Neighbor issues ~ I feel no need to call return my neighbor's call


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
About a week ago my next door neighbor was out mowing his lawn. He was mowing along our joint property line.

I showed up with a friend (yes, I have one), a truck and trailer and a 500 gallon diesel fuel tank. Friend and I unload the fuel tank and set in in place adjacent to the driveway that leads to my workshop, about 20 feet from the corner of my workshop and about 30 feet from my property line. My neighbor never stops mowing, but he obviously sees what is going on, he's only 30 or 40 feet away from me during this process.

Neighbor goes inside. My friend comments that the neighbor never waved, stopped to chat, etc. Comments he must be odd.


I am outside at the south edge of my property (our joint property line) watering the lawn. I see him drive in and out a couple times, he can't miss me.


My wife tells me that she got a message from the neighbor that he wants me to call him about the fuel tank?

So today I am outside working. I'm putting "rust reformer" on the fuel tank so that I can paint it. The neighbor's garage door goes up. His garage door is 65' away from where I am working. He and his little dog come out of the garage, he sees me and takes the dog back inside, closes the door.

So I hear from another neighbor that this guy is pissed off that I put a fuel tank on my property.

OK, well I didn't think it would make me popular, but there are 2 large pine trees blocking part of the view from his house to my tank. I also plan to paint it a nice green color. I also have purchased a half dozen evergreen bushes (5 to 6 feet tall already) to plant around this thing to make it almost invisible from most directions (except from my workshop). And there is already a large (non-evergreen) bush blocking much of the view from the road.

My question is, if he is not man enough to simply talk to me when I'm out there, why the hell should I show him the courtesy of calling him back? This is the same neighbor who called an yelled at my wife because I was shooting on my yard and MISTAKENLY claimed my bullets were landing on his property. And this is the same neighbor who for quite a while believed that about 1 acre of my property belonged to him (I showed him otherwise in a very nice way). And this is the same neighbor whose driveway crosses about 6" onto my property at the corner of his drive and who I told "don't worry about it."

So now my wife wants me to put up a 6' privacy fence from behind my workshop back to the woods. Doing so would effectively reduce "his perceived" back yard by about 1/3 of its size. I've always let his daughter play across the property line and I've always let him use that part of my yard freely when he has parties, etc. Heck I can't even see that part of the yard from my house because of woods and terrain.

My daughter says he is so angry because my workshop is almost as large as his house and actually looks nicer!

PHOTO 1 BELOW: A view from the upstairs of my workshop toward the neighbors house. You can see the torn up ground for my new septic. My property extends to the left side of that septic area past the first large tree in the yard to nearly the second large tree. My property line actually crosses the back corner of his driveway --photo is deceptive because his drive angles toward my lot and the rear and away from my property at the street.

PHOTO 2 BELOW: A view during construction/expansion of the workshop. You can see a Spruce Tree and a tall Aborviate on the far left. The fuel tank now sits in front of those so they block the view of the tank from his house. Several more evergreens will be planted to more fully obscure the view of the tank.​

I don't interact with my neighbors. I didn't move their to become their friends. I'm 'friendly' but not anyone's friend. I just live my life and go about my business. Does he really have any reason to bitch? There is no law being broken, no other issue, etc. My wife is pretty much of the opinion that we should build "THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA" along our property line because she thinks the guy is a creep.


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If you can easily afford it, I would follow the wife's thoughts. He can't bitch about what he can't see.
Nope, unless there is an ordinance against it, you are well within your rights. I would just ignore the idiot myself. Or else, find something truly offensive to set on my property right behind his house. But then again I'm somewhat of an a**hole.
I like the wife's idea and about 4 inches inside your line. When he starts clipping the fence while pulling in and out of his driveway sue him for the cost of the fence ....................... :shifty:
Well some people have suggested I move the tank to a more visible place, paint it white with black spots and then paint a cow's udder on the rear and weld a tail that blows in the wind on the udder side too.

I'm not trying to cause problems. It seems no matter what people do this guy will complain about it.

I'm actually kind of happy in a sadistic sort of way that this guys other neighbors on his south side have taken up shooting. The twin boys are now old enough to go out in the back and shoot and so on weekends when I'm not pulling the trigger the boys may be out there (with their dad) shooting. So their are now shooters on both sides of his property.

