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Announcing my short-term goal.

OkeeDon said:
I don't get it.

It was a bumper sticker that came out while Clinton was in office after the scandals with Jennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinski, etc.
B_Skurka said:
It was a bumper sticker that came out while Clinton was in office after the scandals with Jennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinski, etc.
OK. sluts I get, but where do whores come in? Or is it simply another cutesy exaggeration by the dirty-tricks right wing because "whore" rhymes with "Gore"?

How childish. Just what I expect from the party of hypocrites.
I suppose many people would suggest that a 'slut' and a 'whore' are synonyms. I don't think it is dirty-tricks. I do think all this type of stuff, by both sides, is childish. And while I won't defend the hypocrites of the right, I hope you are not suggesting that the left isn't full of the same!
  1. A vulgar promiscuous woman who flouts propriety: baggage, hussy, jade, slattern, tart2, tramp, wanton, wench, whore. Slangfloozy. Seesex/asexual.
  1. A woman who engages in sexual intercourse for payment: bawd, call girl, camp follower, courtesan, harlot, prostitute, scarlet woman, streetwalker, strumpet, tart2. Slang hooker, moll. Idioms: lady of easy virtue, lady of pleasure, lady of the night. See sex/asexual.
  2. A vulgar promiscuous woman who flouts propriety: baggage, hussy, jade, slattern, slut, tart2, tramp, wanton, wench. Slang floozy. See sex/asexual.
B_Skurka said:
I suppose many people would suggest that a 'slut' and a 'whore' are synonyms. I don't think it is dirty-tricks. I do think all this type of stuff, by both sides, is childish. And while I won't defend the hypocrites of the right, I hope you are not suggesting that the left isn't full of the same!
To me, the difference is extreme -- one is wanton and promiscuous, the other is wanton and promiscuous for payment. A slut is a slut regardless; a whore may well be a lady when not engaged in professional activities. A slut is a slut just because she is; a whore is not necessarily a whore without payment.

Of course, as some have commented, for better or worse, my forte is words. I'm one of the few who understood exactly why it was important to define what "is" is. Words have meanings; the reason why there are so many different words is because one is better suited in certain situations than another. The fact that words may have come into common use as synonyms is usually because of ignorance. I think you understand that as well as I do.

I suppose that's one of the reasons I feel such kinship with Clinton; he and I are both wonks. I only wish I could be so smart. And, obviously, I can't stand to be on the same planet with someone who says "nucular" and, "It's hard work. That means you have to work hard. And we are. Working hard. At it. [boyish grin and aw-shucks shuffle]"

Now, as for the sluts, Clinton had his weakness. He was still a great President. I'm not discussing my weakness, although it's not sluts, booze, drugs, gambling or any of the more obvious ones. I'm willing to bet you have your weakness, too, although I don't want to know what it is. However, I'll also bet that it doesn't affect your ability to run your company.

Am I suggesting that the left is not as bad as the right? Well, yeah, I am suggesting exactly that. Think about it. No doubt Bush has his weakness, also, and I bet if we turned loose a left-oriented Ken Starrr (if such a thing exists) and $40 million, we'd discover what that weakness is. But, I've never heard of the left even contemplating such a thing. Even Nixon was given a chance to resign. The left understands how much an impeachment would hurt the nation; the right simply doesn't give a shit, if they even gave it a passing thought.

It's difficult to find the left engaging in petty name-calling. Of course, the left doesn't have mindless jerks like Limbaugh and O'Reilly. The left has a few who have tried to match that level, but no one on the left takes them seriously, while the right marches to the cliff like lemurs behind the right-wing clowns.

I'm certain the left has engaged in dirty tricks, but they're a hell of a lot more subtle about it than breaking into the opponent's headquarters. Generally, the left throws more intellectual monkey wrenches, like Robert Byrd's encyclopedic knowledge of Senate rules. In frustration, the right just gets meaner and sillier.

I will admit that Hillary engaged in just a little of the pettiness when she referred to Bush as the "Alfred E. Neuman of politics", but on the other hand, it's pretty hard to argue that she's wrong...

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Snowcat Operations said:
Both parties are full of crap half the time. Of course these last few years its been the DEms who smell the Worst!
Oh, c'mon. Scooter Libby, Tom DeLay, Jack Abramoff, and those are just the ones from the last few weeks. FEMA and Michael Brown, Haliburton, WMD, Abu Graib, CIA leaks, Social Security "Reform", Mission Accomplished, it goes on and on and on and on...

...of course, like Bush, you can't see it...

