Re: And now for the "Rest of the Story"
Noon, -20 and blowing. The minus 20 part isn't so bad, but throw in a bit of wind and things get tough. Visability is about 200 feet. If I don't finish this entry it's because they declared "Phase 2" and we will all have to Convoy back to the Camp.
SO... I like to start stories out with So because English teachers hate it! Still a bit of the Rebel left in me from my high school days.
So this guy in Texas, employee of a certain Government Environmental Protection agency that we will leave UnNamed(Not the EPA), calls up his college buddy who is in Prudhoe and works for the same agency, and starts grilling him about the Oil operations up here. In the course of their conversation it comes to light that he has generated an article about the alaska oil operations but hasn't published it yet. So the guy in Alaska, who as previously stated, also works for the same Federal Agency ask's his college buddy in Texas to send him a copy of what he wrote. They FAX it through. After glancing over the material the Fed in Prudhoe calls his buddy in Texas back up and convinces him NOT to publish just yet. He further makes all the proper arraingements to have his buddy flown up to Alaska. He arrainges a local Native Pilot that is fimiliar with the Prudhoe area to fly the guy all over the "Slope"(Nickname for Prudhoe). One of the things they were looking for was where the previous winter a major Ice Road to a new development site had been the previous winter. But it's summer and even the experienced Native Pilot can't find where the Ice road was. The Government guy goes back to Texas and tears up the article, seems his little tour of what Really happens here changed his whole outlook on Alaska and it's Oil Companies. And I got the story "Straight from the Horses Mouth", from the college buddy/Federal Government Guy here, so it's likely that it hasn't been too embelished.
But this isn't what usually happens. I have seen on TV and in major Newspapers, articles that had practally no truth in them, and generally they were generated by people that had never been to Alaska. Prior to working here I had no Idea that the 'media' was guilty of so much false reporting. Recently a major news reporting channel showed pictures of an environmental event that happened at another time and place IMPLYING that they were pictures of a Current event which was unrelated. And all this with NO disclaimer.