I like the wife's idea and about 4 inches inside your line. When he starts clipping the fence while pulling in and out of his driveway sue him for the cost of the fence ....................... :shifty:

Oh, the wife actually said to run the FENCE right over the corner of his drive.

I am far more tolerant of this neighbor than my wife is.
I'm not trying to cause problems. It seems no matter what people do this guy will complain about it.

I think you have it in a nutshell there. If he doesn't like the fuel tank, HE can build a fence on HIS dime. I'm presuming none of the other neighbors have objected to the tank.

Here's how I would handle it if I were him and didn't like the tank: I would amble on over and just ask about the tank. You would explain your plans to paint it, how you were going to hide it with the shrubbery and trees. I think I could be satisfied that, in time, I wouldn't be looking at your "eyesore" and things would be cool!

But, I guess he ain't me.

I wouldn't return the call. He ain't man enough to talk to anyway. :whistling:
Big Fence and a big row of trees and all will be good. If you can't see him and he can't see you then who cares what the other one thinks.

Nobody likes change.
Well some people have suggested I move the tank to a more visible place, paint it white with black spots and then paint a cow's udder on the rear and weld a tail that blows in the wind on the udder side too.

Hey, you got something there...

Paint the tank like a cow, put a tail on it and point it at his house so all he can see is cow shit production side... Then pile a bunch up there for "Curing" until you use it in the garden....

That would look great and let the rest of the neighbors know what you think! He wants to be an ass, then let him look at one....:yum:
If you put in the fence, clean the corner of his drive off your property while you're putting in the footings.
I think you have it in a nutshell there. If he doesn't like the fuel tank, HE can build a fence on HIS dime. I'm presuming none of the other neighbors have objected to the tank.

Here's how I would handle it if I were him and didn't like the tank: I would amble on over and just ask about the tank. You would explain your plans to paint it, how you were going to hide it with the shrubbery and trees. I think I could be satisfied that, in time, I wouldn't be looking at your "eyesore" and things would be cool!

But, I guess he ain't me.

I wouldn't return the call. He ain't man enough to talk to anyway. :whistling:


If he complains no matter what you do or don't do, just do what you do and tell him "tough doo-doo."
Put up a nice natural border fence with multi-flora roses. If he gets too close to your line he will be scratching the hell out of his vehicle and he sure won't be wandering over the line for very long. 2 years and you won't even see his place from yours!:clap:
Copulate with him and feed him fish heads. I think that would leave no doubt in his mind how you feel.
Well we would put up the fence so that it would contain our dogs. I've got decorative aluminum fencing up on various parts of the property, but my wife has suggested a nice two tone Tan/Beige 6' vinyl privacy fence because his house is two tone Grey/White. It would contrast nicely :whistling:
wouldn't it be a good idea to see what he wants?
He already indicated to my wife he wants to complain about my fuel tank. He just wants to do it on the phone instead of in person.

It was actually comical today when I was out there painting the tank with primer and he came out, saw me, and went right back inside. He didn't even give his dog time to take a leak.
Me, being the asshole I am, I would invite Brent down for a day of target practice the automatics.

Otherwise, there area people in the world that you are not going to keep happy, no point in trying.
but my wife has suggested a nice two tone Tan/Beige 6' vinyl privacy fence because his house is two tone Grey/White. It would contrast nicely :whistling:

The lovely Mrs Bob has a mean streak, doesn't she????? :yum::yum:

As some others have said, I'd ignore him and go about my business. What does he want to discuss about YOUR diesel tank on YOUR property. He'll die young with all that pent up anger and frustration.
Forget about building a fence.
Why not build something akin to Stonehenge surrounding your property?
It would go nice with that big stone head thing Mrs.B bought you for the pool area.
Oh, and make sure you celebrate the 4th of July with lots of bottle rockets, have a bacony bbq that smells divine and set up a large fan on your property to purposely blow in his direction.
Then get out all the guns and shoot to your heart's content whilst playing Nugent tunes... loud..
Paint the diesel tank a nice shade of neon yellow..
Ever thought about raising some livestock ? It looks like a good place to put a nice long hog pen . A nice LOUD rooster is always a nice added touch too. :whistling:

Might start with a few T posts and start stringing some wire fence along the property line . Never know he might just decide to build a wall himself . :wink:
If you're upwind from him you could get goats to keep the grass down or build a chicken coop... both smell real fine on a hot Summer day. A couple of peacocks would also be a nice touch. They are fucking annoying when they get to "talking" with each other.

