

Master of Distraction
Staff member
They're looking well fed right now. I think they've been staying out of my yard so it can can get nice and lush for their winter time dining pleasure.

Right now the moles are my number 1 enemy. These guys are only number 2 until the fall.
Bone . . . those are deer! They are 4 legged forest creatures that are often admired in Disney cartoons, and the scopes of hunter's rifles. They are often considered the bane of farmers and gardeners. Not to be confused with "dear" which is what you say to your wife and it follows the word "YES" and usually admits your ineptitude. :poke:
B_Skurka said:
Bone . . . those are deer! They are 4 legged forest creatures that are often admired in Disney cartoons, and the scopes of hunter's rifles. They are often considered the bane of farmers and gardeners. Not to be confused with "dear" which is what you say to your wife and it follows the word "YES" and usually admits your ineptitude.

:yum: :yum::yum: :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum:


I think Bob got you good. damn that made me laugh, will have to give Bob points for that one.

But in all seriousness I don't think that is an ocean in the background but a valley with a creek and a hill on the back side. :yankchain:
thcri said:
will have to give Bob points for that one.

Dang it, Bob I gave you bonus points last and now I can't give you more until I spread it around some. Bone, I will give them to you then.

:yum: :yum:

That small crik (as they say in Warshington) is the Columbia River (aka "the gorge").

I'm just above the Gorge Scenic area and have a pretty good view of the gorge.

Yes, I'm proud of my view. It's the best part of where I live. The house is pretty unremarkable.

The deer herd is up to around 8 this year. It has been growing rapidly over the last three years. I think it will be at least 12-13 next year.

Too many bambi lovers around for me to do anything about it.
BTW - I've trapped 8 moles in the last three weeks. Woo Hoo!

I still have five traps out. I want to get 10 before the end of next week!
thcri said:
:yum: :yum::yum::yum: :yum: :yum: . . . damn that made me laugh
I do it to amuse myself, but I'm happy to provide the service to others who enjoy it. :tiphat:

thcri said:
Dang it, Bob I gave you bonus points last and now I can't give you more until I spread it around some. Bone, I will give them to you then.
Someone has to be the 'straight man' for my humor and I'm sure that is the first time anyone called Bonehead 'straight' in a long time :yankchain: :hide:
OK, OK........har de har har har. Bobby made a funny.:yankchain: As for the straight comment, weren't you the one that was talking about running off giggling like a little girl?:sex:

Back to the topic. Yeah, great view. Although around here deer are looked at more like vermin than amimals to be admired. Too bad as they can be cute, except when I see them taking out some of my plants. That's when I wish I had Big Dog here with plenty of ammo.
BoneheadNW said:
weren't you the one that was talking about running off giggling like a little girl?
no, No, NO . . . I was screaming like a little girl! There was no giggling involved. :whistle:

And I call them 'rats with antlers' when they show up in my garden.
There were two more but the picture I took sucked. (Not enough caffeine yet - too jittery - yes caffeine "balances" me.)
B_Skurka said:
. . . but damn you have some nice views!

Yes, the views are especially good this time of the year.

Here are three to the south (including my neighbor out mowing his mole hills:D ).
One to the east. Then of course the reason I won't post pictures of the house at the moment is the following picture of what it looks like under the deck. :o
Yeah, we have them $*#)!_( things around here by the hundreds too. They've caused millions of dollars in damage to vehicles that hit 'em on the road, wrecked quite a bit of hay, eaten gardens, you name it. And North Dakota cut back on the number of deer permits they're issuing for some areas. Sheesh!!!!:finger3 f