.
Just looked it up,