What ever happened to the trail of dead people left behind from the Clinton Administration? What ever happened to Hillary Clinton's ex-partner's papers that she stole from his office when he so called committed suicide. Those are the papers that were found in the Clinton White House. That's the ex-lawyer partner of Hillary's that shot himself in the head using his wrong hand. From what I recall, his car keys were also found 100 yards from the body. The Clintons have a trail much longer than Bush will ever have. Dead people don't talk. Bush may act stupid and look stupid. At least he hasn't left any dead bodies that can bury him. What ever happened to the Chinese Company that leased the port in Cali that brought in the full-auto AK's that were used in the big Cali bank robbery under the Clinton Admin.? This was a Clinton deal. It hit the news for one brief moment and was buried very deep. Not another word was on the news about it. Clinton coverup or what? He authorized that port lease to China. Both parties suck bigtime. There really should be some kind of control on these elected officials. Pork projects that are so full of bullshit it stinks. I'll give you my vote if you give me 3 million to restore so and so's house in my state. I'm truely sorry for getting off on a tangent here. But this country IS in a world of shit.
JimR said:
What ever happened to the trail of dead people left behind from the Clinton Administration? What ever happened to Hillary Clinton's ex-partner's papers that she stole from his office when he so called committed suicide. Those are the papers that were found in the Clinton White House. That's the ex-lawyer partner of Hillary's that shot himself in the head using his wrong hand. From what I recall, his car keys were also found 100 yards from the body. The Clintons have a trail much longer than Bush will ever have. Dead people don't talk. Bush may act stupid and look stupid. At least he hasn't left any dead bodies that can bury him. What ever happened to the Chinese Company that leased the port in Cali that brought in the full-auto AK's that were used in the big Cali bank robbery under the Clinton Admin.? This was a Clinton deal. It hit the news for one brief moment and was buried very deep. Not another word was on the news about it. Clinton coverup or what? He authorized that port lease to China. Both parties suck bigtime. There really should be some kind of control on these elected officials. Pork projects that are so full of bullshit it stinks. I'll give you my vote if you give me 3 million to restore so and so's house in my state. I'm truely sorry for getting off on a tangent here. But this country IS in a world of shit.
See my response to Dargo when he raised these same stupid non-issues. The Clintons never killed anyone. The fact that you even mention that kind of crap shows how misinformed you are.

OkeeDon said:
To me, the difference is extreme -- one is wanton and promiscuous, the other is wanton and promiscuous for payment. A slut is a slut regardless; a whore may well be a lady when not engaged in professional activities. A slut is a slut just because she is; a whore is not necessarily a whore without payment.

It may be an age thing, or perhaps a regional thing, but whore does not imply payment for sex in this area. It seems to be used as a descriptive for any loose woman. "Bar whore" is a woman who gets drunk at bars and has sex with some 'lucky' guy, no payment needed, etc. . .
JimR said:
It is a constant battle of bullshit and fighting between them

My view is that International Coorporations are running the government and just use the Dems. vs Rep. as a puppet show to entertain us and keep us(the people) divided. (Divide & Conquer) Why are we paying people to spend our money.. bastards.
B_Skurka said:
It may be an age thing, or perhaps a regional thing, but whore does not imply payment for sex in this area. It seems to be used as a descriptive for any loose woman. "Bar whore" is a woman who gets drunk at bars and has sex with some 'lucky' guy, no payment needed, etc. . .

In our area Bob is exactly right, if your talking money then prostiture is added or Hooker.
B_Skurka said:
It may be an age thing, or perhaps a regional thing, but whore does not imply payment for sex in this area. It seems to be used as a descriptive for any loose woman. "Bar whore" is a woman who gets drunk at bars and has sex with some 'lucky' guy, no payment needed, etc. . .
Huh. I've heard of whore houses, but I've never heard of a hooker house, prostitute house or slut house. You say, "whore house", and everyone instantly knows that it's a place where you pay for sex.
Don, like I said, it may be an age thing or a regional thing. But sluts and whores are pretty much interchangable terms now, in this area. What it was like years ago, or what it is like in other areas, I do not know.

