ARCTIC CHALLENGE I have this friend back east named John. He won this violin off some "bad-ass" dude in some type of competition. It's
REAL Gold!, Not solid, just "Leaf". He says: "Hey Lyndon, you work up on the slope with a bunch of Texans don't you. ( About one in five North Slope Oil workers is a Texan). If you should ever run into a guy named Charlie Daniels why don't you give this to him. He earned it, and I don't play it very much anymore. Now I Snow Board and play my guitar" And let me tell you John is good at both, Snowboarding and Guitar!
Anyway here's the challenge: You Researchers on the South Pole at McMurdo and Scott Base, You Canadian Ice Road Truckers, and You US Armed Forces Cold Weather Unit dudes: Come on up to Milne Point. We'll play a little
If I was a "Bett'n Man" I'd be putting my money on the Milne Team. Our Insulators, Scaffold builders, Tin Knockers, Mechanic's, Welders, Electricians, Carpenters, Surveyors.... are up to the challenge. Those Surveyours on that thread about:" 500$ @ hour job, must be fast on your feet", that are playing tag with a Real, Live, Polar Bear, those are
OUR Surveyor's! Come on up, we'll take your money!