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And you wonder why I fight AT&T every single month


Like a bad penny...
Now enough people have complained like me and AT&T has been busted on intentionally overcharging on bills. The proof is there that they overcharge 100% of the time and no instance has ever been found where they undercharged.

AT&T overcharging up to 20 million people each month.

Be sure to watch the video. It's interesting to see independent 3rd party labs verify this overcharging and state that AT&T does if every single time and NEVER undercharges. Unfortunately, now that I have half of my business with Sprint, and some with Verizon, neither of them are any better. AT&T, Sprint and Verizon steal from you on each bill every month. They always take it off, but WHY do I have to waste time and call and complain about being overcharged each month? It's not just what is shown in this article either. There are several ways they steal from you.

What pisses me off is, if they need to charge more for the service, just freaking price it where it needs to be! Stop the low life stealing!! Gees, they are almost as bad as the airlines anymore.
For everyone like you, there're a good half dozen who just cut the check, b*tch about it, but do nothing. They're glad to refund you the difference because they still make plenty on the Silent Lambs.

Have you notified the FCC??
Back in the mid 80's I had almost two years of free service from Verizon. Each month from the very first bill, the bill was wrong...always in their favor. I would call and bitch profusely for them trying to screw me, and would be given a free month of service for my inconvenience. This pattern continued for almost two full years, with only one or two months of accurate billing, when I finally got out of the contract and went to the next dysfunctional cell provider. It's incumbent on the customer to scrutinize each and every line item on the bill. I've been with Sprint for almost two years, and each and every bill has been identical.
My AT&T bill has always been right. I've not had a problem with them. Actually I've been very satisfied with AT&T. We have gone over on our minutes a couple of times due to extreme circustances (house burnt down, Dad was sick and in ICU for 40+ days) and when I would call them, I would explain the circumstances of why we went over and they would give us a credit for the overage. I give AT&T a big thumbs up!!!! OK, how about just a thumbs up because I still think they are too expensive - especially for the data plans.
My AT&T bill has always been right. I've not had a problem with them. Actually I've been very satisfied with AT&T. We have gone over on our minutes a couple of times due to extreme circustances (house burnt down, Dad was sick and in ICU for 40+ days) and when I would call them, I would explain the circumstances of why we went over and they would give us a credit for the overage. I give AT&T a big thumbs up!!!! OK, how about just a thumbs up because I still think they are too expensive - especially for the data plans.

Since I do have AT&T, Sprint and Verizon, I will say that AT&T, IMHO, does have the best customer support when they screw you. All ratings put AT&T dead last; well at least every rating I've seen. Using all 3, I would probably say that if I had to just pick 1 company, due to their better customer service, it would be AT&T. Verizon makes you wait on hold forever and implies that it's your fault. Sprint, oh my, they are by FAR the worst when it comes to customer support!! This is by a LARGE margin. Count on being stuck on the phone for a couple of hours and being totally pissed when you get off because they completely blame you or simply say "yes, there have been some issues in your area" and leave it at that; refusing to compensate you any for their inability to provide the service for which you are paying!