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A Husband’s Guide to Supporting an Aging Wife


Bottoms Up
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US Navy Veteran
Vietnam Veteran
Platinum Patron
A Husband’s Guide to Supporting an Aging Wife
Gentlemen, as women get older, housekeeping becomes more challenging for them. When you notice this happening, try to be patient. Some women can be a little oversensitive, and let’s be honest—there’s nothing worse than an oversensitive woman.

My name is Rob, and let me share how I’ve handled this delicate situation with my wife, Carol.

A few years ago, when I retired, Carol had to take on a full-time job in addition to her part-time job. The extra income and health benefits were necessary, and I, being the supportive husband I am, fully encouraged her.

Shortly after she started working, I began to notice she was slowing down. By the time I got home from a long, exhausting day at the golf club, she would come in from work looking a bit worn out. Even though she knows how hungry I am, she insists on resting for half an hour before starting dinner. But do I yell? Of course not. I patiently tell her to take her time—just as long as she wakes me up when dinner is ready.

Since I usually have lunch at the Grill at the club, eating out in the evening isn’t an option. I expect a good, home-cooked meal, and I let her know that. Back in the day, she would do the dishes right after dinner, but now, they sometimes sit there for hours. I help out by gently reminding her multiple times that dishes don’t clean themselves. I can tell she appreciates the motivation.

Another sign of aging is complaining. Carol has mentioned how hard it is to find time to pay the bills during her lunch break. But, fellas, we take them for better or worse, right? So, I offer solutions. I suggest spreading the bill payments over two or three days—no need to rush. And, as a bonus, I remind her that skipping lunch every now and then might help with her figure. Tact is one of my gifts.

She also seems to need more breaks when doing simple tasks. Just the other day, she had to rest halfway through mowing the lawn! I didn’t make a fuss. I told her to treat herself to a big, refreshing glass of freshly squeezed orange juice—and while she’s at it, she might as well make one for me too.

I know I probably sound like a saint with all this patience and encouragement. And I won’t lie—most men would struggle to be as understanding as I am. Women can get frustrating as they age, but if even one man reading this learns to be more patient with his wife, I’ll consider this article a success. After all, we’re put on this earth to help each other.

Rob passed away suddenly after publishing this letter. The coroner’s report confirmed the cause of death as a perforated rectum. Police found him with a Callaway extra-long 50-inch Big Bertha Driver II golf club lodged in an unfortunate location, with only five inches of grip showing. A sledgehammer was found nearby.

Carol was arrested and charged with his murder. The all-woman jury deliberated for only nine minutes before delivering a Not Guilty verdict, accepting her defense that Rob, somehow, accidentally sat down on his golf club.