If the asswipe wants a fence, let HIM build it and maintain it.:hammer: I think you've been nicer than most neighbors, and this guy is just one of "THOSE" neighbors that you can never please. If he hides when you're outside, I'd spend more time outside.:brows:
The lovely Mrs Bob has a mean streak, doesn't she????? :yum::yum:

She does indeed, and Melensdad might be wise to er... heed that. lol.

Seriously tho, her wishes need to be taken into account also, since she has to live next door to them too; and bulding a wall between the two properties, with whatever medium, or color tone is the sensible and practical solution on all fronts. Everyone is happy... If he doesn't like the color of it on his side, then he can easily grow something that trails along it.

He'll die young with all that pent up anger and frustration.

Yes. Its silly and extremely immature of him not to have at least spoken about his concerns; all this could have been sorted out just by some sensible communication.
I agree with your wife. Build the fence and take off the corner of the driveway while you are doing it.

This reminds me of a couple of stories of Monica's family. First her parents had a chainlink fence up so they could let Monica's dog out to use the bathroom. The neighbors complained the fence was 15' on their property line. So after listening for awhile, Monica's parents had the properties surveyed. Turns out the fence was wrong - 15' feet on their own line. So they then immediately had the fence moved 15' feet farther out. Neighbor wasn't happy about that one.

Second is her uncle "Bud". He owns several acres including some in front of a "flag" lot. The lady on the flag lot was complaining about something on Bud's property. His backhoe or something. Anyway, Bud got pissed and someone was giving away an old in really bad shape house trailer. Bud put it on the back of his dump truck and pulled it home. Parked it right in front of the lady's new (at that time) house on the flag lot. It is behind Bud's 2 garages so he can't see it and it is in unzoned county/township land so they can't make him do anything about it. He has let the grass grow up around it pretty well so it is full of creepy crawly creatures too. Not far from the property line and not far from her front door. Guess the lady got her wish, she can't see his backhoe or whatever it was any more. I've been married to Monica for almost 12 years. It was there when I married her and it is still there now.
HEY !!!! Bogus Bob S. never walked away from a gun fight in his life !!! He is not about to start now !

Now DO THE RIGHT THING !!! Strap on a sidearm and go and talk with the man . I am almost positive that he is going to have a change of mind and assure you that he has no problem with the fuel tank even if you paint it Bright pink !

Problem solved ........You're welcome:flowers:
First her parents had a chainlink fence up so they could let Monica's dog out to use the bathroom.
Monica's dog has a bathroom outside? It's amazing what some folks will do for their pets. Is it a full bath or half bath?:doh::yum::nopics:
Monica's dog has a bathroom outside? It's amazing what some folks will do for their pets. Is it a full bath or half bath?:doh::yum::nopics:

Yep, it was 8x8 with hot and cold running water, a drinking fountain, and a miror to make sure his fur was in the right place as he was about to chase the stray cat.:yum:
So this afternoon the neighbor is out blow drying his driveway which runs along our joint property line.

I come out to paint the fuel tank (primed it yesterday with "Rust Reformer"). I turn on the sprinklers for the newly sprouting grass and pull out the newly acquired gallon of Behr Premium Ultra paint that I had mixed for me earlier today. A lovely flat evergreen color that should blend in nicely with the surrounding greenery. Get my supplies and set up. The neighbor is now blow drying his tractor. He can't help but see me. Walks into his garage and closes the door.

15 minutes later the door opens and he drives away. Not a wave or nod or even a look across the property line (I was looking for one).
So this afternoon the neighbor is out blow drying his driveway which runs along our joint property line.

I come out to paint the fuel tank (primed it yesterday with "Rust Reformer"). I turn on the sprinklers for the newly sprouting grass and pull out the newly acquired gallon of Behr Premium Ultra paint that I had mixed for me earlier today. A lovely flat evergreen color that should blend in nicely with the surrounding greenery. Get my supplies and set up. The neighbor is now blow drying his tractor. He can't help but see me. Walks into his garage and closes the door.

15 minutes later the door opens and he drives away. Not a wave or nod or even a look across the property line (I was looking for one).

Classic passive aggressive behaviour. I'll bet he calls some local authority (if he hasn't already) to complain about something on your property. I loath those kinds of neighbors.:hammer:
So am I not allowed to have a cow sculpture on my lawn made out of an old junk tank :whistling: