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antique power event, Oregon


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Just having a friendly discussion with them while we waited for the parade to start.


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The trac did really well in the loose gravel on the parade route. Much less on the grass.

As I was explaining the variator steering to one guy, another man standing there said that's "bull $h1t These brakes do the steering." Didn't even try to argue...


Active member
Originally Posted by PJL View Post

Found this on the interweb. Pretty cool listening to all 5 engines almost in sync.


looks like it takes two to drive them.

I think is more difficult and more complicated to synchronize all the people (Drivers and the men - hand on the plow, than the 5 engines.


300 H and H

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Finally got my Snow Trac and Hart Parr moved back home. I had a difficult time with a de-teachable low boy trailer, as I did get backed into it straight and it moved the neck on the back of the Semi tractor, so it was at a slight angle to the trailer. Waisted half an hour alone, when it would have taken a few minutes with a spotter to direct me...

The Hart Parr got fussy on me and would not start like it normally does. and when that happens with a 500 cubic inch two cylinder you start with a crank, it is never good. Sore I am tonight.... Turns out it was the points in the magneto that were the culprit. My back and shoulders were the recipient of the pain lol... :unsure::unsure:

The Snow Trac was a champ, ran great, drew lots of attention as it always does... :smile:

It takes a lot of work to put on these types of shows. Some how we equate this with FUN :th_lmao:

Glutens for punishment we appear to be.... :bolt:

Regards, Kirk


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in the Parade.


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And on a fun note: the evening of setup two tractor drivers got it trouble. Seems they were having a drag race: Lamborghini vs Porsche.
The Ferrari tractor behaved.

I thought they should clear the parade route and let them have at it for a couple of laps anyway.

Pontoon Princess

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pretty darn sure, you were a very popular with everyone, and always had crowd around to hear the tall tales of snow tracs in the wild.

Kristi Kt-4

Any pics of the Russell traction engine??? That has a governor belt and could possibly be belted up to a thresher/sawmill! :hammer:


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There are probably some. But, I don't have any. Several people posted video on youtube about the event.

Pontoon Princess

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mr cider 'snow trac' tom,

are you ready for round 2?

the weather is looking to be cooler and almost prefect

be on the look out for crazy people wearing Zoe A T-shirts


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Ready for this weekend.

Also going to be in the car show at the Junction City Scandinavian Fest on the 12th.


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Addicting isn't it? :thumbup:
You done been bit by the "bug" hard! LOL! :smile:
Regards, Kirk

Don't know about that. I have my doubts that I will be at next years Steamup. and the scandi car show may not work out either, but it is close enough and I was asked nicely to show.

300 H and H

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Don't know about that. I have my doubts that I will be at next years Steamup. and the scandi car show may not work out either, but it is close enough and I was asked nicely to show.

Having shown a Snow Trac in a part of the country that they are nearly extinct in, I have to say people, lots of them want to ask me questions about it. Both men, and some women, find them attractive, perhaps some one at Matchbox toys did as well lol... Like them or not Snow Trac styling was the best in the industry in the day. They have a timeless quality about them that few snow cats have. :thumbup: I have to wonder if your honest with yourself, the styling is why you wanted one.:wonder: The VW thing was icing on that cake..

It doesn't seem to matter what kind of show the Snow Trac goes to around these parts, Steam threshing, a tractor show, or a Car show, you can tell it brings enjoyment to a certain kind of soul, the one who doesn't seem to care much about the temperature outside, no matter the time of the year.. They are out there, and I am one of them!

Regards, Kirk

Pontoon Princess

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Great seeing so many of the group today. And no, I didn't drink any koolade.

and Cider Tom's very lovely, smart and wonderful Mother was seen drinking the koolade, pretty sure she will seal the deal for a lifetime supply of orange koolade...


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hey,a summer meet. think it will work???

Summer GTG's work really well and fun. the stress of needing to get the machine done is not present. you can just eat drink and be merry....

and of course lean on snow cats with no expectations of mechanical failure.


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Getting to see your machine up close was a treat. very stout, well prepared machine there. to you picture lovers, I was too busy chatting to take anything worth sharing.

Great seeing you keep up the great work.