They have gotten lots of snow over in the Wallowa Mountains and the Joseph, Oregon area over the past week or so. So snow depths we should be in good shape. There are hints that there may be a little warming that is going to happen so down in the lowest elevations of town could get a little mushy during the day and freeze up at night. So as of right now, we will be doing the higher elevation events like we did last year. Salt Creek Summit and Mount Howard. To keep us in the freezing zone.
Event Days Details:
One day we will be doing Salt Creek Summit loop which is a several mile adventure. Roughly 10 miles of fairly easy terrain that normally provides a scenic (if clear) views of Hells Canyon, The Seven Devil Range in Idaho, the Wallowa Mountains and valleys below. Also have several different meadows and play areas along the way. This seems to be a group favorite.
Another day we will be unloading our cats near the Ferguson Ridge Ski area at an elevation of about 4,500 ft to make the climb to the summit of Mt. Howard of about 8,500 ft. If weather cooperates this will provide stunning views of the Wallowa Mountain Range and Wallowa Lake below. This trip is a little more challenging, steeper, and a fairly narrow road in spots.
The order the events we try to plan around weather.
The third day we like to leave open as far as what we will be doing for our adventure/location. Just in case we have a breakdown from previous days and have to use that time for recovery (has happened before). If recovery is not needed, third day adventure will be determined at the event.
For pictures and videos of last year's event which includes Salt Creek Summit and Mt. Howard check out this forum thread. Will give you a pretty good idea of what we do. Many people shared pictures etc.
Get the Oregon Snow Park permits for parking! If you live in Oregon, grab one now. If you are traveling to Oregon, and happen to stop somewhere that sells them, grab one. If for some reason you cannot find one on your way in, there is a store in Joseph called The Sports Corral that usually sells them but they only carry so many. One year, they ran out. Just a heads up.
Feel free to reach out with any questions!
If you are from Idaho or California and have a park and ski or sno-park permit for that state you do not need an Oregon sno-park pass.
Oregon Department of Transportation : Sno-Park Parking Permits : Oregon Driver & Motor Vehicle Services : State of Oregon
Information on sno-park permits