Hi Doug
Sorry if you took offense - I realize you did not accuse anybody of being a homophobe, I just think the word itself is misused and is frankly not the correct way to describe somebody who may not agree with much of the gay rights / homosexual agenda. The word gets used by the PC/gay rights crowd because it pigeonholes those people as being anti-gay in such a way as to make them seem like "haters" - as if not agreeing is somehow a psychological problem.
The part of homosexuality that I disagree with the most is the politicization of it. I think once you open the door of sexual politics you are asking for trouble. As soon as I heard about the gay marriage thing getting thru the Mass. courts I said - just wait legalized polygamy is next. Sure enough, recently I have seen numerous editorials from different people pointing out that the legal precendents have been set now to make polygamy legal.
read the second story down the page:
It bothers me that the expansion of so called "gay rights" has basically piggybacked their way on the civil rights and women's rights movements which I feel were making totally different - very valid - arguments. I think the comparison is pretty simple - if I am a person who is inclined to discriminate against somebody based on race or gender I do not have to know anything about them to start discriminating against them. I can see a person thru binoculars at two miles away sitting quietly in a chair doing nothing and discriminate against them simply by the way they look. The person I am seeing may be smarter than me, have more money than me, be a more moral person than me , whatever - I can discriminate purely based on skin color. The argument for women is pretty much the same but based on gender instead of skin color.
On the other hand I would have no idea if a person was homosexual or not in most cases if not for their behavior. You could be a 50 year old balding white guy wearing a suit on the subway and give absolutely no indication that you were a homosexual and suffer no discrimination because of it until you displayed the behavior.
So the problem I have with homosexual politics is that the discrimination they fight against is based on their behavior - not their race or gender. Behavior is changeable - race and gender are not. Civil rights and Women's rights fought for the end of discrimination based on something that was unchangeable. Gay rights essentially fights for the right to display their behavior in any way they please - and that behavior is both changeable and hideable. There is no getting away from being black or being a woman - it is a possibility to get away from being a homosexual just by changing or hiding your behavior.
The human race has always discriminated against certain behaviors - stealing for example is usually against the law - and this is a behavior. Behaviors always have consequences - many people feel that the consequences of homosexual behavior are bad - and this is why they are opposed to it.