But the bumper sticker "Clinton, one more whore . . . " did not imply prostitution to me.
OMG!!! :eek: Don't tell me that you also believe that O. J. and Robert Blake are also completely innocent as well! They took their cues directly from Clinton and found that with enough money and power, you can almost be completely above the law here. I fear that it is you who have been completely bullshitted and blinded of the truth. Clinton is widely regarded as the most corrupt president our country has ever seen! He "ruled" by intimidation and with a criminal fist using his goon squad. I will never convince you either, but please tell me that you don't fall for the "they are not in jail so they are innocent" BS crowd.
Your right Don, The Clinton's didn't kill anyone. There just seems to be a big trail of dead people all the way back to Arkansas that was somehow linked to them. I've never seen any proof that they didn't die from strange circumstances, including Hillary's ex law partner. That was all over the news. Hey Don, save your vote for Hillary. She is running for the hot seat. Dargo's list is quite good. He missed the AK's though. That is and was not bullshit either. They were brought in through the Chinese leased port in Cali. If all these facts are lies. Then how come the Clinton's haven't seud for libel? Just like the stories about John Kerry in Vietnam. If they weren't true, how come he didn't sue those guys for libel? He surely has the money to do it.
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kensfarm said:
My view is that International Coorporations are running the government and just use the Dems. vs Rep. as a puppet show to entertain us and keep us(the people) divided. (Divide & Conquer) Why are we paying people to spend our money.. bastards.

Kinda like watching "24". Who really runs the country?
JimR said:
Your right Don, The Clinton's didn't kill anyone. There just seems to be a big trail of dead people all the way back to Arkansas that was somehow linked to them. I've never seen any proof that they didn't die from strange circumstances, including Hillary's ex law partner. That was all over the news. Hey Don, save your vote for Hillary. She is running for the hot seat. Dargo's list is quite good. He missed the AK's though. That is and was not bullshit either. They were brought in through the Chinese leased port in Cali. If all these facts are lies. Then how come the Clinton's haven't seud for libel? Just like the stories about John Kerry in Vietnam. If they weren't true, how come he didn't sue those guys for libel? He surely has the money to do it.

Don doesn't have any problems with the Clintons or the goverment killing people - as long as they are just citizens, (from another thread):

The folks at Ruby Ridge and Waco came out of the same stripe as the folks who blew up the Oklahoma City building. They deserved to be brought under control. If their own resistance to law enforcement activities resulted in their death, then they asked for it. Their end proves my point about privately owned weapons; you'll never have enough and can never beat the government if the government is determined.

Even if the Clintons did not kill any of the people that JimR has pointed out they did kill the people at Waco and Ruby Ridge. But I guess that was ok - I think Randy Weaver's wife was threatening the FBI agents with baby poop or something like that when they shot her in the head.
The story about Ruby Ridge started out with an undercover Fed asking RW to make him a sawed-off shotgun. That was just the beginning. Then they attacked and shot the kids dog before even making it known that they were there or telling anyone that they were the Feds. RW's son not knowing who shot the dog opened up and killed a Federal Agent. The sniper that killed RW's wife paid a dear price for his screwup.

You can put the blame on Waco, Tx. to Janet Reno. She took the fall for that one. That was a big joke if you ask me too. All the firearms that the Davidiens owned were legally owned. I hate to say that the FEDS got in over their heads on this one and had no business doing what they did there. The officers that lost their lives died for no reason. They took their job to a police state level which is not legal in the US. They should have gone to the compound in a peaceful way instead of starting a war with them.
Announcing my short-term goal.

Sell Amway to all you yahoos, retire, then buy a private island and live happily ever after....

Sounds just as plausible...:moon:
humor_me said:
Announcing my short-term goal.

Sell Amway to all you yahoos, retire, then buy a private island and live happily ever after....

Sounds just as plausible...:moon:

Somebody's doing it and making money as the company is still in business.
OkeeDon said:
The rest of your jibes and claims are mostly opinion, and I know I can't change your mind, so I'll ignore them, But, if they're based on the same information as this claim, then I seriously doubt your ability to judge him at all.

I doubt your ability to judge him as well Don. You seem to be blind to the fact that the North Korean nuclear menace is directly related to Clintons policy to that country, as well as the fact that China now has the rocket propulsion technology to launch a nuclear strike against the United States. That is unforgivable of any president, yet you choose overlook it.

As to the Reps and Dems, the gap has narrowed such that I see little difference between the two. The Reps have turned into Democrat lite with similar social policy and the desire only to be reelected. If Bush was a Dem, he would be lauded by the left for his spending as well as praised for his decisions on Iraq. The only difference in who supports who, it seems, is if there is a "D" or an "R" after the name.

Another general comment on this subject is this concept of "anonymous voting". I have never understood this. Why not proclaim who you vote for and why? What point could there possibly be to keep this information to yourself, unless you are for some reason ashamed of who you voted for?